#123 “Blind Leading the Blind”
So… they’ve found a door. One of Many. Get it?
Cause at Halloween there’s lots of doors, and Terminus has been searching for this very specific door! Eh? Eh?! Bah.
Chapter titles, man.
PATREON Support the comic?
Brandon, is that moss & lichen growing on THE DOOR (dum-dum-dum duummm) from neglect and disuse or just somebody’s poor taste in decoration?
It’s moss and lichen, of some sort due to time and disuse.
Then I’m happy it’s not your doing [grin]
(posted to another thread in error) sowwy!
there are magical creatures who’s lives are developing in front of our eyes and people want to know about the stuff in the background….I LOVE IT!
I don’t know why there would be more doors in Nox at Halloween (a human custom that Shadow didn’t know about until Tim explained it) than at other times. And we already know that there are many doorways (portals) in Nox leading to various other places.
I admit, though, that this seems to be the first actual DOOR so far portrayed as existing in Nox. Everywhere else, if a doorway had anything in it at all, it was just a curtain of one type or another. I do note that this particular door looks like it needs two Aegis to be opened –so maybe the guy who wrote the book that Terminus has, when he found the door, was alone and could not open it (and then could not find it again).
So, is the “greatest mystery of the age” the location of the door, or is it something about the unknown whatever that is behind the door?
Looks like I quoted wrong; the correct quote is:
“greatest problem of our age”
most recently stated in #112 ( /?comic=112-all-in-due-time <–append that to the website name)
Brandon, as I write this, #112 is not in "Archive Chapter 03".
I’d wager that door was sealed for a very good reason, but these two are power/fame hungry idiots so they think it’s some great treasure.
Then I’m happy it’s not your doing [grin]
“…I don’t know why there would be more doors in Nox at Halloween (a human custom that Shadow didn’t know about until Tim explained it) than at other times…”
That’s because The Veil Between Worlds is thinnest and most easily crossed at midnight on All Hallows Eve (whether Tim or any other human) is aware of it or not. There are other times (and some specific locations) too but I’m not at liberty to disclose any of them to the uniniated.
Is this based on the idea that smaller shadows work on Halloween? Given they use shadows as doors and there wouldn’t necessarily be more shadows on Halloween, I can’t think of anything else to connect what you’re saying to this universe.
inurondo asked;”… Is this based on the idea that smaller shadows work on Halloween?…”
perhaps the Wards that are put up by certain religions (i believe Wiccan and some old asian religions have “anti-demon” wards for an example) weaken on all hallows eve causing Cracks that Noxian Doorways can link to?
Only Brandon knows for certain where Noxian doors locked by aegises (count them TWO-that’s serious lockage!) may lead to. I’m thinking volcanic magma chambers.
Do Noxians perform {non-}human sacrifices?
Lil princess acting like a lil’ princess. Nothing to see here folks !
That door however, intrigues me.
-Guys, it feels like something’s in the air…
I schmell Payday reference!
I think whatshisface is smart enough to be interested in power rather than money. Besides, do they even use money here?
i’m curious if my guess is right on this, that Door needs both a male and female Aegis to open. if you look back at the times we’ve seen a male and female one you’ll notice the Cracks are mirrored, much like this door’s cracks.
looking back i’m wrong about them being mirrored, however i am correct about the Two different aegis types partially matching up with the Cracks on the door.
Red seems to feel that she’s not getting anywhere and that her life seems to have no purpose or meaning.
Particularly since she lost to Shadow on the Aegis ranking.
As discussions have been focussing on Aegis:
We know that male and female Noxians do have different Aegis.
We also know that their Aegis give access to certain pathways to the human world.
Shadow doesn’t like closets at all.
So: Are the male Noxians the “monsters in the closets”?
Bingo! I haven’t had the opportunity to properly explore this yet, but soon enough I’ll find a way!
How could i’ve been so blind, you sir are a genious Klorix
A blind man may sometimes hit the mark.
This thought popped up in my mind the moment Tim and Shadow came out of the closet, way back.
Of course I didn’t know about male Noxians then and noticed the different Aegis only some time later.
I suppose this explains why they are seperate in nox cuase theres no point in getting with a guy whos “come out of the closet”. sorry bad joke couldn’t help myself.
So, Brandon, if it’s only male Noxians “in the closet”, might that be an explanation why a proprortion of female Noxians are so atttracted to human males?
So does that make this dual doorway for a Murphy bed? /s
I guesss that would depend on if the closet needed to be closed or open? Thou is that technically a cloest if the only thing it stores is the bed?
Ack! Spoiler by the author! Bad author!
That the male monsters = closet monsters has been touched on before in the comments.
He’s just confirming it.
I see, said the blind man to the deaf guy.
Don’t follow a blind man you’ll end up following him into a pit
I have a bad feeling about that door, like it leads to someplace that will spell trouble.
Brandon I’m sure you getting used to being “A doored” by now but making jokes like that is criminal. It would be an open and shut case against you and we would have to lock you up and throw away the key. See thats how to make a door joke I hope it wasnt to Jarring? Yeah thats right puns for days bro puns for days.
You’re suck a doork.
E Pluribus Unum.
How about having Red meet Tim and get a huge crush on him and try to take him away from Shadow.
A part of me is actually more interested in the stories and lives of Nightmare and Moonlight rather then the main couple.
Remember what Mortis did to Terminus?
Mortis: (slams Terminus into a wall and holding him there, claws raised to strike) Shut your damned, fool mouth- Right. Now. That one is off-limits! Do you understand?
Me thinks Terminus is NOT to be trusted and Mortis knows that. Nightmare doesn’t. Me thinks Terminus needs Nightmare’s direct cooperation to open the vault.
In other words: Nightmare is about to have a Hanse Event (Frozen reference) with Terminus I think. He is going to betray her exactly when he gets what he wants from whatever is behind that door.
What I hope is that if Nightmare isn’t going to die here, she is will get character evolution and development thanks to such heart shattering event..and maybe more non-antagonistic interaction with Shadow.
I know this is a romance story but I can dream about more peer-to-peer social contact, right?
What odds that THE DOOR (Dumm-dumm-dumm DUMMM) is a one-way portal which opens into the back of Ruth’s kitchen fridge?
Terminus and Nightmare eat everything in sight and are discovered in the morning huddled together in a compromising position (for mutual warmth) surrounded by cookie crumbs, chicken bones and pizza crusts.
Photos are taken and presented to Lord Mortis & Lady Moonlight. terminus & Nightmare lose all social status and are exiled to New York, Brisbane or Glasgow (which already have closet and bed monsters).
“… He is going to betray her exactly when he gets what he wants from whatever is behind that door….”
Bets on whether she betrays him first (she’s just that kind of monster, after all.)
..and you completely missed the point.
Of course.
Did you consider that may NOT have been accidental?
Nightmare is a “Princess” and a Spoiled Brat. She may grow out of it, but I doubt it.
Agreed. She cannot grow out of it. Correct. She can only get RIPPED and TORN out of it.
Or she could have it…. Terminated.
…What? SOMEONE had to!
Why so harsh?