At a guess, it requires the aegis not only of the “top of class”, but also they must be placed on the door by their righteous owners. That would mean that not only would Nightmare’s aegis not work, but that stealing Shadow’s wouldn’t work either. She’d have to place it there herself.
In the context of this discussion, it’s not any leap of faith to say that Lord Mortis is very likely to have to add one name to his “butts I have to get medieval with” list.
In a related theme, there was a speculation in the previous comic’s comments that the 18-year-old Tim and Shadow could open the door, except now we know they can’t, because Tim’s Aegis is from the Sisterhood, not the Brotherhood….
Huh. Truth be told I didnt even realize they had distinct designs, and Termites isnt really that visible in any of these pages. I had to go all the way back to 112 to get a good look. Reminds me of the old laser tag starsensors.
So, puzzle it out. Hm. Outer casing is cosmetic, denoting guild, while the internals are the same? Kind of like a shield is a shield but mine would have my family coat on it. You said Moonie hands them out, so the only legit way of him getting one would be to seriously impress her, perhaps by performing some great service to either the sisters or to Nox as a whole? Or it could be more of Blackhearts meddling whether or not she is actually Ruth. With her shipping Tim and Shade so hard, it seems logical she would supply him the means to visit her, just as she is helping Shadow blend in with the human world.
“Figure that one out.”
Well, one easy “figuring” is for Nightmare to get killed as a result of the current sequence of events. That would make a spare Aegis available for someone else…even if it takes years (we have no data about when Tim acquired his Aegis).
I did see that Tim’s Aegis is from the Sisterhood and I am also pretty sure that it’s not that of Lady Blackheart.
Because, if I remember correctly (I’m too lazy to check), Lady Blackheart’s Aegis has been marked with a claw or something, probably to make it recognizably that of an outcast (much like they did with the insignias in Naruto). On the other hand, Tim’s Aegis seems undamaged.
For the time being, I am inclined to follow the Ruth/Blackheart theory, which would make Tim a half-breed and descendant exclusively of the Sisterhood, resulting in him getting a Sisterhood Aegis.
For the normal Noxian child, there will always be a male and female Noxian genitor. Therefore, the child sex automatically makes it a member of the Brotherhood for boys or Sisterhood for girls. (BTW, I am not saying “parents” on purpose, because I am under the impression that the respective guid leaders take care of this role, regardless of the genitors.)
Judging from her cringing it would seem that handing over her Aegis would be a bit of a big deal. And it is looking more and more likely that rule of drama will require Shadow’s Aegis, but will this be a Halloween adventure or will it take them time to track her down.
“I’ll show you”… thats never a good thing to hear someone say when investigating strange ruins, that should be your first sign to run. “Whats the worst that could happen” would be the second.
Everybody thinks her reaction is because it will drop her skirt. I’m wondering, is handling another monsters aegis some kind of social taboo? I mean, if its linked to them in some way, it could be a really personal thing to do?
It’s because he is from the opposite faction as her, and he is asking for something specifically meant for her alone. Moonlight can inspect them all she wants, since it’s her guild. She’s the leader. She doles out the Aegises in the first place!
We have seen that they really react to sugar. So…. there is a doomsday stash of Twinkies behind that door that will bring ruin to the Noxian way of life. It would be like giving everyone a bag of cocaine.
It occurs to me that a bit of storyline inconsistency could happen if Brandon isn’t careful. We know from #112 ( /?comic=112-all-in-due-time <–append that to the website name) that Terminus and Nightmare are taking "walks" among the ruins, probably one walk each waking period. We also know (from #113 and #116) that the Nox waking period corresponds with nighttime hours for the section of Earth where Tim lives. We also know that for Tim, Halloween evening has just begun, which means the Nox waking period has also just begun.
Therefore this particular walk among the ruins could only be tiring for Nightmare if the time-frame for this comic is "set" well after Tim and Shadow left his house (hours after? –see the "forever" Nightmare claims in the previous comic, #123). A short walk would place this door so close to the entry into the ruins that it should have been easy to find (they've been looking for at least a week).
What I'm trying to point out is that for Tim and Shadow, quite a lot of stuff could have happened while trick-or-treating, before the events in this comic happen.
And now for the irony: If Brandon reacts to the above msg, then we might not see what is behind the door until comic #150! (We’ll be seeing Tim/Shadow stuff for a bunch more comics)
Well then, whatever horror they unleash shall run back through the door screaming in fear at the thought of facing a young female Noxxian on a sugar high (with plot armor) And Shades tummy and aegis shall both be full of goodness.
The “forever” comment is because she is bored and is very unhappy that her time is being wasted. Just like finding the book in the library, that story and Shadow and Tims story are happening at the same time. Different people doing different things.
Nightmare could certainly be upset about the waste of time. After all, Shadow is out there scoring lots of fear-points, while she has been walking among ruins, scoring zilch. Terminus really needs to come through with his earlier promise that this discovery will (in essence) make Shadow’s fear-score irrelevant.
It could also be she was hoping for more “distractions” during their dungeon crawl. Not environmental or adversarial, but more of the ones that are “inter-party.” :b
i notice, that he’s asking for her aegis, instead of telling her where to put it, so he either doesn’t actually want to share whatever he thinks is behind the door, or he doesn’t want her to see what’s waiting for her behind the door before he gets her inside.
Or he secretly does have a tiny, well hidden soft spot for her and wants her safely out of range when he cracks the seal on that thing.
WHAT? It COULD happen!
The worst that could happen? This comic ending. That’d be terrible.
At a guess, it requires the aegis not only of the “top of class”, but also they must be placed on the door by their righteous owners. That would mean that not only would Nightmare’s aegis not work, but that stealing Shadow’s wouldn’t work either. She’d have to place it there herself.
Maybe thats why he is asking nicely for her to hand it over willingly?
Nightmare isn’t the best anymore, therefore her aegis won’t work anyway.
At least according to my THEORY as stated above.
In the context of this discussion, it’s not any leap of faith to say that Lord Mortis is very likely to have to add one name to his “butts I have to get medieval with” list.
In a related theme, there was a speculation in the previous comic’s comments that the 18-year-old Tim and Shadow could open the door, except now we know they can’t, because Tim’s Aegis is from the Sisterhood, not the Brotherhood….
Time is male. His aegis would therefore be male-oriented, if thats even a thing.
Actually, Tim’s Aegis is the ‘lightning bolt’ design of the Sisterhood. Figure that one out.
If the Blackheart/Ruth theory is true than she gave him her old Aegis.
Huh. Truth be told I didnt even realize they had distinct designs, and Termites isnt really that visible in any of these pages. I had to go all the way back to 112 to get a good look. Reminds me of the old laser tag starsensors.
So, puzzle it out. Hm. Outer casing is cosmetic, denoting guild, while the internals are the same? Kind of like a shield is a shield but mine would have my family coat on it. You said Moonie hands them out, so the only legit way of him getting one would be to seriously impress her, perhaps by performing some great service to either the sisters or to Nox as a whole? Or it could be more of Blackhearts meddling whether or not she is actually Ruth. With her shipping Tim and Shade so hard, it seems logical she would supply him the means to visit her, just as she is helping Shadow blend in with the human world.
How interesting. Just like his childhood T-shirt. I wonder who would have chosen that design
“Figure that one out.”
Well, one easy “figuring” is for Nightmare to get killed as a result of the current sequence of events. That would make a spare Aegis available for someone else…even if it takes years (we have no data about when Tim acquired his Aegis).
Helloooo hand-me-down
I did see that Tim’s Aegis is from the Sisterhood and I am also pretty sure that it’s not that of Lady Blackheart.
Because, if I remember correctly (I’m too lazy to check), Lady Blackheart’s Aegis has been marked with a claw or something, probably to make it recognizably that of an outcast (much like they did with the insignias in Naruto). On the other hand, Tim’s Aegis seems undamaged.
For the time being, I am inclined to follow the Ruth/Blackheart theory, which would make Tim a half-breed and descendant exclusively of the Sisterhood, resulting in him getting a Sisterhood Aegis.
For the normal Noxian child, there will always be a male and female Noxian genitor. Therefore, the child sex automatically makes it a member of the Brotherhood for boys or Sisterhood for girls. (BTW, I am not saying “parents” on purpose, because I am under the impression that the respective guid leaders take care of this role, regardless of the genitors.)
Hm, should have used the word “gender”…
Hmmmmm what could go wrong :
Destruction of the World
Donald drump is president
That are the side effect of oppening the dorr
Cats and dogs living together. Mass hysteria.
For all we know there could be a kinky leather binding playroom behind that door.
The viewers over at G.E can only dream
I hope it’s a big reveal.
If Nightmare’s aegis is holding her skirt, then probably.
Well, she’s technically wearing pants… and no, they won’t fall down. XD
SPOILERS! (Bad author bad,bad!)
Judging from her cringing it would seem that handing over her Aegis would be a bit of a big deal. And it is looking more and more likely that rule of drama will require Shadow’s Aegis, but will this be a Halloween adventure or will it take them time to track her down.
“I’ll show you”… thats never a good thing to hear someone say when investigating strange ruins, that should be your first sign to run. “Whats the worst that could happen” would be the second.
Everybody thinks her reaction is because it will drop her skirt. I’m wondering, is handling another monsters aegis some kind of social taboo? I mean, if its linked to them in some way, it could be a really personal thing to do?
The girls each had no problem handing her Aegis to Mother Moonlight for inspection. And no clothes fell off at that time, either.
True, but that was an authority/parental figure, and something routine, not a peer of the opposite gender alone in some secret ruins.
It’s because he is from the opposite faction as her, and he is asking for something specifically meant for her alone. Moonlight can inspect them all she wants, since it’s her guild. She’s the leader. She doles out the Aegises in the first place!
Lol next comic is going to be interesting interesting to say the least
What if each aegis needs to be held by a person from that guild? I suspect that he’s not going to be able to open it if he’s holding both.
You’re not the only one who thinks that.
Once he gets her Aegis, I foresee him abandoning her when it doesn’t work :/
We have seen that they really react to sugar. So…. there is a doomsday stash of Twinkies behind that door that will bring ruin to the Noxian way of life. It would be like giving everyone a bag of cocaine.
It occurs to me that a bit of storyline inconsistency could happen if Brandon isn’t careful. We know from #112 ( /?comic=112-all-in-due-time <–append that to the website name) that Terminus and Nightmare are taking "walks" among the ruins, probably one walk each waking period. We also know (from #113 and #116) that the Nox waking period corresponds with nighttime hours for the section of Earth where Tim lives. We also know that for Tim, Halloween evening has just begun, which means the Nox waking period has also just begun.
Therefore this particular walk among the ruins could only be tiring for Nightmare if the time-frame for this comic is "set" well after Tim and Shadow left his house (hours after? –see the "forever" Nightmare claims in the previous comic, #123). A short walk would place this door so close to the entry into the ruins that it should have been easy to find (they've been looking for at least a week).
What I'm trying to point out is that for Tim and Shadow, quite a lot of stuff could have happened while trick-or-treating, before the events in this comic happen.
And now for the irony: If Brandon reacts to the above msg, then we might not see what is behind the door until comic #150! (We’ll be seeing Tim/Shadow stuff for a bunch more comics)
I’m aware of the time, and both events are taking place at the same time.
Well then, whatever horror they unleash shall run back through the door screaming in fear at the thought of facing a young female Noxxian on a sugar high (with plot armor) And Shades tummy and aegis shall both be full of goodness.
The “forever” comment is because she is bored and is very unhappy that her time is being wasted. Just like finding the book in the library, that story and Shadow and Tims story are happening at the same time. Different people doing different things.
Nightmare could certainly be upset about the waste of time. After all, Shadow is out there scoring lots of fear-points, while she has been walking among ruins, scoring zilch. Terminus really needs to come through with his earlier promise that this discovery will (in essence) make Shadow’s fear-score irrelevant.
It could also be she was hoping for more “distractions” during their dungeon crawl. Not environmental or adversarial, but more of the ones that are “inter-party.” :b
You’ve been bamboozeled
i notice, that he’s asking for her aegis, instead of telling her where to put it, so he either doesn’t actually want to share whatever he thinks is behind the door, or he doesn’t want her to see what’s waiting for her behind the door before he gets her inside.
Or he secretly does have a tiny, well hidden soft spot for her and wants her safely out of range when he cracks the seal on that thing.
WHAT? It COULD happen!
Behind the door lies cthulhu?