I need weekends like everybody else sometimes too!
After a certain amount of time had gone by working on the comic yesterday (and getting nowhere fast!) I just sort of threw my hands up and washed myself of the notion of finishing it. I wanted to do other stuff before I had to go back to my real job again today.
Dude Finnish this series! This is an amazing story, dont forget to keep it kinky. This is truly an amazing plot i never thought i could want to read something so bad.
Well, girls do tend to ‘figure things out’ a little bit sooner than boys do. There’s also plenty of evidence that Noxians are a little bit more aggressive than humans in general- a bit more primal. Given how happy Shadow was when Tim put his arm around her for the picture, I’m putting my money on her wanting HIM to take the lead.
So is it safe to say updates are every other Monday? Not putting you down, just think it would be good to have an official timetable for future schedule… Sorry.
not really an extra day,I mean,if you start monday it will still take a week(if you have the time) to finish a page.If before you were starting to work a day later after a page had been uploaded then the time between creating these would still be the same.if you finish a page,upload it sunday then start working on the next one on monday then how will updating the site monday and start working on the next page tuesday will make a difference?And if you start working on the next page as soon as you upload another page(highly doubt it) then still nothing will be changed.Of course the only difference this change would make is that of the comic book interfering with your personal life,thus giving you more personal time…man….I really need to shorten my messages…
Huh? No, I start the comic Friday afternoon when I get home from my day job I work at all week, and post the finished page by Sunday. If I change the upload day to Monday, then I’ll have Sunday to also work on the comic, and not have to cram everything into just Friday night and Saturday.
You seem to forget that I have a job that is NOT this comic. I only work on this on the weekends, I’m busy the rest of the week, and this comic eats up most of my weekends. It’s really just a hobby.
easy with the passive-agression Brandon .I did not forget about your real job I just dind’t know your drawing program.But now I do,sooo you are able to create a page in 2 days(most of the times…)?You are awsome!
Also, thank you for your most recent fix, however, if you need a week or so off, by all means do so.
As for the petulant scolds, SJW’s, armchair experts and those suffering withdrawal symptoms, my usual response is that I just smile and nod.
The last group will attend daily, regardless, as for the rest, they don’t count.
As one who has enjoyed your story telling and the story you are telling, like most others, I would sooner it be done well, rather than just dump filler onto a page, or burn yourself out.
Also, if any deprived souls are serious, and/or want a bigger fix more often, then than can be a generous Patron of your patreon page.
Actually, this past month several folks seemed to all up and leave my Patreon all at once, just when I was starting to think I was really getting somewhere. Kind bummed me out, not that I’m by any means not doing well over there. Either way, the comic continues regardless.
I’ll admit, sometimes it feels like I am getting a bit burnt out, though my will is strong and I will not falter. I feel other projects pulling at my strings sometimes that might be some sort of refresher, but alas, there is no time for such untested waters. Also when Chapter 3 is finished (which is… hmmm, soon enough!) I’m thinking of taking a bit of a break/vacation for a month or so, so I can have some time to really nail down Chapter 4 on the writing side of things. Currently there are several gaps remaining in my notes that must be stitched up before I really begin…
That’s a good plan! Fix what YOU feel needs fixing, draft out a few rough pages, just for your own guidance and let us know when to expect “resumption of (fan)service”
“I’m thinking of taking a bla bla bla…BREAK/VACATION”
*Jaw drop*
NOO…(hmmm….maybe I should stop with the “nooooooo: thing…)
Look Branon,my man,don’t get me wrong,we’ve been friends for like forever,only great memories I have with you from our totally real childhood,I definetly know everything about you but I am split(and a little shocked) when I saw this,don’t get me wrong,I mean,one one side I’m “well he does deserve a break to improve the story and maybe,if he feels like it,his artstyle(but I think it’s good the way it is ),so he can bring a better version of this captivating story and artsyle”…but on the other hand I’m like: “NOOOOOOOOOOO”
what can I say?Every one has their talents .As for the comment it’s more neutral than positive or negative about the possible upcoming vacation/break.But if you really want to know if you were praised or insulted,well,80% praised and 20% insulted
Please keep in mind something you wrote into the comic, way back in #31 ( /?comic=31-away-she-goes ), Tim narrating that “Shadow and I have been through a lot!”. If there is any gap in the Chapter 4 story-line that a flashback can help fill in, go for it! Thanks in advance!
And one other thing I’ve partially commented about before: If 12-year-old Tim is a smart kid, and knowing that Noxians have fairly formidable teeth and claws –I can refer to Midnight digging into his hand in #52 (/?comic=52-playing-dirty )– and possibly wanting to visit Nox some day (especially when at age 12 he learned transformations are possible), then he should realize that as a stranger in that place he is almost certainly going to be challenged, and need to know how to fight, possibly in terms of unarmed-combat skills. Sure, humans might have weapons the likes of which Noxians perhaps never imagined, but if disguised as a Noxian he likely can only get away with carrying a few things that are weapons that might not at first look like weapons (brass knuckles, or a garrote, for example, and the best hand-to-hand weapon is just a six-foot stick, the quarterstaff) but the basics of fighting should be solidified, first.
Brandon, LTLFTP;
I have been loving this comic since I found it, and I can’t recall where. Might have been on Funny Junk, Might have been through another comic site that you advertised on? Anyway, it doesn’t matter. I love what you’ve been doing, wish i made more than minimum wage so I could support you on Patreon.
As for the whole, I need a break thing, you do what you have to do to prevent burn out. The fact that you manage to produce such high quality work with only 2-4 days work really speaks to your dedication and skill. There will always be those that say they won’t read it if it’s not updated regularly, and the truth of the issue is, you don’t really need those types of people. They’re the ones that will do nothing but complain.
That being said, I’m waiting anxiously for the next chapter like everyone else. I don’t mind waiting a few extra days for the next chapter if it means the comic is satisfying to read instead of the comic getting a cop-out ending or filler strips. If something comes up that you feel you need to step away for a while, even just posting regular, “Hey, I’m still alive,” posts will keep people coming back.
I’m sure you’ve heard all of this before, so I’ll just close with, keep being awesome, and love the little hints at the identities of characters that we have seen through the entire story.
Most of us know that you need time with your family, etc. Most of us are willing to wait for quality monster goodness rather than have you burn out or reduce quality. The whiners can just go away and leave you and the rest of us alone. Just let us know how things are going.
Brandon,what happened with fanart? I mean the page hadn’t been updated for a long time.I really enjoy seeing other poeple creating art based of your…well…art!
Are you not receiving fanart or you just don’t have time to update it?
I mean i know its fathers day and i didnt really yum expect a new page but the depression is real
Everyone needs a day off. Even comics readers to superheros just needs to lay back and vegie from time to time.
I need weekends like everybody else sometimes too!
After a certain amount of time had gone by working on the comic yesterday (and getting nowhere fast!) I just sort of threw my hands up and washed myself of the notion of finishing it. I wanted to do other stuff before I had to go back to my real job again today.
Hey brandon dont stop with this comic so soon its the best thing i ever seen
Don’t worry!
You actually replied to me and good to know that this piece of art isn’t going to end so soon
Dude Finnish this series! This is an amazing story, dont forget to keep it kinky. This is truly an amazing plot i never thought i could want to read something so bad.
The end may be a year or more away – not this month!
Knew that just wanted enforce him not giving up on it
I have to tell you that the comic is very well raised and taken care of, but do not you think that the love relationship is a bit forced?
Not really, no.
Nope, it actually feels real, not like many other stories I’ve read that reaally force the plot.
I am willing to bet that in the Tim/Shadow relationship, Shadow is the one who would have to initiate it.
She pretty much has at every step.
She came back to him, she made the bargain to help him with his fear, she pushed the kiss…
Well, girls do tend to ‘figure things out’ a little bit sooner than boys do. There’s also plenty of evidence that Noxians are a little bit more aggressive than humans in general- a bit more primal. Given how happy Shadow was when Tim put his arm around her for the picture, I’m putting my money on her wanting HIM to take the lead.
We’ll see. WE’LL SEE.
So is it safe to say updates are every other Monday? Not putting you down, just think it would be good to have an official timetable for future schedule… Sorry.
I’ve considered moving the update schedule to Monday to give me an extra day to work if I need it. We’ll see.
not really an extra day,I mean,if you start monday it will still take a week(if you have the time) to finish a page.If before you were starting to work a day later after a page had been uploaded then the time between creating these would still be the same.if you finish a page,upload it sunday then start working on the next one on monday then how will updating the site monday and start working on the next page tuesday will make a difference?And if you start working on the next page as soon as you upload another page(highly doubt it) then still nothing will be changed.Of course the only difference this change would make is that of the comic book interfering with your personal life,thus giving you more personal time…man….I really need to shorten my messages…
Huh? No, I start the comic Friday afternoon when I get home from my day job I work at all week, and post the finished page by Sunday. If I change the upload day to Monday, then I’ll have Sunday to also work on the comic, and not have to cram everything into just Friday night and Saturday.
You seem to forget that I have a job that is NOT this comic. I only work on this on the weekends, I’m busy the rest of the week, and this comic eats up most of my weekends. It’s really just a hobby.
easy with the passive-agression Brandon
.I did not forget about your real job I just dind’t know your drawing program.But now I do,sooo you are able to create a page in 2 days(most of the times…)?You are awsome!
drawing schedule*
oh an Brandon,if this change occurs…then does that mean I’ll get to see the page on tuesday or thirsday?
(it’s a joke dammit….)
Happy belated fathers day.
Also, thank you for your most recent fix, however, if you need a week or so off, by all means do so.
As for the petulant scolds, SJW’s, armchair experts and those suffering withdrawal symptoms, my usual response is that I just smile and nod.
The last group will attend daily, regardless, as for the rest, they don’t count.
As one who has enjoyed your story telling and the story you are telling, like most others, I would sooner it be done well, rather than just dump filler onto a page, or burn yourself out.
Also, if any deprived souls are serious, and/or want a bigger fix more often, then than can be a generous Patron of your patreon page.
Actually, this past month several folks seemed to all up and leave my Patreon all at once, just when I was starting to think I was really getting somewhere. Kind bummed me out, not that I’m by any means not doing well over there. Either way, the comic continues regardless.
I’ll admit, sometimes it feels like I am getting a bit burnt out, though my will is strong and I will not falter. I feel other projects pulling at my strings sometimes that might be some sort of refresher, but alas, there is no time for such untested waters. Also when Chapter 3 is finished (which is… hmmm, soon enough!) I’m thinking of taking a bit of a break/vacation for a month or so, so I can have some time to really nail down Chapter 4 on the writing side of things. Currently there are several gaps remaining in my notes that must be stitched up before I really begin…
That’s a good plan! Fix what YOU feel needs fixing, draft out a few rough pages, just for your own guidance and let us know when to expect “resumption of (fan)service”
“I’m thinking of taking a bla bla bla…BREAK/VACATION”
),so he can bring a better version of this captivating story and artsyle”…but on the other hand I’m like: “NOOOOOOOOOOO”
*Jaw drop*
NOO…(hmmm….maybe I should stop with the “nooooooo: thing…)
Look Branon,my man,don’t get me wrong,we’ve been friends for like forever,only great memories I have with you from our totally real childhood,I definetly know everything about you but I am split(and a little shocked) when I saw this,don’t get me wrong,I mean,one one side I’m “well he does deserve a break to improve the story and maybe,if he feels like it,his artstyle(but I think it’s good the way it is
You really have a way with words, I never know if I’m being insulted or praised. XO
Keep on keepin’ on Brandon, I’m loving the comic. Though there could be a little more “Fan-service”
what can I say?Every one has their talents
.As for the comment it’s more neutral than positive or negative about the possible upcoming vacation/break.But if you really want to know if you were praised or insulted,well,80% praised and 20% insulted 
Please keep in mind something you wrote into the comic, way back in #31 ( /?comic=31-away-she-goes ), Tim narrating that “Shadow and I have been through a lot!”. If there is any gap in the Chapter 4 story-line that a flashback can help fill in, go for it! Thanks in advance!
And one other thing I’ve partially commented about before: If 12-year-old Tim is a smart kid, and knowing that Noxians have fairly formidable teeth and claws –I can refer to Midnight digging into his hand in #52 (/?comic=52-playing-dirty )– and possibly wanting to visit Nox some day (especially when at age 12 he learned transformations are possible), then he should realize that as a stranger in that place he is almost certainly going to be challenged, and need to know how to fight, possibly in terms of unarmed-combat skills. Sure, humans might have weapons the likes of which Noxians perhaps never imagined, but if disguised as a Noxian he likely can only get away with carrying a few things that are weapons that might not at first look like weapons (brass knuckles, or a garrote, for example, and the best hand-to-hand weapon is just a six-foot stick, the quarterstaff) but the basics of fighting should be solidified, first.
Sorry for my english but this is an awesome comic, continue with the good work.
Thank you!
this comic is so good.. i seem all comic in 1 day and i love it
the story, the art and characters
Pls brandon,
Continues with the comic until the end, since a lot of us hooked with the story and we want to see how it ends
I have a question, what inspires you to write this story,And by the way I love the story as it is
Brandon, LTLFTP;
I have been loving this comic since I found it, and I can’t recall where. Might have been on Funny Junk, Might have been through another comic site that you advertised on? Anyway, it doesn’t matter. I love what you’ve been doing, wish i made more than minimum wage so I could support you on Patreon.
As for the whole, I need a break thing, you do what you have to do to prevent burn out. The fact that you manage to produce such high quality work with only 2-4 days work really speaks to your dedication and skill. There will always be those that say they won’t read it if it’s not updated regularly, and the truth of the issue is, you don’t really need those types of people. They’re the ones that will do nothing but complain.
That being said, I’m waiting anxiously for the next chapter like everyone else. I don’t mind waiting a few extra days for the next chapter if it means the comic is satisfying to read instead of the comic getting a cop-out ending or filler strips. If something comes up that you feel you need to step away for a while, even just posting regular, “Hey, I’m still alive,” posts will keep people coming back.
I’m sure you’ve heard all of this before, so I’ll just close with, keep being awesome, and love the little hints at the identities of characters that we have seen through the entire story.
A Fan
Hehe, thank you very much!
Most of us know that you need time with your family, etc. Most of us are willing to wait for quality monster goodness rather than have you burn out or reduce quality. The whiners can just go away and leave you and the rest of us alone. Just let us know how things are going.
Midnight needs to give him the knee too.
Brandon,what happened with fanart? I mean the page hadn’t been updated for a long time.I really enjoy seeing other poeple creating art based of your…well…art!
Are you not receiving fanart or you just don’t have time to update it?
I haven’t received very much lately, I’ll put it up whenever I do!
Is your address for receiving fansubs still “jiveguru at hotmail dot com” ?
Yeah, that’s right.