That’s not a given. From the way Craig is holding the book in his left hand in panel 5, he might still be holding the book that way in panel 6, but Tim’s shirt (and Craig’s arm) would be hiding it in that panel. It doesn’t look like Craig is actually gripping Tim’s shirt in panel 6 (almost looks like he has two right hands, but I’m interpreting what I see as him still holding onto the book).
Now, if he did drop the book, Shadow could simply pick it up and whack Craig’s head with it….
The book would have to be very small (miniscule!) to be still in his grasp (with Tim’s shirt) in Panel 6. I suspect Craig has released (dropped, lost) the book by Panel 6.
I think it’s available to Shadow and it looks to have metal-reinforced covers which means it will carry a certain heft in Shadow’s hands.
Whack him in the back of the head and THEN rip his face (or nuts) off.
I said I thought Craig was not grasping Tim’s shirt in panel 6. I think he’s simply pushed the shirt a little way up Tim’s body while pushing/holding Tim down against the ground, with book still in hand.
No, not Guardians of the Galaxy, the Incredible Hulk.
Anybody else remember the movie?
Banner: Talbot . . .
Talbot: Yeah?
Banner: You’re making me angry!
Talbot: Oh am I? (Draws back fist.)
I’m sure you all can figure out what happened next.
I predict Midnight shall be our ferocious heroine of the night!
Pissed off caise Craig the egg ripped up her stockings and hurt her precious friend Shadow!
The 3 then proceed to tie him up with a sock in his mouth, making Shadow wonder if she can have the other one.
Then its off to score enough candy for all 3 to have stomach aches until Thanksgiving!
Summons Cthulhu
Nice knowing this piece of meat.
Its a trap!
Ahh f####k! These damn cliffhangers man! I wanted to see how much blood there will be…
OK. Before the trip, the book is in his hand. After the trip, the book is not visible. Where did the book go?
That’s not a given. From the way Craig is holding the book in his left hand in panel 5, he might still be holding the book that way in panel 6, but Tim’s shirt (and Craig’s arm) would be hiding it in that panel. It doesn’t look like Craig is actually gripping Tim’s shirt in panel 6 (almost looks like he has two right hands, but I’m interpreting what I see as him still holding onto the book).
Now, if he did drop the book, Shadow could simply pick it up and whack Craig’s head with it….
The book would have to be very small (miniscule!) to be still in his grasp (with Tim’s shirt) in Panel 6. I suspect Craig has released (dropped, lost) the book by Panel 6.
I think it’s available to Shadow and it looks to have metal-reinforced covers which means it will carry a certain heft in Shadow’s hands.
Whack him in the back of the head and THEN rip his face (or nuts) off.
I said I thought Craig was not grasping Tim’s shirt in panel 6. I think he’s simply pushed the shirt a little way up Tim’s body while pushing/holding Tim down against the ground, with book still in hand.
He let go of the bag that means shadow can take it
Not the bag the book
Not the bag the book
Oh dear. I do hope this doesn’t mean some coroner is going to have to say, “WTF? I have no idea.”
A story straight out of “Grimm”.
Why? He is clearly a waste of Oxygen.
But no, I don’t expect that sort of carnage.
Craig? To quote Tony Montana, “say hello to my little friend!”
No Guardians of the Galaxy moment?
No, not Guardians of the Galaxy, the Incredible Hulk.
Anybody else remember the movie?
Banner: Talbot . . .
Talbot: Yeah?
Banner: You’re making me angry!
Talbot: Oh am I? (Draws back fist.)
I’m sure you all can figure out what happened next.
Underrated movie. But yeah, that scene describes this pretty well. But this time a monster girl will appear and kick the shit out of the bad guy.
Welcome back Brandon ! Had some good holidays ?
Now, I guess Shadow will reveal her true form and someone is going to run away screaming
Yes… I can’t wait to see his reaction…
My guess is that, as long as Shadow picks up her book and puts it somewhere safe, Tim would call it a win.
My guess is that, as long as Shadow picks up her book and puts it somewhere safe, Tim would call it a win.
Sorry, forgot link.
I predict Midnight shall be our ferocious heroine of the night!
Pissed off caise Craig the egg ripped up her stockings and hurt her precious friend Shadow!
The 3 then proceed to tie him up with a sock in his mouth, making Shadow wonder if she can have the other one.
Then its off to score enough candy for all 3 to have stomach aches until Thanksgiving!