But seriously, your insight is correct, and yeah, we’re gonna have to wait for her name for a little while yet. She is going to be understandably reluctant for a bit, I think.
I still have never been to reddit in my life, and other people i found out got here from porn websites?
yeah thats cool i mean i got here a bit different but okey dokey pokey
oh that, I Google random words till i get a good result, i mean you’d pretty much have to guess that i got here by random means, I mean, my name is potdad on everything, on twitter on youtube on facebook, newgrounds, And that’s because nobody else has this name plus if i’m crazy enough to come up with this websites name out of thin air woopdy dootle doo i like shoes yeah so it was just through random chance
Heh, so very cute! And the first panel is just perfect.
Also, Thespicyprinceofbellpepper, I would point out that this isn’t smut but a story with some erotic elements. And a lot of cuteness. If you’re just here for smut, then please exit stage right. I’d rather follow the story tbh.
Urggh, another week to wait. @_@;;; Say Brandon, any chance of you calling in sick so you can work on bringing 3 pages ahead of time? =P j/k
Heh, well, I don’t mind the smutty jokes and comments really, I’m game; however, if you’re here for hardcore action and spurting bodily fluids then you might be in the wrong place. I’m playing by HBO rules with this comic, pretty much. As close to porn as possible, without being porn! XD
I might get 3 pages ahead my friend, but I wouldn’t put them all up at once! That’d be a great buffer though.
Yeah, it’s a little bit forced… but, it moves the conversation along to where I want it. Plus, i’ll just defend it a bit by saying that it lays some subconscious seed for the future in her mind. XD
That’s an interesting story. I will look forward to see more without getting spoiled by the story that I noticed in other comments. I didn’t expect his reaction to be so…casual. Personally, I would freak out.
This little kid gives literally the LEAST amount of fucks possible. He is giving negative fucks. He is actually getting fucks back for how many no fucks he is giving. What a fucking man.
Technically, the entire first story arc will a flashback, as the opening scene is actually very near the end of it after some major stuff goes down; and moving forward from there leads directly into the second arc.
However, to answer your real question: They should be their teenaged selves (when the bulk of the action happens) by Chapter 3.
well using that information and a database of the most popular girls names that begin with S and eliminating the other letters in Saria which is the vowel A and Consonants i,r i can determine a list of possible outcomes that would have the highest probability rate of being the correct answer ergo the list below
1.Shelby 2.Sue 3.Sonnet 4.Skye 5.Sydney on a probability net of outcome those 5 choices are the most logical, but although they are most logical and likely is not a sure thing that any of the names on said list are actually correct
okay, for the time being then ill call her Suanggi, because in terms of complexsion on her skin that is who she reminds me of, but shes just so darn cute doh
You guys are so hyped to learn her name that it might be rather anti-climatic once you DO find out!
I hope you guys like it after all is said and done. XD
i just like a good mystery with a good payoff, and this post has given me a community where not only does the other people who view the artwork reply to comments but the brilliant author does to its something my psychotic mind has needed for a long time
well sorry but i’m saying the name stands in the name! look at how in the name monster under the bed the s is overly decorated!
so my guesses are either just S, Ster or Ste!
Could I ask only one thing? Why she steals socks? This is some kind of source of spiritual power (recharging/ food) or it is some kind of symbolic connector (like guardian angel- you go anywhere and monster find you/ go with you) beetween monster and human or this is some kind of trophy, which monsters give to bigger bosses (Monster & Co. Theme)? Or maybe this is some kind of perversion of monster- monster collects the socks and put on some kind of Memories Album (today X eat the hamburger and write This homework with yellow socks and yesterday he have green ones).
Mister/ Miss (????) Brandon did you know old book called “A Personal Demon” writed by David Bischoff? I have this book and i recommend this for you, if you like this kind of books. And now comes another question. Did this comic will be in future some kind of supernatural romance comedy or this will be thriller (our monster will not obey her “boss”, beacause she fell in love in him and she and Tim will tracked by organisation for which she belongs).
How cute there already flirting with each other must be love at first sight then?
Hah. Well, maybe something like that. You’ll see someday soon enough!
XD What is this a porn universe? No, no, give them time to talk first!
There, there! They’ll screw someday!
Just not until I build this thing up with some massive sexual tension and corny romantic stuff! Moo-wahahaha!
I like the corny romantic stuff more than the porn part
*whispers with mouth behind my hand* Me too, just don’t tell them that!
I assume hitting puberty wouldn’t hurt either.
Corny Romantic Stuff…*falls on knees and shakes fists madly* NOOOOOOOOOOO
*Enjoys your pain like Emperor Palpatine* YES! YES!
Even porn takes 10-15 minutes of “talking” before the deed is done.
Yeah! Here here!
Do I sense sarcasm Timothy
Perhaps! Juuuuuuuust maybe you do.
Wow ! You did a great job is the firstpanel with the light coming from bottom and the eyes glowing yellow.
And I really like the state of mind of Tim like “I’m not afraid of you”. Must be because he have a picture of her and know how she looks like.
But we still don’t know the name of this Monstergirl… ^_^
Very good! You get a cookie! XD
But seriously, your insight is correct, and yeah, we’re gonna have to wait for her name for a little while yet. She is going to be understandably reluctant for a bit, I think.
C is for Cookie and Cookie is for me !!! XD
Yaaaayyy !!!
You know what ? I think that thanks to your webcomic, people will buy more cookies and cookies values will increase. ^_^
I’m eyeing a bag right now across the room actually, although it’s dinner time now… so… after.
Cookies were declared a national currency today, due to this web-comics popularity
Well…. I DID get an unprecedented 13,641 views in a single day yesterday. Really blew my mind seeing that!
All thanks go to reddit there!
I still have never been to reddit in my life, and other people i found out got here from porn websites?
yeah thats cool i mean i got here a bit different but okey dokey pokey
So how DID you stumble across my little comic anyway? I’m always curious to know where people are coming from.
oh that, I Google random words till i get a good result, i mean you’d pretty much have to guess that i got here by random means, I mean, my name is potdad on everything, on twitter on youtube on facebook, newgrounds, And that’s because nobody else has this name plus if i’m crazy enough to come up with this websites name out of thin air woopdy dootle doo i like shoes yeah so it was just through random chance
Haha, alright cool! I dig randomness!
Heh, so very cute! And the first panel is just perfect.
Also, Thespicyprinceofbellpepper, I would point out that this isn’t smut but a story with some erotic elements. And a lot of cuteness. If you’re just here for smut, then please exit stage right. I’d rather follow the story tbh.
Urggh, another week to wait. @_@;;; Say Brandon, any chance of you calling in sick so you can work on bringing 3 pages ahead of time? =P j/k
Screw calling off. I say we stuff him in a human sized hamster cage with a writing/drawing desk and make him create new pages every day.
I thought this was going into Five Nights at Freddy’s territory for a minute. Phew! Just Misery territory. I don’t need that ankle anyway! ;-P
Thanks man!
Heh, well, I don’t mind the smutty jokes and comments really, I’m game; however, if you’re here for hardcore action and spurting bodily fluids then you might be in the wrong place. I’m playing by HBO rules with this comic, pretty much. As close to porn as possible, without being porn! XD
I might get 3 pages ahead my friend, but I wouldn’t put them all up at once! That’d be a great buffer though.
I wouldn’t still be reading if it was a smut story, sorry if my joke was a bit too primative.
Haha, that’s okay, I wasn’t being very serious myself.
But then, who’s boomerang to tell me what to do. Pfft, I’ll do what I please, In going to exit from stage left, for popcorn.
Yes call in sick or take some vacation days
But I’m saving them for NOT in the dead center of winter! XD
That last line was a bit forced, I think, but otherwise? Good enough… Though I guess I was hoping for more exposition.
No no, forced is when she pins him down and teaches him the intricacies of Pegging…
*squinty smile* Oh, you!
*freeze frame* MENTOS! The Freshmaker!
Yeah, it’s a little bit forced… but, it moves the conversation along to where I want it. Plus, i’ll just defend it a bit by saying that it lays some subconscious seed for the future in her mind. XD
Although maybe, just maybe, it’s actually true.
That’s an interesting story. I will look forward to see more without getting spoiled by the story that I noticed in other comments. I didn’t expect his reaction to be so…casual. Personally, I would freak out.
Well, he’s a special case… but I won’t get into that.
Fine by me.
This little kid gives literally the LEAST amount of fucks possible. He is giving negative fucks. He is actually getting fucks back for how many no fucks he is giving. What a fucking man.
Hahaha! Yeah, he’s a cocky little bugger, as we will see manifest much later!
I don’t that’s cocky. He’s bluntly truthful. Having it put in front of you annoys the fuck outta people.
So how long are we going to stay in the past? (If ya don’t mind me asking)
Technically, the entire first story arc will a flashback, as the opening scene is actually very near the end of it after some major stuff goes down; and moving forward from there leads directly into the second arc.
However, to answer your real question: They should be their teenaged selves (when the bulk of the action happens) by Chapter 3.
promise me no child “SCENES” pwease
Of course not! There will be no “SCENES” with Timothy or S…omebody… until they are 18.
Finally a good person on the interwebs
*Thumbs up*
Now that’s what I call a reversal.
Haha, yeah. He’s good at that.
you should come yell at me on facebook, here is a hint, its potdad
Omg, I’m late? Hey Brandon, nice Comic! I’m a little bit anxious about what will the monster do (AND FOR GODS SAKE, HER NAME ALREADY!)
Her name is Saria, no it’s not but i mean at least its an answer
Well, you’ve at least got 1 letter right!
Heh, but I like to play the long game, where pay offs are the best!
is the letter an A
Nope. I’ll give you a small hint. The first letter is the same.
well using that information and a database of the most popular girls names that begin with S and eliminating the other letters in Saria which is the vowel A and Consonants i,r i can determine a list of possible outcomes that would have the highest probability rate of being the correct answer ergo the list below
1.Shelby 2.Sue 3.Sonnet 4.Skye 5.Sydney on a probability net of outcome those 5 choices are the most logical, but although they are most logical and likely is not a sure thing that any of the names on said list are actually correct
i might be a crazy Sob but i’m a rocket scientist to
Lol Clever, but no. It’s not a traditional name per se. Keep in mind she is not a human. It could be anything!
I guess I misled you slightly, as ‘A’ is technically correct as well, it was just in the wrong place.
okay, for the time being then ill call her Suanggi, because in terms of complexsion on her skin that is who she reminds me of, but shes just so darn cute doh
Suanggi? How odd! Must be a reference I don’t get. XD
What about selkie?Or Scyllis?
Lol Nope!
You guys are so hyped to learn her name that it might be rather anti-climatic once you DO find out!
I hope you guys like it after all is said and done. XD
i just like a good mystery with a good payoff, and this post has given me a community where not only does the other people who view the artwork reply to comments but the brilliant author does to its something my psychotic mind has needed for a long time
Haha, well, by all means carry on! I certainly don’t mind the discussion!
Seris, Is it Seris?
well sorry but i’m saying the name stands in the name! look at how in the name monster under the bed the s is overly decorated!
so my guesses are either just S, Ster or Ste!
Haha, how very conspiratorial! I like that!
But no.
I actually know her name, but I’m guessing you don’t want me to spoil it.
That is quite true!
Haha, it’s a poorly kept secret, but I would prefer to keep it that way all the same! XD
Is it pickles, i like pickels
also go here right meow
Boy’s got wit. Got to give him that
He sure does! Gets him into (and out of) lots of trouble!
Could I ask only one thing? Why she steals socks? This is some kind of source of spiritual power (recharging/ food) or it is some kind of symbolic connector (like guardian angel- you go anywhere and monster find you/ go with you) beetween monster and human or this is some kind of trophy, which monsters give to bigger bosses (Monster & Co. Theme)? Or maybe this is some kind of perversion of monster- monster collects the socks and put on some kind of Memories Album (today X eat the hamburger and write This homework with yellow socks and yesterday he have green ones).
The answer will come in time, but I can say that the reason is none of the above, as good as those ideas are!
It is actually a very simple reason, though.
Mister/ Miss (????) Brandon did you know old book called “A Personal Demon” writed by David Bischoff? I have this book and i recommend this for you, if you like this kind of books. And now comes another question. Did this comic will be in future some kind of supernatural romance comedy or this will be thriller (our monster will not obey her “boss”, beacause she fell in love in him and she and Tim will tracked by organisation for which she belongs).
It’s Mister. In my experience Brandon is a male name. Of course anything goes these days, I guess. XD
Anyway, it’ll be a supernatural romance comedy mystery action thriller!
I think there may even be a kitchen sink in there someplace if you look hard enough.
i wouldnt blame him for being confused because shad man is a girl and zone tan is a guy