#140 “Kiss & Tell”
Gossip spreads fast in Nox… and other trends.
UPDATE JAN. 7, 2018:
Hello everybody!
Well, this isn’t exactly how I was hoping to start the new year off, but I’m going to have to delay this week’s update due to well, I’m just not happy with this week’s page. I was working on it and I’m going to chalk it up to a rough start after a break, but well… it kinda sucks! Haaaaah… yeah.
So… that’s about it. I’m going to do my best to save what I can, but there’s one major element I’m just not happy with, and it’ll have to be pushed back. Sorry folks!
Well Gloom seems to like it~!
So, this becomes a fad around the sisterhood, Moonie takes notice, and goes after Sunny for corrupting her girls.
Probably. I honestly don’t know anymore. Brandon is as good as this as C & H. keep up the good work mini plot twist!
and mini-plots twist. excuse my grammar.
“good work and mini plot twists” – grammar corrected, you placed the plural on the wrong word
omg i cant wait till next one
Thy name! Art thou in the intellectual range of the priests?
Sunset and Gloom… They remind me of Shadow and Tim. Just look at their facial features. Brandon…?
I don’t know what you’re insinuating, really… it’s just my style. Everybody sorta/kinda stems from the same base. Round face, long face, pointy face, etc.
Sameface Syndrome is not an easy thing to avoid.
Big question, * deep breath* is Midnight going to kiss Tim?-_-*stare
I’m guessing that a simple kiss isn’t so well known in Nox.
I get the feeling Midnight will try kissing Shadow, only to find out that she already kissed Tim
secondhand dog breath?
I think Midnight will try to kiss Shadow and Shadow will be confused and ask if she kissed Tim too, because where else would she learn about it? Midnight will probably be angry and possibly hurt that Shadow has kissed Tim and they’ll argue about Tim and Shadow’s relationship.
I forgot the orange guy’s name, but I gotta say, kinda looks like he enjoyed the kiss too
Why does everyone think Sunset is a guy? Or is everybody just messing with me now?!
NOT “messing” (that would be unkind) but Sunset hasn’t been a major character, so her identity and personality haven’t (yet) been burned into our consciousness(es).
If she and Gloom become an item, we’ll probably remember her better but on this page, her depiction is androgynous – well, baggy clothes y’see?
Short hair, no makeup and a concealing posture hide the (young but no doubt developing) breasts. The error on our part is understandable.
Further, you haven’t posted separate images of either Gloom or Sunset on the “Gallery” pages where we might have familiarised ourselves with their body markings and/or hairstyles. (Hint, hint)
Look at her ears. The guys all have that vane thing in their ears, the girls don’t.
Always throwing in a twist lol
But she’s wearing a dress… I figured that would be a clue. Also to me she looks like a girl, what with the big eyelashes like Midnight and pony tail.
Brandon, I don’t see a pony tail. I see a spiky rouched “thingy” like an occipital Mohawk.
Not up to date on Mohawks. Thought you needed a mostly shaved head to count as that.
Anyway, It’s not that important. All you need to know is she IS a lady.
Hello I’m new(well I’m not that new i read you comics 3 times) I want to know when will be new page so I can read the comics 5 times
Try every Sunday/Monday… but only when his personal life and job doesn’t prevent him from doing it.
She is just a late bloomer and wears baggy clothes to cover up her lack of development.
Im pretty sure at this point that Moonie sister is Tim Mother. well that what I guessed since the first time we saw her anyway
You know the way we have some well known serial killers like the zodiac killer ‘n’ all that, I wonder if Nox has anyone like this.