#143 “A Golden Lion”
Everyone, meet Ruthless; aka, Lady Blackheart – The Lost Mother. Officially. Oh, and the reveals just keep coming! It’s also Ruth & Thomas’ anniversary!
A bonus comic this week, it was originally a part of the last page, but I split it up to give a proper look at Ruth’s reveal. So if you didn’t see the page before this one you might want to check it out!
can someone recommend me a comic that is similar to this or another story just as good
Shotgun shuffle
OK all the new questions we should be asking.
1. What the fuck does this make Tim? Half human half noxian?
2. What will Tim’s and Shadow’s reaction be to Ruth being Blackheart?
3. What is Ruth/Blackhearts real name? Ruth doesn’t sound like a very noxian name…
4. And what’s the backstory of Tom and Ruth/Blackheart? (will we get to see little Ruth?).
The list goes on and on…
I will answer one of these and that is this: Her real name is Ruthless. Obviously going by Ruth or Ruthie as shorthand.
Also because Ruthless would be a pretty peculiar name for a human.
It was also hinted at when she punished Tom for stealing her snacks. He referred to her as “Vice-Admiral Ruthless,” if I recall correctly.
This Lady Blackheart/Ruthless reveal is like jumping into a river; you know it’s going to be cold, but … WHOOO! DAMN! If that was my wife, I wouldn’t leave the house unless it was on fire … And even then I’d think about it. I’d love to see a flashback about how those two first met. Was she under his bed when they were kids too?
A tale as old as time~
But I have to ask… have human/noxian relations been something that has occurred, if infrequently, throughout both species’ histories?
Maybe, or perhaps there’s something bigger at play.
Well, I’m sure there is, but at the same time, it’d be hard for there not to be encounters between the two species that wasn’t just one getting scared by the other.
I guess this is the final page of chapter 3 right?
Nope, there is one (possibly two) more, and an outro checking back in with future events. Then it’s Chapter 4!
Then how many pages will the Outro have?
Keeping with tradition, probably three.
Área obviously What they mother oficina Tim áre lady blackheart
I thought she was lady blackheart. The foreshadowing was obvious. Still a great reveal tho ifyaknowatimean
Thisnfact wasn’t really hided, if you was observant to the details, but for the way Brandon does this, i believe he earned some extra credit!
To be honest this is a cliché
I’m not saying it bad but I seen so many comic tv shows and movies us this that I kinda protected that one of his parents is like that
Cliches are only cliche because they work so well.
Damn it … just found this comic …
Brandon … you can straight-out admit it … you´re an apothecary in RL. And this adorable stuff is just your wicked try to crank up your insuline sales xD
Crap, I love this stuff. Great work – keep it up !
Hope someone picks up that phone cus I called it
So that would make Blackheart/Ruth like the legend Lillith? So Tim is Nephillim. <3! TOTALLY AWESOME!
Lilith was a human that have sex with demons and give birth to monsters, Noxian are nao demons they are just another sapien mortal race, like Orcs, gargoyles, Dwarfs, etc so Tim is just some Halfblood hybrid. ( and yes Brandon i know that you dont like to see Noxian be compared to Gargoyles)
Halloween is their anniversary… Because of course it is.
Damn, this gets more and more interesting. Brandon, you’re freaking awesome!
I actually re-read a lot of this today, and noticed the reference of Tim saying “That golden lion suit you used to wear along time ago”
Five pages of comments, and STILL nobody has mentioned that this scene is… VERY REVEALING indeed?