Mmm yes Shadow does look amazing. Really looking forward to whatever party is coming up. Also this reminds me of something I’ve been wondering, I wonder what exactly Tim and Midnights relationship is now when they are adults ? I mean I would say they become friends but how good friends do they become ? Friends with benefits ? Would it be a stretch to imagine a Tim, Shadow and Midnights maybe having a threesome at some point ?
Keep up the good work Brandon. I want to write a fantasy book and was wondering if you could give me some tips on how you came up with the Nox stuff. Im having a bit of writers block.
How did you come up with the idea of the nox. Also i noticed tim has one of those teleport belt things on his belt, what could that forshadow? ( Shadow )
Really liking Shadow’s expression on Panel 2! Looks to me like a blend of pride in her own appearance ( which she has totally earned) and joyous anticipation of Tim’s reaction.
So was that the last we will ever see Tim and Shadow of that specific age? I can imagine that there is going to be a time jump back but I think they might be in theirs
earlier teens. I could be very wrong.
We may go back to their childhood for a few stints here and there, if clarification or further set-up is required. And the next Chapter is technically still going to be a flash back, but it only goes back a few months.
It’s a purposely vague line of dialogue. Perhaps she has someone in mind, or perhaps she was just mocking Nightmare, knowing fully well that she is just being played by this obvious predator.
Mmm yes Shadow does look amazing. Really looking forward to whatever party is coming up. Also this reminds me of something I’ve been wondering, I wonder what exactly Tim and Midnights relationship is now when they are adults ? I mean I would say they become friends but how good friends do they become ? Friends with benefits ? Would it be a stretch to imagine a Tim, Shadow and Midnights maybe having a threesome at some point ?
That would be awesome, but I hope Midnight has found her own love all the same!
Refer back to pages 29-31 for the answers.
Midnight hasn’t yet been invited.
Tim is still occupied with stretching Shadow – and she’s loving it.
Well here’s hoping in she gets invited later
What do you mean by “streaching”?
Where did you see that spelling?
Keep up the good work Brandon. I want to write a fantasy book and was wondering if you could give me some tips on how you came up with the Nox stuff. Im having a bit of writers block.
How did you come up with the idea of the nox. Also i noticed tim has one of those teleport belt things on his belt, what could that forshadow? ( Shadow
Really liking Shadow’s expression on Panel 2! Looks to me like a blend of pride in her own appearance ( which she has totally earned) and joyous anticipation of Tim’s reaction.
See normally I don’t say much in this comic but…. can that truck hit me again, I feel like I’m losing that glow it left on my cheeks.
That’s S.W.A.T. stun grenade levels of stunning
Hmm this makes me think, do the people over at Nox (called them people XD) noxians I mean know about Tim and Shadow?
Looking awesome
*Whistles* Hot damn Brandon! You blow me away so easily with your art, sometimes. Impressive! Keep kicking ass and chewing bubblegum.
Look at the belt buckle on Tim! Look like one of those things Shadow and the others use to collect fear.
It IS an aegis, though it hasn’t been explained how he got it
I wonder if it’s his mom’s perhaps? Or if she had a hand in getting him one?
You’ll find out someday just what that means.
I found mine in a CornFlakes box!
It’s so cute how Shadow fixes Tim’s tie. They really do make a great couple.
So was that the last we will ever see Tim and Shadow of that specific age? I can imagine that there is going to be a time jump back but I think they might be in theirs
earlier teens. I could be very wrong.
We may go back to their childhood for a few stints here and there, if clarification or further set-up is required. And the next Chapter is technically still going to be a flash back, but it only goes back a few months.
seven years later and same movie poster. classic.
Well, yeah… It’s Shadow’s favourite movie, and she’ll fight you over it.
Ooooooooh my. Wish Midnight was 3rd wheel in this tricycle. She knows how to dress her friend.
She has business of her own currently, as you will eventually see for yourself!
I was wondering what she ment about her “special one” after seeing the kiss between Gloom and the other girl. I hope it’s a good twist..
It’s a purposely vague line of dialogue. Perhaps she has someone in mind, or perhaps she was just mocking Nightmare, knowing fully well that she is just being played by this obvious predator.
.. wow…. there’s nothing else for me to describe my shock at this page other than “wow”
(I forgot that we were going to move on soon so I wasn’t prepared for the jump).
Shadow is definitely jaw droopingly gorgeous. Tim is one lucky guy.