Yes, that does answer 1 of the questions I asked several pages ago (, he will be able to travel to Nox.
Repeating my questions here since they were never answered (I discount DFO’s answer, which ignored genetics 101), btw:
Now that we officially know what most of us already figured a long time ago, it officially makes Tim half-noxian.
Any chidren Tim and Shadow may get together will be 75% noxian, even if raised human as Tim was.
So, the next question is, can he (and future 2nd generation children) shapeshift as well, or is he (and they) permanently locked in human shape?
Second question, will he be able to visit Nox (which itself might require being in Noxian shape)?
Nobody has ever shape-shifted naturally in this comic, as you seem to be suggesting. It’s just a ‘magic’ illusion. Smoke and mirrors. A trick. With the right knowledge, anybody could pull it off.
In this fantasy story, I have my own idea on how genetics work. No, I’m not going to elaborate further.
Where do you think they are getting ready to go currently? Shadow did say she’d be back around ‘eleven-ish’ to pick him up on a previous page.
Adult timeline thus far:
They meet up, have sex, sleep, wake up the next morning.
Shadow leaves saying she’ll be back around Elevenish.
Tim steals some breakfast from his mom, goes to work with his Dad at the photography studio.
That same evening, we rejoin Tim as Shadow arrives in this very page.
God damn shadow is gorgeous in the dress Tim is a lucky man. Ps you guys know any sites for basic body modeling for characters I’m wanting to try something new but I’m stuck
I’d say my favorite is the first Halloween movie. And in my opinion, Saw isn’t a “horror movie” it’s more of a crime movie with psychological horror but I think that still counts.
First off Brandon i’m addicted to the comic and absolutely can’t wait for the updates. Shadow is lovely as usual. My idea on Noxian and human mixed genetics: Children will take after one parent or the other. However, as randy as Tim’s parents are and, since he doesn’t have any siblings. It must be difficult for the two races to produce a child together. Also, i don’t know for sure, i don’t think Tim and Shadow are using protection. One last thought. It could take the intervention of magic to produce a child between the two races, which now that i think about it, is most likely. The particulars of the spell may decide what race the child takes after. The answer is probably in Shadow’s magic book.
will we get some more flash back of how , they get from good friend to something more?
or they will “present” her to his parent or they will visit her world for some special occurrence.
I have no doubt in my mind that we’ll get that flashback
You’ll get it soon enough.
You guys keep missing a important detail about the present….HIS BELT BUCKLE IS THE DAME AS HERS
Lots of people have pointed it out several times. This isn’t even the first page it’s appeared on.
Yes, that does answer 1 of the questions I asked several pages ago (, he will be able to travel to Nox.
Repeating my questions here since they were never answered (I discount DFO’s answer, which ignored genetics 101), btw:
Now that we officially know what most of us already figured a long time ago, it officially makes Tim half-noxian.
Any chidren Tim and Shadow may get together will be 75% noxian, even if raised human as Tim was.
So, the next question is, can he (and future 2nd generation children) shapeshift as well, or is he (and they) permanently locked in human shape?
Second question, will he be able to visit Nox (which itself might require being in Noxian shape)?
Nobody has ever shape-shifted naturally in this comic, as you seem to be suggesting. It’s just a ‘magic’ illusion. Smoke and mirrors. A trick. With the right knowledge, anybody could pull it off.
In this fantasy story, I have my own idea on how genetics work. No, I’m not going to elaborate further.
Where do you think they are getting ready to go currently? Shadow did say she’d be back around ‘eleven-ish’ to pick him up on a previous page.
i’m kinda loosing track of the timeline
So far we have only seen like 24 hours of them as adults.
Yeah, exactly.
Adult timeline thus far:
They meet up, have sex, sleep, wake up the next morning.
Shadow leaves saying she’ll be back around Elevenish.
Tim steals some breakfast from his mom, goes to work with his Dad at the photography studio.
That same evening, we rejoin Tim as Shadow arrives in this very page.
I read this comic for the plot… *Snickers*
Well, it appears I need an ambulance because my heart has started melting from the 2 latest parts of this comic.
God damn shadow is gorgeous in the dress Tim is a lucky man. Ps you guys know any sites for basic body modeling for characters I’m wanting to try something new but I’m stuck
SMBC’s comic they put up today seems like it would be relevant here
Have you given any thought to maybe getting this comic published? I would definitely buy a physical copy of this!
They can’t be going to a human school function with Shadow dressed like that. If she did, I would love to see the reaction of the chaperones.
Whats your guys favorite horror movie?
mine would be dah first saw
I’d say my favorite is the first Halloween movie. And in my opinion, Saw isn’t a “horror movie” it’s more of a crime movie with psychological horror but I think that still counts.
Brandon You Beautiful Bastard I can’t read a page of this without getting hooked for the next
Rip Steven Hawking
Hah….. no, not at all.
Naah! … but they HAVE been practising.
While Tim & Shadow are preparing to attend a formal event in Nox, where are Ruth and Tom and what are THEY doing?
Patience, my friend.
First off Brandon i’m addicted to the comic and absolutely can’t wait for the updates. Shadow is lovely as usual. My idea on Noxian and human mixed genetics: Children will take after one parent or the other. However, as randy as Tim’s parents are and, since he doesn’t have any siblings. It must be difficult for the two races to produce a child together. Also, i don’t know for sure, i don’t think Tim and Shadow are using protection. One last thought. It could take the intervention of magic to produce a child between the two races, which now that i think about it, is most likely. The particulars of the spell may decide what race the child takes after. The answer is probably in Shadow’s magic book.
Good hypothesis on reproductive difficulties and techniques (“Quick! Get the book, get the book” “Nevermind, just keep practising”)
I’m also addicted. I’d also like Tim to develop a harem of Nox girls.
Midnight, Sunshine and Gloom for starters, Nightmare may be more difficult,