Hello, really enjoying these comics. I found out about it a few months back, binge read them all and have been patiently waiting each week for a new one. Just wondering, do you have a storyboard set out for the plan for the rest of the story and for where it needs to go? Do you know how many more pages you’re potentially going to create?
Also I tend to get confused with the time hops and different characters storylines (my problem), is there a resource anywhere with a summary of what’s happened etc?
I have a sort of rough, point-form, flow chart for the skeleton of the story, yeah. Is it fully storyboarded? Haha nooooo… I don’t even have THIS week’s page storyboarded yet, though it is scripted.
Aside from what Brandon has just said, this is a retelling of his original story that he made 4 years ago. That one even had a sequel. But there has been a few changes between the two, both minor and major, but it’s still flowing the same way.
And before you ask for a link, most of us see it as a trial to find it….. however I’m pretty sure that someone recently ruined this treasure hunt by telling everyone where to find it.
Shadow looks much older than 17 on this page. At 17 she oughta be a little thinner. People only start getting a lot of fat once they hit their thirties (like the kids mom).
I knew some very curvy high school girls back in those days.
Although, yeah, I do admit that perhaps I went a BIT overboard on the boobs here.
Just tell yourself they are really jacked up in that dress and everything’ll be fine.
Also, she’s technically 19 here, not 17. She’s older than Tim by 5 months, and he is 18.
Tastes differ and I’ve said before that more than a mouthful is wasted.
I know that the US and Japanese cultures have fetishised Double D’s (and upward) and I understand the reason for the Japanese (improved nutrition since the 1930s so there’s a greater ability to lay down extra fat deposits) but large breasts are just not aesthetically attractive to me.
Gravity ALWAYS wins – hence “twin floppies”!
Art history: look at the British tradition of nude women in painting and sculpture and the Greek and Roman sculpture from which the Classical schools derived. B-cups everywhere and the C-cups were unusually large.
Why is it that it seems like people’s size charts end there. The slim and stacked girl in my high school that was reluctantly popular wore a bra with EE cups. She did not, by any stretch, have the largest breasts of the student body. However, that poor girl weighed about 350 pounds, so wasn’t so popular. Though, to be fair, nobody raided *her* locker while in gym class, thus finding out what her bra size was and going public with it. (No, the reluctantly popular girl didn’t go without a bra for gym, she wore a sports bra instead of a regular one.)
For what it’s worth, neither of those girls were over 17 when I had any association with them, and the smaller of the two had more than shadow has here, for both chest and hips. About the same for waist.
” People only start getting a lot of fat once they hit their thirties” Well she is a demon creature of the night. Im not exactly sure it works in the same way.
I like this story but I feel like this series should have started with the childhood storyline and then grown into the adulthood generation later on in the story. Having timelines jump back and forth is confusing and I feel like starting with the future/present day in the first chapter makes it harder to adjust the story if the author decides to change the script.
@ Brandon: I wanna state, for the record, that I find this story to be very good [I only don’t call it great because of the somewhat unreliable update gaps], but, there is one thing that I hope will change from Ch4 onward…
You state in your description for the very first installment that this comic is somewhere between PG-13 and R. This story already has a bunch of nudity all other the place, including the during-intercourse Moonlight toplessness earlier this chapter. This story is already well into R territory, if I’m honest. Is there any chance of you–even on the luckiest of lucky days–of ever drawing some actual, non-silhouetted intercourse between 2 consenting adult characters? Ever?
Brandon one thing I really love about your comic is that You use actual story to entertain. Must other R rated comics just use lots of sex scenes to try and keep it’s interesting.
Neither a Rating nor a update schedule has any impact on how good a story is. A story is, well, basically what a story is. Eventually, someone will take a look at your history, already finished. Without taking in account that you had to stop the schedule for personal reasons, or it was debated its rating. He will look at your story, read it, and maybe, find it good, or exceptional (as I do) or even not of his taste. Dont stress yourself, you are doing awesome work and I would like to thank you.
It’s kinda simple why this would be R rated. 1. Tim sees shadows private 2. Tim walks in on his parents about to bang 3. Ruthless doing sexual forplay 4. Shadow naked a few time 5. Shadow and Tim are basically shown about to have sex in chapter 1 adult timeline 5. Moonlight literally having a orgasim 6. Multiple counts of nudity. So yeah I would say that the comic would fall under that R rating not like it matters
None of which would qualify a drawing or graphic novel for anything more restrictive than an MA in the legal jurisdiction where I am pleased to live.
Remember always, Fireslayer, that the classification rules and censorship that you have to cope with are NOT universal and don’t apply to me as a reader or Brandon as the artist because we do not live where those laws, restrictons or “community standards” apply.
“Community standards” is a lawmaker’s code for “It ain’t against the rules, but I want to BAN IT anyway and blame it on somebody else.”
If nudity alone gets you an R rating, but a gun fight with people actually getting killed is less than R, the people who decide those ratings are disturbing to me. Violence has corrupted our society far more than sex would, yet sex is more taboo. It’s messed up, if you ask me. (Note: I’m not saying your area is like that. I’ve lived in a place like that. It did not feel healthy or safe.)
wow I…I don’t really pay attention to…well I don’t know what to say but you do pay attention I just reread it to see if there was any MA 15+ or rated R I think i’m not so… I don’t how to spell it but I don’t seem to notice the pages much unless i reread it
I literally made a 3 paragraph theory on lady Blackheart before the reveal I looked at ever detail of each page but here are the pages for why this would have a R rating. Ch1
#3 it’s complicated #11 above board #29 full circle #30 butter side up Ch2
#40 midnight snack #42 parents #48 pushing her buttons Ch3
#75 a little nostalgic #138 transition #139 Sexposition #141 skeletons in the closet #143 a golden lion
Brandon Shane (morgan freeman voice) the moment you realize that one of your readers is… a reader. dun dun dun! (this is all a joke fireslayer) but yeah you know this comic better than the back of your hand
Can I just say how much I appreciate that Shadow has relatively life like body proportions? Like, she actually looks like a way that many women are built, an yeah she’s developped for a 19 year old, there are plenty of early bloomers and girls who develop to the extent by that point, my gay ass has hooked up with plenty of girls in that age range (which is where I am too) with that body type or similar body type. It’s jsut really refreshing to see a female characters with an actual stomach and ribs and accurate hip bump and leg and arm structure. Most media bombards us with disproportionate images, scrawny skinny girls or tall lanky thin ladies or the “curvy with no stomach or ribcage” build. It just…. really nice to see a character that has an actually anatomically proportionate figure (her boobs are a bit big, but thats still well within the realm of possibility. I know girls my age with bigger chests than that).
Hello, really enjoying these comics. I found out about it a few months back, binge read them all and have been patiently waiting each week for a new one. Just wondering, do you have a storyboard set out for the plan for the rest of the story and for where it needs to go? Do you know how many more pages you’re potentially going to create?
Also I tend to get confused with the time hops and different characters storylines (my problem), is there a resource anywhere with a summary of what’s happened etc?
I have a sort of rough, point-form, flow chart for the skeleton of the story, yeah. Is it fully storyboarded? Haha nooooo… I don’t even have THIS week’s page storyboarded yet, though it is scripted.
Aside from what Brandon has just said, this is a retelling of his original story that he made 4 years ago. That one even had a sequel. But there has been a few changes between the two, both minor and major, but it’s still flowing the same way.
And before you ask for a link, most of us see it as a trial to find it….. however I’m pretty sure that someone recently ruined this treasure hunt by telling everyone where to find it.
honestly is not that hard to find.
not easy but for sure not hard.
Everyone and their dog is talking about tim’s belt bukel but he’s had it on since the last page of the first chapter.
What’s more interesting is the scratch mark on his back in that last chapter
Stunning? Nah. Total knockout. So much so, I hope they are carrying plenty of smelling salts lol
Shadow looks much older than 17 on this page. At 17 she oughta be a little thinner. People only start getting a lot of fat once they hit their thirties (like the kids mom).
The cookies are responsible for that …
I knew some very curvy high school girls back in those days.
Although, yeah, I do admit that perhaps I went a BIT overboard on the boobs here.
Just tell yourself they are really jacked up in that dress and everything’ll be fine.
Also, she’s technically 19 here, not 17. She’s older than Tim by 5 months, and he is 18.
Brandon admitted “…Although, yeah, I do admit that perhaps I went a BIT overboard on the boobs here….”
Indeed, twin floppies are SO ’80s
When I was in high school there were several girls that were size DD, and they were among the most popular girls whether they wanted to be or not.
Tastes differ and I’ve said before that more than a mouthful is wasted.
I know that the US and Japanese cultures have fetishised Double D’s (and upward) and I understand the reason for the Japanese (improved nutrition since the 1930s so there’s a greater ability to lay down extra fat deposits) but large breasts are just not aesthetically attractive to me.
Gravity ALWAYS wins – hence “twin floppies”!
Art history: look at the British tradition of nude women in painting and sculpture and the Greek and Roman sculpture from which the Classical schools derived. B-cups everywhere and the C-cups were unusually large.
But I DO like nipples – all shapes, all sizes, all colours. (… and areolae, too)
I’ve never met a nipple that I couldn’t admire – for hours!!!
Why is it that it seems like people’s size charts end there. The slim and stacked girl in my high school that was reluctantly popular wore a bra with EE cups. She did not, by any stretch, have the largest breasts of the student body. However, that poor girl weighed about 350 pounds, so wasn’t so popular. Though, to be fair, nobody raided *her* locker while in gym class, thus finding out what her bra size was and going public with it. (No, the reluctantly popular girl didn’t go without a bra for gym, she wore a sports bra instead of a regular one.)
For what it’s worth, neither of those girls were over 17 when I had any association with them, and the smaller of the two had more than shadow has here, for both chest and hips. About the same for waist.
But if she is pregnant it changes things.
” People only start getting a lot of fat once they hit their thirties” Well she is a demon creature of the night. Im not exactly sure it works in the same way.
“Noxian” demons are made from corrupted souls
I like this story but I feel like this series should have started with the childhood storyline and then grown into the adulthood generation later on in the story. Having timelines jump back and forth is confusing and I feel like starting with the future/present day in the first chapter makes it harder to adjust the story if the author decides to change the script.
I don’t need to adjust the story later… I already know what’s going on.
@ Brandon: I wanna state, for the record, that I find this story to be very good [I only don’t call it great because of the somewhat unreliable update gaps], but, there is one thing that I hope will change from Ch4 onward…
You state in your description for the very first installment that this comic is somewhere between PG-13 and R. This story already has a bunch of nudity all other the place, including the during-intercourse Moonlight toplessness earlier this chapter. This story is already well into R territory, if I’m honest. Is there any chance of you–even on the luckiest of lucky days–of ever drawing some actual, non-silhouetted intercourse between 2 consenting adult characters? Ever?
I don’t think an update schedule should have any impact on the merit of how good a story is, personally.
And yes, there’s going to be a big multi-page sex scene, eventually. Just….. be patient.
Brandon one thing I really love about your comic is that You use actual story to entertain. Must other R rated comics just use lots of sex scenes to try and keep it’s interesting.
Neither a Rating nor a update schedule has any impact on how good a story is. A story is, well, basically what a story is. Eventually, someone will take a look at your history, already finished. Without taking in account that you had to stop the schedule for personal reasons, or it was debated its rating. He will look at your story, read it, and maybe, find it good, or exceptional (as I do) or even not of his taste. Dont stress yourself, you are doing awesome work and I would like to thank you.
Where I’m from, that stuff is still “M” or even “MA 15+” rated. Not far enough for it to be “R” rated.
Well the comic in general would classify as R rating from what I have seen but mostnof the pages are a much lower rating
You must live in a very repressive jurisdiction, then. You have my sympathy.
It’s kinda simple why this would be R rated. 1. Tim sees shadows private 2. Tim walks in on his parents about to bang 3. Ruthless doing sexual forplay 4. Shadow naked a few time 5. Shadow and Tim are basically shown about to have sex in chapter 1 adult timeline 5. Moonlight literally having a orgasim 6. Multiple counts of nudity. So yeah I would say that the comic would fall under that R rating not like it matters
None of which would qualify a drawing or graphic novel for anything more restrictive than an MA in the legal jurisdiction where I am pleased to live.
Remember always, Fireslayer, that the classification rules and censorship that you have to cope with are NOT universal and don’t apply to me as a reader or Brandon as the artist because we do not live where those laws, restrictons or “community standards” apply.
“Community standards” is a lawmaker’s code for “It ain’t against the rules, but I want to BAN IT anyway and blame it on somebody else.”
If nudity alone gets you an R rating, but a gun fight with people actually getting killed is less than R, the people who decide those ratings are disturbing to me. Violence has corrupted our society far more than sex would, yet sex is more taboo. It’s messed up, if you ask me. (Note: I’m not saying your area is like that. I’ve lived in a place like that. It did not feel healthy or safe.)
wow I…I don’t really pay attention to…well I don’t know what to say but you do pay attention I just reread it to see if there was any MA 15+ or rated R I think i’m not so… I don’t how to spell it but I don’t seem to notice the pages much unless i reread it
I literally made a 3 paragraph theory on lady Blackheart before the reveal I looked at ever detail of each page but here are the pages for why this would have a R rating. Ch1
#3 it’s complicated #11 above board #29 full circle #30 butter side up Ch2
#40 midnight snack #42 parents #48 pushing her buttons Ch3
#75 a little nostalgic #138 transition #139 Sexposition #141 skeletons in the closet #143 a golden lion
Brandon Shane (morgan freeman voice) the moment you realize that one of your readers is… a reader. dun dun dun! (this is all a joke fireslayer) but yeah you know this comic better than the back of your hand
Big night planned?
you wanted something stunning?
here you go!
“pick up that can”
HOLY CRAP !… that is really stunning -_-
Run for your lives!
Can I just say how much I appreciate that Shadow has relatively life like body proportions? Like, she actually looks like a way that many women are built, an yeah she’s developped for a 19 year old, there are plenty of early bloomers and girls who develop to the extent by that point, my gay ass has hooked up with plenty of girls in that age range (which is where I am too) with that body type or similar body type. It’s jsut really refreshing to see a female characters with an actual stomach and ribs and accurate hip bump and leg and arm structure. Most media bombards us with disproportionate images, scrawny skinny girls or tall lanky thin ladies or the “curvy with no stomach or ribcage” build. It just…. really nice to see a character that has an actually anatomically proportionate figure (her boobs are a bit big, but thats still well within the realm of possibility. I know girls my age with bigger chests than that).
I was just thinking about how muscular Shadow is. Not that its a bad thing, just she’s got better deltoids than I did at that age.
Hey Brandon will there be an update this week?
Do someone help you creating monsters’ outfits ?? Shadows dress is great
I do my own research into that sort of thing. (I look at a lot pictures of ladies, some ideas stick when I see them.)
Humina Humina Humina…. *q* <3 <3 <3
Absolutely stunning and delicious!
Will the next update come later today or next week
Yes, definitely!
It’ll come when it comes, but that won’t be today. Sorry.
Alright, thanks.