If Shadow looks this good, and “if” they are going to one of her functions, imagine how good the other ladies look. You know how hard it is to draw all that??
I have a cool idea that might happen in the future what if Tim comes acrossnow the place where shadow lives. Slot of interesting stuff could happen again
Middy would be the first addition to Tim’s Nox harem, considering that she’s aleady such good friends with Shadow. I wonder whether Ruthless will approve?
One time a guy sent me a story he wrote in Russian. I tried to read it via google translate, but I have a good feeling something was missing. Also it was from early on, and practically all the details were wrong, as I hadn’t established anything solidly yet myself.
Mmm call me crazy guys but I think Brandon might be trying to mislead us here. Don’t know why I think that, his long very worded dismissing of something going on between Tim and Midnight above is very very very convincing. I sure Brandon will confirm that adult Tim and Midnight are nothing more then friends now, yes just friends nothing more happening there. No Shadow sharing Tim with Midnight, no flirting kissing or sex stuff happening there, totally nothing going on. Right ?
Ah and there you have it, they can barely stand each other. So we can now assuredly forget about things like adult Tim and Midnight getting it on and having a hot threesome with Shadow. Jip can totally forget about stuff like that now. After all Brandon would never ever try to mislead us with faulty info.
Hey, just curious, but at this point in time, does Tim know about his mother being, you know, from Nox? And seeing that his mother is Lady Blackheart, why does his physical appearance not show any “monster” DNA I know you might not be able to answer this, but it is an interesting way to think of it.
1) Ruthless is not Tim’s biological mother, just his stepmother. Tim’s real mother was human, so Tim is too.
2) Tim is half-Noxian, but naturally looks totally human. Either because human genes are dominant over Noxian genes or he just happens to take after his father really strongly.
3) Tim DOES have Noxian features, but Ruthless has been using her magic to hide them his entire life, so even he doesn’t know about them.
Though, seeing that in a flashback, you can see that she had fell in love with tims father, and decided to leave Nox to be with him, so possibility 1 might be out of the table.
I personally think possibility 2 is the most reasonable, so I’ll skip that for now.
Ok, number 3 if Tim’s features were masked, he would still be able to feed off of fear, like Shadow had at Halloween, if he was Noxian he would have a tail, which he would probably be able to feel an extra appendage, and Shadow could still feel her tail while masked with the magic.
I have recently done some detective style digging, and–I am so confident in this that I will have to basically scream out SPOILERS AHEAD–
So, I’ve recently been rereading the comic, and have went through the comments, I came upon a comment from Brandon himself pointing out to this website, in this website, it states-human-hybrid, and since we already know Ruth is a monster, it is safe to assume that Tim is a hybrid, also it had also said in the prequel blank has secret relations with blank—— I have also figured out this riddle, but have decided to ignore it, seeing that we basically already know this.
For me this reminded of a few questions I had. If Tim is geneticly part Noxian can he use the same transformation magic that Shadow can? And is the ability to use magic exclusive to Noxians at all?
Hey, this comic is quite possibly, no, THE BEST web comic that i have ever read, though i haven’t really read many web comics, but still…, And does Shadow know Lady Blackheart is Tim’s mother?
You need to specify a time-frame when asking a question like that. A few comic-pages ago we were seeing a much younger Shadow, and here we are seeing a presumably-adult Shadow (different cultures have different definitions so we need to be careful how we describe things like that).
Anyway, the much-younger Shadow, in page #128 ( /?comic=128-dont-look-now <–append that to the website name), started to tell Tim something about his mom, so we might guess that she suspected something. We might also figure that the adult Shadow has had plenty of time since, to resolve that suspicion, one way or another. Since we readers now know the truth, it is not a great speculation to think Shadow knows it, too.
As for Tim knowing, we might assume Shadow would have told him something, once she was sure. On the other hand, even if she didn't, he has had years of encounters with his mom, and it only takes one mistake on her part, for him to catch her in Nox form. He might not clearly remember the "golden lion suit" mentioned in #115 ( /?comic=115-costumes ), but if he ever again saw her in Nox form, in those years between that Halloween and the present comic, he will know what he is seeing.
I was referring to the time shown in the current page, hence posting on this page, i thought it would be implied. I’ll try to be more clear in the future, thanks tho, i forget people cant read minds. Lol…..
Well, still, based on what has been portrayed so far in the comic, in the “present” time frame, we cannot say for certain that Shadow knows about Tim’s mom. We can only suspect it as an educated guess, as I explained in that other comment above.
If Shadow looks this good, and “if” they are going to one of her functions, imagine how good the other ladies look. You know how hard it is to draw all that??
I have a cool idea that might happen in the future what if Tim comes acrossnow the place where shadow lives. Slot of interesting stuff could happen again
Sorry spellchecker x3
Will the line art be posted before the page?
Not here, but even that isn’t finished yet.
I hope you’re doing good Brandon!
Hey, Brandon! I have been reading your comic for a while, now, and I just wanted to thank you. This comic is always amusing and entertaining for me!
Thank you!
Hey, Brandon. Is there going to be a new page this week? You said you haven’t finished the line art, so I assume it’ll be this Sunday?
Yeah, the rough isn’t even finished yet, but I’m slowly, very slowly hacking away at it. I would just expect it on Sunday, yeah.
Is there anything going on between Tim and Midnight?
No, of course not. That would be preposterous! Utterly mad! Fodder for the fan-fiction writers, even!
“Methinks the wench doth protest TOO MUCH!!”
Middy would be the first addition to Tim’s Nox harem, considering that she’s aleady such good friends with Shadow. I wonder whether Ruthless will approve?
Do you Or anyone else know where I could find any fanfics of this comic?
One time a guy sent me a story he wrote in Russian. I tried to read it via google translate, but I have a good feeling something was missing. Also it was from early on, and practically all the details were wrong, as I hadn’t established anything solidly yet myself.
This comic is pretty great, I have enjoyed it for a while and will keep on enjoying it. But still, don’t strain yourself!
Mmm call me crazy guys but I think Brandon might be trying to mislead us here. Don’t know why I think that, his long very worded dismissing of something going on between Tim and Midnight above is very very very convincing. I sure Brandon will confirm that adult Tim and Midnight are nothing more then friends now, yes just friends nothing more happening there. No Shadow sharing Tim with Midnight, no flirting kissing or sex stuff happening there, totally nothing going on. Right ?
Yes, exactly. They only just barely stand each other for Shadow’s sake.
Ah and there you have it, they can barely stand each other. So we can now assuredly forget about things like adult Tim and Midnight getting it on and having a hot threesome with Shadow. Jip can totally forget about stuff like that now. After all Brandon would never ever try to mislead us with faulty info.
Doesn’t rule out the possibility of an (off-screen) grudge fuck. That’s ALWAYS on the cards in every relationship – just look around.
Im mad i finish this comic in the span of two days now i gotta wait
I found this on reddit and read this in like two hours, I feel good that I found this and sad that I need to wait for it to update now ;-;
Hey, just curious, but at this point in time, does Tim know about his mother being, you know, from Nox? And seeing that his mother is Lady Blackheart, why does his physical appearance not show any “monster” DNA I know you might not be able to answer this, but it is an interesting way to think of it.
Stick around!
Finally, someone asks me to do something I can actually do, unlike exercise…
I see 3 possibilities:
1) Ruthless is not Tim’s biological mother, just his stepmother. Tim’s real mother was human, so Tim is too.
2) Tim is half-Noxian, but naturally looks totally human. Either because human genes are dominant over Noxian genes or he just happens to take after his father really strongly.
3) Tim DOES have Noxian features, but Ruthless has been using her magic to hide them his entire life, so even he doesn’t know about them.
Reliable theories indeed
Though, seeing that in a flashback, you can see that she had fell in love with tims father, and decided to leave Nox to be with him, so possibility 1 might be out of the table.
I personally think possibility 2 is the most reasonable, so I’ll skip that for now.
Ok, number 3 if Tim’s features were masked, he would still be able to feed off of fear, like Shadow had at Halloween, if he was Noxian he would have a tail, which he would probably be able to feel an extra appendage, and Shadow could still feel her tail while masked with the magic.
And we have a winner
I have recently done some detective style digging, and–I am so confident in this that I will have to basically scream out SPOILERS AHEAD–
So, I’ve recently been rereading the comic, and have went through the comments, I came upon a comment from Brandon himself pointing out to this website, in this website, it states-human-hybrid, and since we already know Ruth is a monster, it is safe to assume that Tim is a hybrid, also it had also said in the prequel blank has secret relations with blank—— I have also figured out this riddle, but have decided to ignore it, seeing that we basically already know this.
Like it’s all but confirmed.
For me this reminded of a few questions I had. If Tim is geneticly part Noxian can he use the same transformation magic that Shadow can? And is the ability to use magic exclusive to Noxians at all?
Hey, this comic is quite possibly, no, THE BEST web comic that i have ever read, though i haven’t really read many web comics, but still…, And does Shadow know Lady Blackheart is Tim’s mother?
You need to specify a time-frame when asking a question like that. A few comic-pages ago we were seeing a much younger Shadow, and here we are seeing a presumably-adult Shadow (different cultures have different definitions so we need to be careful how we describe things like that).
Anyway, the much-younger Shadow, in page #128 ( /?comic=128-dont-look-now <–append that to the website name), started to tell Tim something about his mom, so we might guess that she suspected something. We might also figure that the adult Shadow has had plenty of time since, to resolve that suspicion, one way or another. Since we readers now know the truth, it is not a great speculation to think Shadow knows it, too.
As for Tim knowing, we might assume Shadow would have told him something, once she was sure. On the other hand, even if she didn't, he has had years of encounters with his mom, and it only takes one mistake on her part, for him to catch her in Nox form. He might not clearly remember the "golden lion suit" mentioned in #115 ( /?comic=115-costumes ), but if he ever again saw her in Nox form, in those years between that Halloween and the present comic, he will know what he is seeing.
Find out next time for sure on DRAGON BALL ZEEEEEEEE!
I was referring to the time shown in the current page, hence posting on this page, i thought it would be implied. I’ll try to be more clear in the future, thanks tho, i forget people cant read minds. Lol…..
Well, still, based on what has been portrayed so far in the comic, in the “present” time frame, we cannot say for certain that Shadow knows about Tim’s mom. We can only suspect it as an educated guess, as I explained in that other comment above.