#148 “Something’s Missing”
UPDATE: Sunday, April 8th –
Sorry for taking so long on page #149, but I’ve been having some problems with my wrist. I’m currently using a wrist brace I bought to alleviate some of the problem (I won’t say ‘pain’, exactly, because it doesn’t actually hurt much) and I have been working on the new page, but it is slow going with this thing on my hand.
Between my day job (which has had a heavy work load going through lately) and the comic, I believe I have strained my wrist slightly, as my hand tends to go numb/tingly, or feel cramped every few minutes while drawing, but returns to normal quickly when I take a break. Hopefully, after this all blows over it will return to normal, but in the meantime, I’ll be taking care of myself.
Expect the next page sometime this week once I finish it, and that will end Chapter 3 of the comic! Woo-Hoo!
Keep up with me over on Twitter or my Facebook fan-page for more regular updates. Links are on the left hand margin over there on the side of the website!
Oh yeah, I’ve also edited the Ghostbusters poster out of the last two pages, because, well, it was cluttering up the scenes and really clashed with the characters. Yeah.
There. That oughta do it.
It would seem Shadow is still unaware of the Ruth=Lady Blackheart connection.
Or she is aware, and it’s a non-issue. When wearing her glamour, she’s Ruth. When she isn’t, she’s Lady Blackheart.
Well to be fair, Lady Blackhearts name is Ruthless.
This page sets her up for a transform and gentle correction next page.
Tom saying something about it being like looking into a mirror is a pretty good hint that Tom & Ruth are as much a mixed couple as Tim and Shadow.
Anyway, to me, at least, it looks like something is still missing. If Tom and Ruth are coming along to where-ever, the destination might not be Nox, because neither appears to be wearing an Aegis. So, either an Aegis or two is missing, or as far as the readers are concerned, knowledge of the actual destination for this late hour (elevenish!) is still missing.
Look at the page and you can see that Shadow is wearing her Aegis, its just that her hands are covering hers on this page. As far as Ruth goes I think that she is hiding her’s since it appears that Shadow doesn’t know that Ruth is Ruthless yet.
Oops!I mean LAST page.
This page implies 4 are going out together. But only 2 Aegis are portrayed. And that’s what I was talking about. I admit we haven’t been shown all of Tom’s and Ruth’s outfits, but common places for an Aegis to be worn are shown in this page, so….
Also, when I wrote about the hint that Tom and Ruth are a mixed couple, I neglected to add to that, “and they all know it” (another thing hinted, I mean).
“Only 2 aegis are portrayed”
You realize, Tom’s buckle isn’t shown (in case he ACTUALLY carries an Aegis there), and Ruth’s (and Tom’s for that matter) Aegis might be somewhere else on her person, right?
Yes, I’m aware that only so far as portrayals are concerned, 2 Aegis appear to be missing. Note that since Ruth’s human-ness is a disguise, her glamour could be hiding her Aegis. Both males are wearing jackets, but Tim’s is open, revealing his Aegis on his belt, while Tom’s jacket is closed.
If they are going to visit Nox, one possible problem could be Tom’s camera –the first time its flash goes off will draw attention. Nox folk have not been portrayed as using common human gadgets.
Hey, Brandon, if you see this, a question: I’m aware that this group includes 3 that might benefit from a concealing glamour while visiting Nox, including Ruth. She has had a long time of practice with that spell, and so I wonder if she might have have an alternate Nox form she can wear as a glamour, alternate to her appearance as Lady Blackheart. Then Tom and Tim and herself could all visit Nox looking like ordinary unsuspicious Nox folk. Shadow, of course, is fine as herself.
First of all, for a group of people to pass into Nox, you’d only need ONE (1) Aegis between all of them to open the portal. You could guess there are at least three of them currently among the characters in Tim’s room currently.
Since they are all dressed up, it could be assumed that it’s a special occasion where everyone attending has been invited beforehand. I doubt some random humans would crash any sort of Nox gathering without properly being vetted first, yeah?
Nobody knows exactly the circumstances that happened concerning Ruthless’ past except myself (and in-fiction Lady Moonlight) currently. I will say it involves a quick and violent escape attempt on Ruthless’ part. Again, Lady Blackheart is a name attributed to her afterwards which she has adopted after becoming fairly infamous in Nox.
Thank you!
an Tim has his as a belt ,, last page.
actually ,, this page panel 3…
This is 7 years later…. It’s safe to say that they know.
Shadow wanting to jump Tim’s bones in the first panel though. OwO
This feels appropriate: https://i.imgur.com/owi7nd8.png?1
I’m glad to see that Shadow has a nice relationship with Tim’s parents. That should make the relationship between her and Tim that much easier.
Shadow the Black Rose
When I saw the line work for this, it looked most excellent… It’s like the story is chugging along now but I hope we go back to the past and see the important moments like Shadow getting caught. It feels like we are missing something and I for one am sorry if we forced it to go too forward and skiped plot points.
I do not believe Shadow is in glamour. If she was we would be seeing human shadow. and Tom’s line about looking into a mirror is a reference to seeing both of them as they were.
Also have you ever used Easy Poser to help with models? Not that you need it but as an aid for action or complicated scenes? also it’s been a long time since I asked but has there been any complications with this page?
Also a few pages back.. When Terminus went into Anna’s room.. Well, will we get to see any “tail in butt” stuff? Just the implication sounded hot. I still feel bad for Nightmare.. It’s not a 3way if your not invited and clearly Terminus was useing her and has an interest with Anna but at least his plans don’t have anything to do that can seriously harm the human race… Can it?
I think that’s everything I wanted the post for now that I can remember. Keep up the most excellent work.
We’re done with Tim and Shadow’s childhoods, but Brandon said that there’s going to be at least one more flashback, to a point around 6 months before the “present” that we’re seeing now. Probably covering how Tim and Shadow started their romance.
“We’re done with Tim and Shadow’s childhoods”
Did Brandon himself say thay? Or there was a hint in pages I missed?
Childhood is oh-vah. *spins rifle and cocks it like in T2*
Ah! The Steve McQueen move (see “The Rifleman”)
So childhood is over? I don’t get the reference.
So, do the research. Your clue is that it was a TV eries made while Mr McQueen was alive (Oh really?) and the reference is in the first minute of each episode’s intro.
Surely it’s been posted online?
“Ruth” ??? I did not expect such familiarities
Well I can’t really think of anything to say here, guess there aren’t any secrets between them at this point in time. Oh wait I guess this page makes it clear that nothing bad will happen to Ruth and Tom over the years
This is adorable, good work Brandon!
Good that Shadow is on good terms with her future inlaws…
Why are they getting together like that at 11 at night?
Judging by the dialogue they know Shadow is a “monster” and that Shadow and Tim know that Ruth is one too.
Are they getting married?
They’re not getting married but they are going to Nox for a kind of celebration hence the clothes.
I believe, judging by Brandon’s responses to most things, they’re going to a party called the Monster Mash.
It was a graveyard smash
It caught on in a flash
More like flashback. We did this joke already.
The rose sparkles. Something is up. knows something.
Am I the only one who noticed the poster changing? It was nightmare on elm street between them, then it was ghostbusters.
Perhaps it’s a different angle
Shouldn’t be. If you look at their positioning, then how they move, then the positioning again, they didn’t move their feet. They just leaned towards each other. The poster shouldn’t have changed positioning so drastically without a huge turn.
No, it is a different angle. They sidestepped a bit when Shadow was admiring the rose.
They side stepped… In a position where she can literally just move her eyes? And there’s no image of them moving other than Ruth actually placing the rose, which was easily done from the starting position.
I love the fact that you guys are arguing over such a banality of a character moving between frames, and completely ignoring the fact that Timothy simply disappears off of the page after frame 3, which is what I assumed people would latch on to. XD Silly me!
As ghandi said it best Sayyyy whatttt?
Nicely done brandon love the everything you put in this strip.
now onto the cryogenic freezing until the next panel.
Hmmm. You gonna keep the way his folks found out about her the same way from the novel or you gonna change it up a bit?
That is to say, I mean her being properly introduced to them.
Novel??? Oh god is there a source of story I know not about