#148 “Something’s Missing”
UPDATE: Sunday, April 8th –
Sorry for taking so long on page #149, but I’ve been having some problems with my wrist. I’m currently using a wrist brace I bought to alleviate some of the problem (I won’t say ‘pain’, exactly, because it doesn’t actually hurt much) and I have been working on the new page, but it is slow going with this thing on my hand.
Between my day job (which has had a heavy work load going through lately) and the comic, I believe I have strained my wrist slightly, as my hand tends to go numb/tingly, or feel cramped every few minutes while drawing, but returns to normal quickly when I take a break. Hopefully, after this all blows over it will return to normal, but in the meantime, I’ll be taking care of myself.
Expect the next page sometime this week once I finish it, and that will end Chapter 3 of the comic! Woo-Hoo!
Keep up with me over on Twitter or my Facebook fan-page for more regular updates. Links are on the left hand margin over there on the side of the website!
Oh yeah, I’ve also edited the Ghostbusters poster out of the last two pages, because, well, it was cluttering up the scenes and really clashed with the characters. Yeah.
There. That oughta do it.
Why is Ruth in human form, but not Shadow? If it’s just the 2 of them going out, where are they going that Shadow can go in her natural form? Is it Halloween again?
Where they are going Lady Blackheart/Ruthless is still a wanted woman. Ruth Newton will just have to do.
Wanted? I must have missed that page! (Which page please, Brandon?)
Wanted by whom? a human governmental or non-government agency, the US CIA? Russian FSB ,GRU? the Mafia, the Albanians?
Well, heck, I’d want her!
But yeah, I don’t quite remember that part either.
Brandon has commented somewhere about how when Lady Blackheart left Nox, it was under unfavorable circumstances for her, and that Ruth is basically a disguise so that the Nox authorities don’t find her and inflict consequences upon her.
I think, but am not certain, that the issue was her taboo involvement with a human. Which is why L.B., upon first encountering Shadow, cautioned her on the importance of keeping even mild/modest interactions with a human a secret.
But there is a problem with that scenario, because if Tim and Shadow can visit Nox together unchallenged by the same cultural mores, what happened to those mores during the years L.B. has been hiding? If they really changed that much, L.B. should no longer need to hide.
And so the actual answer might stay hidden until the author gets around to including it in the comic.
Ruth is going to stay hidden until it’s convenient. After all we did see her still walking about in Nox from time to time at least in her Ruthless guise.
My guess is with Midnight being the next Mother or whatever the term is she’s going to pardon Ruthless at least in private. Or failing that, considering that Tim and his family is invited, the Noxians that are going to be there suspect there’s more there than meets the eye.
Ruthless being wanted? That part I dont remember. But if her crime was running off with a human, them Tim and Shadow would be the same. I was certain the political environment in Nox had shifted by this point in the story where that wouldnt be an issue.
I thought her going as Ruth was to prevent the missing mother from stealing the spotlight from… well, the event they are going to is centered on certain characters who arent them.
Brandon mentioned the “wanted” thing in a comment somewhere, not specifically in the comic. However, if you review Page 95 ( /?comic=95-the-same-mistakes <–append that to the website name), you will note Lady Blackheart saying that she "lost everything else" –we readers now know that the one thing she didn't lose was her relationship with Tom. She had been in the top rank of Nox society. Now look at Pages 65 ( /?comic=65-blackheart ) and 66, and see what happened to L.B.’s reputation. She got away, avoiding punishment from Nox society, apparently for having had that relationship.
If anything about that last pair of pages doesn’t quite add up, it is Shadow’s believably-said statement to the effect that she would never do that, when she has just started a modest relationship with Tim. Perhaps her youthful self just doesn’t know yet how thoroughly two people can get involved with each other. But it sure makes us wonder exactly what those rumors were saying, that she does know about!
When I look at Shadow with those sharp claws and teeth I wonder what sort of scars Tim has. I imagine his doctor looking at them and saying to himself, “I don’t want to know.”
if you go to the page 3, he have 3 scars in his back
“Did some volunteer work at the zoo. Things happened. Things we do not discuss.”
I know this is really old but ROFLMAO!
Curious, when Shadow and Tim bang is it considered incest? I mean they technically are siblings if not step siblings right?
Negative. It’s canon that Shadow was *adopted* by Ruth’s sister, not a blood relation. The fact that Shadow has the same taste in companionship as Ruth is just happy coincidence.
I don’t even remember mentioning that she was adopted… She’s just a guiding light, so to speak.
I think POW is referring to Moonlight – Ruth’s Sister – as adopting Shadow.
No, Moonlight simply gives them all direction and guidance in life. She’s never adopted any of them. Shadow lives there because it’s all she has to go to.
Thank you, yes. Lack of direct quotes aside, I maintain that Moonlight seems to care for Shadow especially, where she had no one else growing up. That’s adopted, in my book.
Shadow’s no more adopted than any of the other girls in the guild.
Sooooo is that a no its not incest or….?
It’s not. Geez…
Well they obviously know about shadow, but do the kids know about the mother? Or are they waiting to shock em later
I’m very confident that they know. I doubt he’d call a demon/human couple “like looking into a mirror,” unless it was admitted they themselves were one.
Then again he could just mean Tim.
I’d really like to see the actual revealing of Shadow’s true form to Tim’s parents and maybe Tim’s mom as well.
The father says “looking in to a Mirror” so there must know something…
Then again he could just mean Tim.
God i love this comic. been watching since page one, keep up the great work
Looks like the question I asked before got eclipsed by the new page so I’ll repeat here
What other secrets does the magic book hide? Is there fireball spells or something like that?
Would someone with a fireball spell be more or less dangerous than someone with a flamethrower?
The book is sentient, and knows what you want to find. XD So, maybe.
It’s autoindexed.
>The book is sentient, and knows what you want to find.
*opens book*
*page 149*
Oh-hohoho! You cheater! Just don’t go telling everybody how the chapter ends! XD
I’d probably just send you a few pages, bump ahead the comic a few months
Would that break anything? Time paradoxes and all that?
Eh worked fine with the song of storms from ocarina of time, I’m sure nothing bad will happen
Never mind, an older version on myself just stole and burned the book before i could do anything with it, sorry.
Why is the flower glowing?
Just to draw your attention to it. It looked very……… un-noticeable, beforehand.
It’s not a magic flower or anything.
Boy, I wish this comic would go on forever! Easily among the best (and cutest!) web comics anywhere.
It turns out that Tim is half a monster?
Maybe he’s a half-human! THE FIEND!
by percentage, he may also be between 4-8% virus by DNA
what! when did his parents find out i must know
fuk i spelt it wrong its ENOGEB i didnt check spelling since i do it easily alot of the time
Glad that shadow didn’t ripped of Tims suit
That kind of suit if f@#king expansive