#148 “Something’s Missing”
UPDATE: Sunday, April 8th –
Sorry for taking so long on page #149, but I’ve been having some problems with my wrist. I’m currently using a wrist brace I bought to alleviate some of the problem (I won’t say ‘pain’, exactly, because it doesn’t actually hurt much) and I have been working on the new page, but it is slow going with this thing on my hand.
Between my day job (which has had a heavy work load going through lately) and the comic, I believe I have strained my wrist slightly, as my hand tends to go numb/tingly, or feel cramped every few minutes while drawing, but returns to normal quickly when I take a break. Hopefully, after this all blows over it will return to normal, but in the meantime, I’ll be taking care of myself.
Expect the next page sometime this week once I finish it, and that will end Chapter 3 of the comic! Woo-Hoo!
Keep up with me over on Twitter or my Facebook fan-page for more regular updates. Links are on the left hand margin over there on the side of the website!
Oh yeah, I’ve also edited the Ghostbusters poster out of the last two pages, because, well, it was cluttering up the scenes and really clashed with the characters. Yeah.
There. That oughta do it.
Hey Brandon! Got myself a Gravatar, but haven’t used it yet. Hope this works.
Wait, why can Tim’s mom turn into a human but Shadow still can’t?
Shadow doesn’t like to do that unless she has to, Ruth has been living half her life in disguise and is quite comfortable, arguably MORE comfortable in human form.
Man.. just wow at Shadow in this and the last page! O.O
I just imagined Lil John when I read this… FML
Oh sorry I forgot the most important part of my post.. Great job as always man.. Keep up the great work, and at your own pace! LOT of appreciation for your work and this series. (please don’t let DBs and whiners get to you)
Wow! I’m glad my Mom was never that hot looking…sheesh! Ruth is a man-eater… total MILF!
Is there going to be more
No, of course not. It obviously ends right here in the middle of this scene! |:-}
I have heard wise people say that there are no stupid questions – but sometimes I really wonder. Really, I do.
No stupid questions, just stupid people.
Welp… It’s been nice! What a wild ride it has been. Good thing it ended with no loose ends or anything…
His belt buckle, tho. Nice touch.
No, No!
You never know what you may find and Tim keeps it on a hair-trigger.
You have been warned (and you do NOT need to arouse Shadow’s wrath, ever.)
Nice job as ever. Is it only me, or does Shadow look like pregnant in panel no.5. Probably just my imagination.
Brandon tends to portray women as voluptuous rather than ascetic. They all bulge – breasts, bellies and behinds. That’s an artist’s prerogative. He likes ’em like that. (So did Rubens and Titian – good precedents.)
But yes, there’s more than young adult body fat in BOTH Panel 5 and panel 1, to my eye.
Perhaps that’s another reason for Noxian celebrations tonight, the announcement of ANOTHER fertile coupling between human male and Nox female? (and there’s another whole story arc for Terminus and his attempts to prove that Nox male and human female pairings are also producive.)
Maybe she’s just been hitting the cookies too often recently?
No,if you look closer than you Can see that its not her belly but its her right arm. And that wher her arm and the bubble are crosing you can see the shape of her body. Just need to look really close. My Bad.
Oh, I realize that. I was just making a joke about Shadow’s sweet tooth.
I gotta ask, exactly how was tims mother and father able to procreate if she’s a monster and he’s a human and tim himself isn’t a hybrid of some kind, is there more to tim than what we have seen already?
No one said Tim wasn’t a hybrid
We haven’t seen it yet so until we see it all we can do is wonder
Shadow’s seen it all by now and SHE seems to believe that “there’s more to Tim” than Brandon has shown us yet.
Maybe that’s one reason why she’s stuck with him for seven years already – so he might be “a monster” (as far as Shadow’s concerned.)
hay brandon are you going to make this an acctual hard copy comic that we can purchase at book stors or something.
can you do that id buy it
here, got you what was missing
*Du dun tiss*
I just want to say that I look forward to seeing each and every page that you post and to wish everyone a happy EASTER!
I’m scared of what will happen now that April fools falls on a sunday
Maybe someone will say that the world is coming to an end. lol