#148 “Something’s Missing”
UPDATE: Sunday, April 8th –
Sorry for taking so long on page #149, but I’ve been having some problems with my wrist. I’m currently using a wrist brace I bought to alleviate some of the problem (I won’t say ‘pain’, exactly, because it doesn’t actually hurt much) and I have been working on the new page, but it is slow going with this thing on my hand.
Between my day job (which has had a heavy work load going through lately) and the comic, I believe I have strained my wrist slightly, as my hand tends to go numb/tingly, or feel cramped every few minutes while drawing, but returns to normal quickly when I take a break. Hopefully, after this all blows over it will return to normal, but in the meantime, I’ll be taking care of myself.
Expect the next page sometime this week once I finish it, and that will end Chapter 3 of the comic! Woo-Hoo!
Keep up with me over on Twitter or my Facebook fan-page for more regular updates. Links are on the left hand margin over there on the side of the website!
Oh yeah, I’ve also edited the Ghostbusters poster out of the last two pages, because, well, it was cluttering up the scenes and really clashed with the characters. Yeah.
There. That oughta do it.
Will there be a page this week ?
Unfortunately not, I ended up visiting with friends and doing the Easter family thing this weekend. Next week for sure though!
Boom April fools, and precisely a hour after Brandon said this we get the next page hehe. Or at least thats what I’m telling myself, you know to help me sleep at night.
I believe you, but given the day, I will also be checking in tomorrow
Is always a page per week?
No. Lately it’s been whenever I find the time to actually finish one.
its been roughly every other week
Honestly, I’m just glad branson hasn’t given up on such amazing comic. To juggle this and the rest of life must be tough.
It can be, certainly. If only I had made it black and white, like a smart person. XD
I’m super glad you’ve kept it coloured! Seriously, this entire comic is amazing, and I’ve read it around 6-7 times already. Keep up the fantastic work, and don’t rush!
Like a cherry on the top – PERFECT
Happy Easter
Enjoy your time with family and friends.
Was Ruth wearing that *just* to give it to Shadow? Like her dress is a golden orange and she’s wearing a purple necklace. A black flower in her hair doesn’t really go with the rest of her outfit, in my non-expert opinion.
Probably, it almost seems like she can see the future so she would probably know it would be perfect for Shadow’s outfit.
Purple and yellow are complementary colors, so that could have something to do with her outfit’s color scheme.
It’s not her necklace I’m questioning – that seems entirely fine with the dress. It’s the hairpiece that doesn’t fit in with the necklace and dress.
Says you! Implying I only wrote this page to give Shadow and Ruth a cute moment together! Pshaaaw! I would never do that! Especially not when it makes the chapter end exactly on page 150. Nope nope nope.
That’s an interesting belt buckle Tim’s got there
notice me senpai
I noticed.
I wanted to be the 200th to comment so here we are brandon
Can’t wait for the next strip. Also don’t get me wrong but when time parents walked in I was cringing like fuck thinking that shadow and the parents haven’t met. And I notice they were casual and I just took a moment to understand. Then I wrote this comment…anyway happy late Easter Brandon. How was it btw?
Oh, Easter was fine. I got a chocolate Bunny out of it, so I can’t complain much. Visiting with my friends was also lovely!
Really, nice comic, i stay reading this at 1am , its fantastic, where can i donate something? And… how many chapters will be , thanks
Thanks, either to my Patreon or my Paypal if you feel like donating that badly, and I have no idea how many chapters it’ll be right now. As many as it takes.
Huh. Even if this is before the first couple pages of the comics doesn’t seem like shadow to not commit to saying how bad she wants to Jump his bones. Maybe she just grows into that.
Do you have the story already made up or do you make something up on the the spot? Oh and btw NICE comic best one i`ve seen.
It’s both he made a boom but isn’t going along with it all to much also if this gets deleted I will have complaints
Supposed to say both instead of boom. Also I need to go into more detail so I will, he made a book both online and not. Well it’s going to be hard to find it because he deleted it of the internet basically. This story has all of the major plot points that is really the only correlation to his original boom. This is all from reading the comments in a lot of the pages.
Brandon, I require your assistance. How do glamours work with pinky fingers, since Noxians only have four fingers on each hand.
Let me answer, so Brandon can keep working on the new page.
A glamour only alters a viewer’s perception and doesn’t make any physical change to the subject.
A glamour can be dissipated or penetrated if the viewer’s perception is countered or negated by reality.
Thus Shadow’s humaniform glamour can be cancelled if the viewer actually takes hold of the Nox four fingered hand (and claws!) and notices the physical difference from the human pentadactyl shape.
Then ask yourself just HOW OFTEN you, yourself actually notice or comment on somebody else’s physical difference or “deformity” of their hand.
It would be very rude and offensive to make such a comment unasked and I’m fairly sure that Shadow herself would not make the shape of her hands to be a topic of conversation.
The glamour will persist unless broken.
The better answer is that it just does. Hah.
You shot his explanation out of the sky. Lol
Just got into reading your comic and I’m really enjoying it, but a questions been on my mind since the Halloween part who are Tim’s human friends their isn’t really anything to suggest he doesn’t have any (he may be bullied but he’s written as an average kid) so is their a chance we may see them in future parts/pages
ok so we have seen naked Ruth, naked Shadow, naked Midnight, naked High Mother, and even naked background background characters! But what I want to see is naked Nightmare… And now that I have that image in my head I need to to it…
need to see it*
just recently got into your comic & am really enjoying it, but theirs a question on my mind ever since The halloween part Who are Tim’s human friends he doesn’t seem like the type to be completely devoid of friends and he does have bullies so would they be making an appearance later on in the story
Well, actually… :3