#148 “Something’s Missing”
UPDATE: Sunday, April 8th –
Sorry for taking so long on page #149, but I’ve been having some problems with my wrist. I’m currently using a wrist brace I bought to alleviate some of the problem (I won’t say ‘pain’, exactly, because it doesn’t actually hurt much) and I have been working on the new page, but it is slow going with this thing on my hand.
Between my day job (which has had a heavy work load going through lately) and the comic, I believe I have strained my wrist slightly, as my hand tends to go numb/tingly, or feel cramped every few minutes while drawing, but returns to normal quickly when I take a break. Hopefully, after this all blows over it will return to normal, but in the meantime, I’ll be taking care of myself.
Expect the next page sometime this week once I finish it, and that will end Chapter 3 of the comic! Woo-Hoo!
Keep up with me over on Twitter or my Facebook fan-page for more regular updates. Links are on the left hand margin over there on the side of the website!
Oh yeah, I’ve also edited the Ghostbusters poster out of the last two pages, because, well, it was cluttering up the scenes and really clashed with the characters. Yeah.
There. That oughta do it.
Brandon, I have idea for you: how about making your webcomic black and white, like manga? I don’t know how other readers would feel about it, but I would preferer b&w comic if it would mean that there will be less delays and the story will progress quicker. Besides, if one day your comic will become popular enough you will be able to separatly sell colored edition.
Nah… I’ve committed to full colour and I shall stick to that. Besides, I debated myself a long time ago and having it in colour really makes the different coloured characters pop a bit.
I for one appreciate your commitment to your art!
Agreed, especially seeing as how important colour appears to be for the Noxian characters.
I couldn’t see a black and white version of the comic. I feel like it would clash with his art style.
Is there any kind of official earth knowledge of nox? An SCP foundation of this comic if you will.
No mentions in the Foundation database, as far as my clearance level shows…
If it’s not in the archives, then it doesn’t exist.
And why on Earth would I reveal that if there were?
Brandon didn’t you mean “why on not or earth would I reveal that if there were?”
No. XD
There’s gotta be some reason why interacting with humans is frowned upon
Unless I’m overthinking and it’s because if humans knew they’d be less spooked
More than likely no one wants a war. Humans might get lost in Nox, but I’m damn sure a few thermobaric bombs would make Noxians wary of going near the gateways.
Is Ruthless newton her real name? I think not. No evidence but brandon said shes wanted so someone who doesn’t want to be found would change it.
Ruthless is her Noxian name. She just shortened it to ‘Ruth’ because that is a human name.
https://youtu.be/DaV5Rl-MoMM now you won’t get any work done this weekend.
Well actually, I took a break this afternoon to go see Ready Player One, but work has begun once again!
I saw Ready Player One yesterday and I really enjoyed it. What was your favorite part?
I really enjoyed the Shining bit, but it’s one of my favourite horror movies, so yeah. I enjoyed it quite a bit myself, though I enjoyed the book more. Of course, that goes without saying most of the time. Perfectly fine film. Art3mis was cute.
In the encyclopedia do the warnings come before or after the spells?
Was the release date officially changed to Monday or is it still on Sunday ? Wanna know which day I should spend hourly checking for a new page hehe
At this point it might as well be Monday. I’ll just post it whenever it’s finished.
yay mondays tommorow
Just get better. Take the time that you need. We’ll be there whenever the comic gets back up.
Take care of yourself. The page can wait.
Speaking as a contractor and had such pain before, consider using Bengay or whatever ointment for muscle pain then wear a wrist wrap (The one with a hole for your thumb). That works for me.
Brandon, you should perhaps look at the ergonomics of your workspace, too.
When drawing (colouring etc.)your desk should be at a height so that the angle between your resting forearm and upper arm is greater than 95 degrees. This assumes that you have to work at a horizontal surface rather than a tilting “draughtsman’ s desk”.
Be aware that if you use a padded wrist-rest (I do- but not for art) you may need to adjust the desktop surface down to get that angle again.
I absolutely love the comic! Take care of yourself Brandon, and we’ll just eagerly anticipate the next page, whenever you get around to it. You’ve done a fantastic job so far, and I can’t wait to see the rest of it!
It feels so empty without the poster in the background
Brandon, on your wrist symptoms. I had similar symptoms, periodic tingling in my fingertips. After using wrist braces, ice, etc, I went to my chiropractor, who explained that muscles in the neck wrap around the shoulder, around the arm to the wrist, and a few adjustments to the neck and elsewhere, the pain went away and never came back. Just thought it might help.
I like your comics alot. I hope you never sacrifice quality for speed. I would rather whate 3 weeks or more for that gold then something rushed. never change.
It seems like you appreciate the comics more for its look, rather then for story. If you want pretty pictures, you can always just google them, you don’t need to wait when Brandon will make next page. As for me, I have a bad feeling that Brandon will meet a choice – either abandon the comics or sacrifice its quality.
Speaking from experience, I broke my wrist in I was out for for months. Couldn’t nothing with it, till the cast was off. I know how you feel, man. Take of yourself!