#150 “Different Strings”
What happened to our innocence?
Did it go out of style?
Along with our naivete?
No longer a child
Different eyes see different things
Different hearts beat on different strings
But there are times
For you and me
When all such things agree…
The Monster Under the Bed returns… JULY 1st!
UPDATE #4: I’m back in business, baby! It feels good to be able to get creative again!
Plot twist, the different tails are really the infinity stones, and Terminus is coming for them to give to Thanos
Also, Shadow dies in infinity war.
Tim: Mom, Dad, I don’t want to go *fades into weightless shards*
Now to put a Heartbroken Counter.
HB Counter current: 0
Did you write that or is it from something?
Two more days of school and 2 and a half exams left… I really can wait for summer.
Ahhhhh it’s soo good to see a new chapter and his rest is finally over. This is going to be a fantastic chapter can’t wait to read
I’ll be honest here, I don’t think this belongs as high as it is, it’s good yes but there’s a lot around that’s great, anyway more worldbuilding would be nice.
Judging by all your comments [and the announcement of a new chapter] you seem well, Brandon. Good on you. Don’t do anything EXTREMELY stupid between now and June 3, though.
It’s a part from the Rush song Different Strings. A damn fine choice!
Ah nice its coming back

Here is a sketch of my next fanart Im making its just the paper version I’m working on the digital version off and on https://longrangebushido.deviantart.com/art/Nightmare-sketch-746545840
I’m still new to drawing full body characters so sorry if I suck
The digital version will have design changes this is just a template
It looks like she is meditating
I was going for lost in thought so close enough
I’m glad to see you improved!
I am kind of sorry for the brick of text i dropped on you last time… hope you managed to get something out of it.
That being said, i am still gonna give you a whif of fortune-cookie wisdom for the road!
I am no great artist, but I do make a lot of thing with my hands and can tell you that my best work allways comes from times when i just try to enjoy the making prosess itself and go with the flow. Not too woried by the end result. Because if i had fun making it, even if i fail, i had a good time and trying again just means that i will spend more time doing somthing i like and learn how to not redo the same mistake.
You have caught my eye can’t wait to devour some more content
Next weekend the updates begin again, whether I’m ready or not!
Can’t wait
Well, you’ll HAVE to!
…and now you’ll have to wait LONGER!
Did you jinx Brandon’s drawing tablet, I wonder?
Why would I jinx something I’m interested in
It can happen accidently, too – just talking about it can give a malevolent spirit the idea and target.
One week until go time! Who’s excited? Anyone have any predictions? XD
Every time I see the title I start thinking of Pinocchio
Well if we’re picking up where we left off on page 149 then I think theya are all going to some form of Halloween party. But for chapter 4 in general I think it is going to be centered around Nightmare and her douche bag boyfriend and whatever they have plotting. Depending on how much this is going to follow the original story I have many more theories that I won’t tell because that would be mean.
I know that I’m excited, I’ve enjoyed your series ever since it first came out.
Yo art boss! Your wrist thing all healed up? May want to talk with Val of http://www.Valsalia.com . He’s another art boss who had something similar pop up and seems pretty knowledgable about the situation.
Can’t wait for the next chapter! Hope you are heal(ed/ing) up well and doing good comrade!
Every time one of these chapter pages are on screen. I feel like the stranger Things theme song would fit perfectly to listen to
The chapter is already out. I’ve read it on another website.
No you haven’t. It hasn’t been uploaded anywhere.
Perhaps if King B advises you (privately) of the URL, you can commence legal action for copyright infringement?
It may be just another griefer trolling for an angry response.
You have been hacked. King B has managed to hack you so well that he has read the entire next chapter, even though it is not finished, and has in fact just gotten started.
… and (s)he’s secretly looking through your mirrors even now.
So I just started reading this comic, I found it through Top Web Comics, and I was like “awwww…” when I got this page, I so wanted to see more.
Great work, I’m really liking this. Monster Girls weren’t really anything I’ve ever really paid much attention to, but this comic is just awesome in all the right ways. And I SO called that Ruth thing, that page where Blackheart knew exactly what some stuff was called, a lightbulb went off in my head, I’m like “wait a minute… I bet she’s really his mom…” and yup. hehe, awesome twist.