#150 “Different Strings”
What happened to our innocence?
Did it go out of style?
Along with our naivete?
No longer a child
Different eyes see different things
Different hearts beat on different strings
But there are times
For you and me
When all such things agree…
The Monster Under the Bed returns… JULY 1st!
UPDATE #4: I’m back in business, baby! It feels good to be able to get creative again!
Brandon could you update the Archive? To me it shows more detail in your comic and reveals more about your art and the story. Please?
Hope your wrist is feeling better. If it troubles you again, grind comfrey leaves and boil with water for 30 minutes. Then use the leaves to make a paste, and bind the resultant poultice over the affected area, and leave in place for an hour at a time. Do this once or twice a day. Alternately, soak a bit of cotton or gauze in the water the leaves were boiled in, and bandage the area with the soaked material pressed against it. Leave this overnight. The leaf tea can be kept in the fridge for one week. DO NOT drink of the tea.
We are back in business !!
(Damn, I wish I wrote this earlier :)) How is your wrist ?? I hope it’s fully recovered.
Ah… those screens today…
My wrist seems to be back to normal.
So im going up to Alaska for a cruise on the 8th and i won’t be able to have access to the internet until the 17th… So that means i will have to wait until the 17th to enjoy the next page of the comic, if you have your replacement in on time smh… Also sorry about your tablet man i know those things can cost alot.
Brandon, your luck is not going well
Have you smashed every mirror you’ve come across?
Have you kept an umbrella open inside at all times?
Have you walked under the stepladder section in the department store?
What have you been doing? What do the powers that be have against your comic?
Do I need to throw a virgin into a volcano to fix this?
If you can find one.
Of course you’ll need all the ceremonial garb – and the flowers. (Oh Gods! all the flowers!!!!)
No There are better ways to sacrifice virgins.
I swear I see some of the strangest comments on this website
I just happened to think of something, Is Lady Blackheart Tim’s mother or his step-mother?
Love your comic (had to say that first). sounds like you’re on a bad roll, wish I could do something to help but it sounds like you’re on it, so I’ll just hang around until the next page comes out. The world is what it is, so don’t get wrapped around the axle (not worth the pain).
This is a kinda hard question to answer but I want to try and make my own comic but HOW IN THE WORLD DO YOU BUILD A STORY!!
Think about it for a while, write down ideas you want to incorporate, write an outline using those ideas, think some more, edit if you need to, make sure to leave yourself wiggle-room in the story so you don’t write yourself into a corner, keep going, don’t give up.
Different Strings by Rush
The world really seems to hate you, your comic, and us fans. Such bad luck can’t be a coincidence.
Nah, people love this thing, I just have crap timing.
Here’s hoping for some good.
@Fireslayer: Best I can guess, is that you’d write the story ahead of time, just a general cliffnotes version “character A does this, character B does that” kind of outline ahead of time in advance and then start drawing the pages one by one, adding actual dialogue, etc to fit the outline/synopsis you wrote.
Okay Brandon, I’ve properly performed the rites and sacrificed the chickens, so you should receive your new screen sometime this week. Assuming you haven’t done anything to piss off the Random Number God lately, that is.
Were they virgin chickens?
You got to get ALL the details right or there will be unintended consequences.
Just one thing to say. SHIT HAPPENS.
If you were near my area, I’d fix the laptop just to get the next chapter underway! XDDD
Hope all goes well.