That is an interesting theory, but Timmy knows her. He’d probably recognize Shadow, he has seen her looking human. Also I kinda doubt Shadow has the resources and connections to get herself enrolled in school…
And somehow leave Nox every day for hours at a time unnoticed, and never having time to sleep. We must keep in mind that Shadow is nocturnal. She is asleep during the day time!
Good for Timmy. I mean, We all know he will end up with Shadow but let be honest, wives never are the girls guys were dating for the first time. Kid have to learn this stuff from someone before he will do something with Shadow. Maybe it’s just me, but I like the way the story rolls. It always was great, but is getting just better and better.
*steals all the popcorn, dips each piece in bowl of powdered sugar* “The hell you mean it won’t end well? i think it will end very well. who knows, maybe the cheerleader and shadow will get on. hell, Tim might get 2 girls in his bed tonight.”
*Walks in with a cart pile with a full course spread of pizza, nachos, cheese burgers, a bucket of popcorn, and soda* “Oh I am not missing this. Let the firework fly.”
I ask because, she’s a cheerleader, Tim is apparently a nerd, and Tim’s friend is apparently a jock and she is telling the jock to go away to get to be alone with the nerd.
I know that there is nothing stopping a cheerleader from having an interest in pursuing a relationship with a nerd but social norms don’t generally bear that out.
I think everyone is saying that Marcy is Shadow in disguise because they are afraid of any amount of conflict in Tim and Shadows relationship. Personally I love the idea, you can’t have a relationship like this go perfectly forever and expect the story to not get stale. Think of this like the medicine that tastes like shit but you know it’s good for you in the long run.
Pretty sure Marcy is not Shadow, Marcy looked like she was in their school for a while, which means she attends at morning, and Shadow barely gets up in the morning
Or when shadow Sees Tim with Marcy becomes Jealous hurts Marcy and is captured Causing Tim to get to Nox exposing who his mom is. Then him And Midnight rescue Shadow but apon her returning Timm will be captured in nox Ect. I feel like this could go on forever but hey Its an Idea.
Tim is going to be terrified, which may mean a “monster” that lives on fear may actually enjoy the cheerleader.
I’m hoping that Tim finds the strength to tell her that he has a girlfriend (before Shadow intervenes).
Somehow I get the feeling Marcy is Shadow’s alter-ego which is similar to Ruthless being Blackheart’s.
That is an interesting theory, but Timmy knows her. He’d probably recognize Shadow, he has seen her looking human. Also I kinda doubt Shadow has the resources and connections to get herself enrolled in school…
And somehow leave Nox every day for hours at a time unnoticed, and never having time to sleep. We must keep in mind that Shadow is nocturnal. She is asleep during the day time!
You’ve already seen Shadow’s alter-ego that looks nothing like Marcy and everything like Shadow.
wait brandon dose the Nox have a natural light source like the earth has a sun
Good for Timmy. I mean, We all know he will end up with Shadow but let be honest, wives never are the girls guys were dating for the first time. Kid have to learn this stuff from someone before he will do something with Shadow. Maybe it’s just me, but I like the way the story rolls. It always was great, but is getting just better and better.
This will not end well…
*grabs popcorn and pop*
Or will it? *steals an handful of popcorn*
“Brings extra butter and salt”
“grab a handful of popcorn and a beer, he starts to think how lonely he is and how sad his life is, start crying”
*joins in crying*
*steals all the popcorn, dips each piece in bowl of powdered sugar* “The hell you mean it won’t end well? i think it will end very well. who knows, maybe the cheerleader and shadow will get on. hell, Tim might get 2 girls in his bed tonight.”
*Walks in with a cart pile with a full course spread of pizza, nachos, cheese burgers, a bucket of popcorn, and soda* “Oh I am not missing this. Let the firework fly.”
“Hey…We’re out of Popcorn”
*hands out individual tubs of popcorn to all present*
*covers his with white cheddar* :9
Brings honey take a tube and tors it
Boy’s just too innocent to notice a thirsty lady
… or is there just too much salt on the popcorn?
Something tells me this chemistry is going to create a volatile reaction.
something tells me that you have a degree in chemistry
Is she doing this to win a bet?
I ask because, she’s a cheerleader, Tim is apparently a nerd, and Tim’s friend is apparently a jock and she is telling the jock to go away to get to be alone with the nerd.
I know that there is nothing stopping a cheerleader from having an interest in pursuing a relationship with a nerd but social norms don’t generally bear that out.
Too real, man
Oh wow I just noticed that their school’s colors are purple and gold, the same as my high school.
I think everyone is saying that Marcy is Shadow in disguise because they are afraid of any amount of conflict in Tim and Shadows relationship. Personally I love the idea, you can’t have a relationship like this go perfectly forever and expect the story to not get stale. Think of this like the medicine that tastes like shit but you know it’s good for you in the long run.
Get a better doctor!
No medicine does,or should, taste like shit.
Somebody’s been feeding you real shit, not medcine, I think.
I was being hyperbolic… I think
Oof, please don’t pull out a love triangle because those things always mess the story up ;-;
Btw I read the whole comic today ~~It’s now 3:46AM for me~~
By the way there are many other ways to conflict their relationship aside from love triangles ;-; (Pls don’t do this to me)
Haha you said it, but everybody just jumps straight to Love Triangles.
Or the popular theory that Marcy somehow *is* Shadow… which makes very little sense if people just thought about it for 2 seconds. XD
Pretty sure Marcy is not Shadow, Marcy looked like she was in their school for a while, which means she attends at morning, and Shadow barely gets up in the morning
I’ve been telling people that for 2 pages, but nobody believes me. *shrug*
Everybody is forgetting that Shadow has an allie in the human world, that can put the cabosh on anything that Marcie is planning.

Marcy meets Shadow Find out how to get to Nox almost Destroys the world.
Or when shadow Sees Tim with Marcy becomes Jealous hurts Marcy and is captured Causing Tim to get to Nox exposing who his mom is. Then him And Midnight rescue Shadow but apon her returning Timm will be captured in nox Ect. I feel like this could go on forever but hey Its an Idea.
She wants to Pb2CuCrO4AsO4OH
google says that compound is “Fornacite”