Can I side with this person above? I mean I’m going to ether way but … this is pretty much my head cannon…. or she goes running and crying back home and her would be lover basically gives the pep talk of a lifetime giving up her chance at love so shadow can be truly happy….. I may read to many books.
usally when the scream start they keep going until 2 parts is not emotionally hurt enough and reterat , they stay apart untila a third party put some sense in one or both of them
It’s pretty clear he has feelings for Shadow, I think he’s afraid of what people will think of them and what may come of it, I think when he says he wants to feel normal it means he doesn’t know how people would react if they knew he was in love with a monster.
If you go back to the Halloween strips, Shadow had suspicions that something was… familiar… about Ruth. She’s had years to make her suspicions into virtual certainty.
I highly doubt that during this time, Tim has any idea what his mother really is. Right out of the gate, he’s not “normal”. He’s half human, half monster (or what ever Shadow is). Shadow most likely knows (or has strong suspicions) about Ruth and her past. Put all that together, and her comment makes sense. Probably not to Tim…Yet.
man you’re right lets hope that thomas or Ruth but mostly Ruth should come in to his room to chat with tim & shadow and talks things out like I hope that would happen instead of Tim & shadow arguing like a domestic couple like I would like to see them to get along well enough to realise that they love each other or something besides there is nothing wrong with her kind anyway plus if noxian’s are real like i would have no problem with them like they are alright they are good species
I’m sure Ruthless is listening at the door, torn between intervening and letting them figure this out on their own, all the while remembering how Tim’s dad first reacted at that age.
Heartily agree!
“Normal” doesn’t exist, except in the minds of proto-fascists who wnat to control your thoughts & actions.
Be weird and they’ll soon stop expecting you to “join in” whatever perversion their current group-think has concocted.
Makes your life simpler and quieter, too. Fewer interactions with “officers of DA LAW” as well.
Yes, normal is boring and full of lies. Everyone is quite different so no one is really “normal”, they just hide themselves so as to appear normal. I really don’t see why. You are happier when being yourself. If your friends don’t like that side of you or at least tolerate it, they were never really friends to begin with.
and now they kiss
Can I side with this person above? I mean I’m going to ether way but … this is pretty much my head cannon…. or she goes running and crying back home and her would be lover basically gives the pep talk of a lifetime giving up her chance at love so shadow can be truly happy….. I may read to many books.
usally when the scream start they keep going until 2 parts is not emotionally hurt enough and reterat , they stay apart untila a third party put some sense in one or both of them
Oh shit
Wait…does that mean?….she knows who Tim’s mother is?
My suspicion is that Shadow knows Tim well enough to understand his fears better than Tim understands them.
It’s pretty clear he has feelings for Shadow, I think he’s afraid of what people will think of them and what may come of it, I think when he says he wants to feel normal it means he doesn’t know how people would react if they knew he was in love with a monster.
If you go back to the Halloween strips, Shadow had suspicions that something was… familiar… about Ruth. She’s had years to make her suspicions into virtual certainty.
That’s why that “You will NEVER be normal” comment is confusing, what could she mean by that?
I highly doubt that during this time, Tim has any idea what his mother really is. Right out of the gate, he’s not “normal”. He’s half human, half monster (or what ever Shadow is). Shadow most likely knows (or has strong suspicions) about Ruth and her past. Put all that together, and her comment makes sense. Probably not to Tim…Yet.
Lol this is why we need two pages a week, it would put all the theories to bed
Noxian is the species.
One thing for sure. Both of the parents are home and I’m pretty sure they don’t need superpowers to hear these two are raising their voice.
This is the perfect time to the parents get in the room and have the chat
I’m amazed they haven’t heard the screaming yet.
They had to. If not this house has soundproof walls and the writer needs to readjust his writing. Sorry Brandon it’s the truth.
given the parents… likely very vocal and active sex life its entirely possible their room is soundproof if not tims.
man you’re right lets hope that thomas or Ruth but mostly Ruth should come in to his room to chat with tim & shadow and talks things out like I hope that would happen instead of Tim & shadow arguing like a domestic couple like I would like to see them to get along well enough to realise that they love each other or something besides there is nothing wrong with her kind anyway plus if noxian’s are real like i would have no problem with them like they are alright they are good species
Angry make up kissing incoming.
Boy! Is Tim going to be surprised when he learns the truth. Will he be able to handle it?
Probably not, which will make it more interesting to watch it unfold later in the comic.
this lover’s quarrel is going to end in a passionate kiss
The hairs on my face are tingling, there may be tears, from either the comic or the readers is yet to be known. Will it be sweet or salty?
She knows……..
Which is probably one of the reasons she’s stayed around all these years.
Question is, will she be the one to tell HIM?
I suspect that Ruth is going intervene. Remember when we last saw those sparks?
Ruth’s spider senses were tingling
Oh Shadow, say goodbye to that high ground.
Take off the shirt. He’ll stop for a moment and stammer while staring. Boobs fix everything!
I’m just wondering how nobody has noticed this argument.
I’m sure Ruthless is listening at the door, torn between intervening and letting them figure this out on their own, all the while remembering how Tim’s dad first reacted at that age.
Tim… Normal is overrated. Being weird is more fun.
100% like this at work and I confuse my coworkers.
Heartily agree!
“Normal” doesn’t exist, except in the minds of proto-fascists who wnat to control your thoughts & actions.
Be weird and they’ll soon stop expecting you to “join in” whatever perversion their current group-think has concocted.
Makes your life simpler and quieter, too. Fewer interactions with “officers of DA LAW” as well.
Yes, normal is boring and full of lies. Everyone is quite different so no one is really “normal”, they just hide themselves so as to appear normal. I really don’t see why. You are happier when being yourself. If your friends don’t like that side of you or at least tolerate it, they were never really friends to begin with.
Now…. KISS!
Hehe, I can see it now… his Mother pops up from under the bed and mashes them together to force a kiss.