Genetics is funny though, my family has a recessive red-hair gene (my dads mom and him both had red/orange hair) out of 7 children, none of us have red hair, out of 20 grand children one them finally showed up with red hair. and I’m the only one to get green eyes.
I’ve also seen dogs that look nothing like either parent.
Not what I had expected but damn ya got me
Why do I get the feeling that she’s tempting fate?
Yes, Anna, it was mean and NOT funny!
It’s the sort of “joke” that leads to Terminus (or any of us) “going to the corner shop for smokes”
Haha, I don’t think he knows crossbreeding is a legitimate concern!
Ah, the gods so play with men (and monsters).
That is a long face (first panel) anyways I like your comic! Keep up the awesome work!
HA Ha Good one Brandon fooled us all. Perhaps this is a new chapter on what happens when Noxians and humans mate and concieve a child.
Well played, dude. Well played….
April fools came early. Wonder what would happen if she was pregnant? And would the kid/kids be monster or human?
Tim is half Noxian, so we know that the kid would look human.
well actually who knows if the baby would look human. time mom is not but his dad is human but in this case the gender is flipped around
“Tim’s mom”
Don’t be so sure!
btw I’m still looking out for a plot twist involving times “mom?”
WTF auto correct
Genetics is funny though, my family has a recessive red-hair gene (my dads mom and him both had red/orange hair) out of 7 children, none of us have red hair, out of 20 grand children one them finally showed up with red hair. and I’m the only one to get green eyes.
I’ve also seen dogs that look nothing like either parent.
A Prediction!
She WILL be!
Brandon, you tease! It would be funny if it turned out she actually is pregnant and doesn’t know it.
I have one question … Does Ruth have documents like a passport? If so, how, and if not, how did she marry Father Tim?
I actually have thought about that and I’ll answer it at some point.
Asking the real questions lol.
If tv has taught me any thing, theres always a guy in a pawnshop that can get you whatever documents you need
Ten bucks says the next page will her having morning sickness right after monster loverboy leaves back to Nox.
I’m confused.
Did I just feel a moment of actual sympathy for termite?
out with more pranks 10/10
Angry ?
You made me smile