Brandon’s never said, and he’s been asked many times. It could very well be that he hasn’t made up his mind yet how it’s going to work.
Since the only known Human-Noxian crossbreed is Tim, we only have one case to go on. It could be random, it could be that the child takes after the father (as in gender selection), or it could be that they have characteristics of both and Ruth has merely used her book to magically remove anything that would show Tim as a half-breed.
There is no such thing as different species of dog, they all belong to the same species, they are just selectively bred to have different characteristics(mostly looks).
Well, Bill Holbrook’s comic’s can certainly do that. He keeps us in suspense till we can learn if it’s a pregnancy or not… (Even if his birth sequences are all similar)
If she REALLY isn’t pregnant, she totally wants to be.
she is
And that, Your Honor, is when I strangled her.
Completely justified.
So I was wondering if the story is going to end when this will get to the present day or will it continue?
I wonder if it’s like only female NOX – people can get pregnant from humans. Maby it doesn’t work the other way around?
If it works one way it will the other, see Ligers, Tigons, Leopon, Jaglion, and Leopard just to name a few from the large cat hybrid category.
Brandon is it like the donkey horse ting makes a mule, or is it more of a difrent spesies of dogs thing that you don’t know what you are going to get?
Brandon’s never said, and he’s been asked many times. It could very well be that he hasn’t made up his mind yet how it’s going to work.
Since the only known Human-Noxian crossbreed is Tim, we only have one case to go on. It could be random, it could be that the child takes after the father (as in gender selection), or it could be that they have characteristics of both and Ruth has merely used her book to magically remove anything that would show Tim as a half-breed.
We’ll find out when Brandon decides we will.
There is no such thing as different species of dog, they all belong to the same species, they are just selectively bred to have different characteristics(mostly looks).
Ah, so like Dhampirs with Vampires.
Well, Bill Holbrook’s comic’s can certainly do that. He keeps us in suspense till we can learn if it’s a pregnancy or not… (Even if his birth sequences are all similar)
I’m not distracted by her nipples so much as his lack of nipples
Oh shit. I forgot to colour those in! Damn finishing this at 1:30 am.
She’s not kidding. The clues are on her face.
or did you not?
Okay, last panel I can see the wheels turning in Termite’s mind. He’s thinking “this may just be what I need…”
Which of course spells trouble for Tim a year or so down the line… in the “present day” we’ve been waiting for.
I have a feeling next week’s strip will be Ruthless and Tim. Not Ruth and Tim, but Ruthless….
*buzzer* Incorrect guess, the next page will not include Tim, or Ruth/less. I will be switching characters though!
Suddenly I get the feeling that you will cut away to nightmare talking about how interesting terminus is.
Huh, his reaction wasn’t so bad, so I’m leaning in favor of her screening with him.
Pun not originally intended, but felt like I had to leave it once I noticed.
And damn auto correct mucked it up…
Great Job As Always, Seeing you create these comics has re inspired me
Time paradox
Just found this story… now to wait for updates but at 176 after years.. long wait.
Just a guess…Could this be Shadow’s MOM? Wait I’m not sure. Smashing Pumpkins poster is throwing me off.
How would that be shadows mom she is like 3-5 years older than Shadow.
Haha, no.