Enjoy your holidays whenever you can; you don’t owe us anything. Your comic is amazing, and every update is a delight, but too many people have been harping about irregularities in posting or that you don’t make enough comic pages. At the end of the day Brandon makes a comic, free of charge, that he takes time out of his life to create. You don’t owe us any explanations; enjoy your life to the fullest, and we’ll enjoy the comic as you have time to make it.
Hey Brandon how’s your Thanksgiving going & that last comment of mine well it’s just made a fan art but this time is in oil paint like I hope you’ll like it when you see it and by the way you did see that Dark at Heart’s said but I am not trying to make a complaint about I am just saying that I am trying to be social with you and trying be civil but really blowing you off like come man I thought he’ll grow out of it & act wise about it instead of be immature like really I thought he’ll eventually get over it and grow the fuck up plus blowing you like come on man I am a Heterosexual Brandon like damn it looks like I have hate myself for being autistic and I am just trying to be a respectful fan but I’m not making an excuse for this I am just trying to make a point that guy should watch his Damn mouth & wise the fuck up and I have been waiting for a week & I would allow you to enjoy your time & time some time off when you needed anyway I’ll wait until you are ready for the page ( if I spam or offended you I apologise ) so anyway enjoy your week off
brandon. You allready have a live it is the one you live right now.
i belive good storys are worth wating for and i think the longer it takes the more hart will be put in to the story. moste people to day wanna rush and forgets that writer’s and arttist are allso humans like them and if theay are rused there prodockt comes out crapy so Keep op the awsome work!
Your updates are a lot more consistent then many other webcomics out there. We all appreciate the work that goes into it. Thanks and looking forward to the “talk”.
Just like i’ve said before about the no HC whiners.. don’t worry about complainers and just do what feels right for you. A lot of people understand and appreciate what you do.. Keep up the great work man.
Keep up the good work. I’ve been reading for a few years and it’s really amazing how far the comic has come since page 1. I look forward to every new page.
I’m so much a little kid. If there isn’t an update on Sunday I’m back checking every day the next week in hopes of a late post. Like a little kid at Christmas, I can’t wait. I know I have to and I know it will get here eventually, but the waiting drives me nuts.
Thank you so much for sharing your gift with all of us.
Enjoy your holidays whenever you can; you don’t owe us anything. Your comic is amazing, and every update is a delight, but too many people have been harping about irregularities in posting or that you don’t make enough comic pages. At the end of the day Brandon makes a comic, free of charge, that he takes time out of his life to create. You don’t owe us any explanations; enjoy your life to the fullest, and we’ll enjoy the comic as you have time to make it.
I keeping telling people this is only a hobby, it’s not my main job at all.
I do sacrifice almost every weekend of my life working on it, instead of going out and trying to get a life… or a wife! XD
Hey Brandon how’s your Thanksgiving going & that last comment of mine well it’s just made a fan art but this time is in oil paint like I hope you’ll like it when you see it and by the way you did see that Dark at Heart’s said but I am not trying to make a complaint about I am just saying that I am trying to be social with you and trying be civil
but really blowing you off like come man I thought he’ll grow out of it & act wise about it instead of be immature like really I thought he’ll eventually get over it and grow the fuck up plus blowing you like come on man I am a Heterosexual Brandon like damn it looks like I have hate
myself for being autistic and I am just trying to be a respectful fan but I’m not making an excuse for this I am just trying to make a point that guy should watch his Damn mouth & wise the fuck up and I have been waiting for a week & I would allow you to enjoy your time & time some time off when you needed anyway I’ll wait until you are ready for the page ( if I spam or offended you I apologise ) so anyway enjoy your week off
brandon. You allready have a live it is the one you live right now.
i belive good storys are worth wating for and i think the longer it takes the more hart will be put in to the story. moste people to day wanna rush and forgets that writer’s and arttist are allso humans like them and if theay are rused there prodockt comes out crapy so Keep op the awsome work!
Best regart from a fan of your work.
Your updates are a lot more consistent then many other webcomics out there. We all appreciate the work that goes into it. Thanks and looking forward to the “talk”.
I still don’t know English as need, and can’t say all, what i want, but I like your comics and thank you so much. Wery intresting what will in future.
Just like i’ve said before about the no HC whiners.. don’t worry about complainers and just do what feels right for you. A lot of people understand and appreciate what you do.. Keep up the great work man.
Eat some poutine and all dressed Lays for me, my man
Keep up the good work. I’ve been reading for a few years and it’s really amazing how far the comic has come since page 1. I look forward to every new page.
Imo this is too sudden. She should’ve started from afar: dropping hints, talking. Shaping into her true form out of blue would only freak him out.
I have a question of mostly curiosity if you finish a page before sunday will you release it or just wait til sunday
I’ll probably save it for Sunday if I finish it early.
I’m so much a little kid. If there isn’t an update on Sunday I’m back checking every day the next week in hopes of a late post. Like a little kid at Christmas, I can’t wait. I know I have to and I know it will get here eventually, but the waiting drives me nuts.
Thank you so much for sharing your gift with all of us.
I feel that, I’m always checking back to see if there’s a new page. Just goes to show how great this comic is!
In other words, “You HAVE been warned.”
Make a diary entry if necessary, but don’t whinge and/or moan when the time comes.
Don’t know WHY this appeared out of sequence.
It’s in response to Brandon’s announcement that his birthday celebration(s) might disrupt his posting scgedule
dammit still waitin on next page, friggin major cliffhangers……..i hate em, lol
Join the club, but hey, quality over quantity.
plz make more this sunday i love ur comic
Oh, Tim’s about to be really, really, REALLY late. *^^*
Brandon your comics are great! When I learn how to improve my shitty artwork ill start making my own comic series
I’ve been looking at the first few pages
And I can see how your art style has grown and evolved.
Keep up the good work.
Hey Brandon! Fantastic job love the comic. Thanks for dedicating time so that other people can enjoy it for free. Says a lot about your character!
Quick note: While Page 198 has been has been added to the archives, this page hasn’t.
Yeah, that’s not automatic. I gotta go manually do it.