Knows what? That Marcy was attacked by someone with a pair of scissors? Yes – she just told him. That the scissors are branded with his name, or that Shadow may be behind the attempted assault? No, not yet he doesn’t.
There’s really no other viable explanation. I don’t know how he will handle this. The truth would work, but that should be reserved for more serious problems.
Well damn. guess it is up to Tim to try to explain Marcy that he has nothing to do with that night and probably have to talk this out further about that he’ll never do anything like that plus that he is already taken and maybe have a serious talk to Spencer for leaving him to deal with Marcy and nice work on the first panel when you detailed Marcy to show that she is not playing around
Such a good boy, his first reaction is to make sure shes ok and not to cover his ass. If he follows it up with a… discrete version of the truth she may actually fall for him.
That… would depend on where the brand is, but at the moment, he seems more concerned with the fact that Marcy was attacked, as opposed to seeing if there is a brand. (Not everyone brands their scissors, after all.)
I must respectfully disagree. An old adage I learned in my Creative Writing classes states, “‘The truth’ is never an excuse for ‘bad drama’.” Devoting the next page or two into a dumb-as-bricks episode of CSI for the sole purpose of determining the origin of Tim’s scissors would be a waste of our, not to mention Brandon’s, time. Personally, I’m much more interested in Marcy’s riposte to Tim’s feint (re: genuine heartfelt concern). Better to assume Tim knows they’re his scissors and let the drama unfold without needless distractions.
VERY MUCH THIS! I’ve seen too many hentai, and especially K hentai series, by this point to be able to enjoy even potential “the other girl” scenarios! >_<
By her face reaction, she was sure it was him, but now is sure he is being sincere and therefore was not him.
Tim knows.
Knows what? That Marcy was attacked by someone with a pair of scissors? Yes – she just told him. That the scissors are branded with his name, or that Shadow may be behind the attempted assault? No, not yet he doesn’t.
There’s really no other viable explanation. I don’t know how he will handle this. The truth would work, but that should be reserved for more serious problems.
Genuine concern. A powerful defense indeed.
“Oh, that must have been Shadow. She’s the subterranean monster girl who lives under my bed.”
Well damn. guess it is up to Tim to try to explain Marcy that he has nothing to do with that night and probably have to talk this out further about that he’ll never do anything like that plus that he is already taken and maybe have a serious talk to Spencer for leaving him to deal with Marcy and nice work on the first panel when you detailed Marcy to show that she is not playing around
WHOO, 200 hundred pages! WAY TOO GO! This has been a fun adventure so far, and I can’t wait to see where we’ll be at 300 pages. XD KEEP IT UP BRANDON!
Such a good boy, his first reaction is to make sure shes ok and not to cover his ass. If he follows it up with a… discrete version of the truth she may actually fall for him.
A page on Tuesday?! You magnificent madman. I wasn’t expecting one until next weekend, so this is certainly a treat!
Strange… Tim seems as lost as possible. Priceless and even Marcy seems to be puzzled by Tim’s reaction.
Congrats on reaching 200 pages! Just out of curiosity, how many pages are left this chapter?
I have no clue how many pages are left this chapter. It’s pretty fluid and the page count fluctuates all the time.
must go deeper Brandon,we need more pages till 400.
… I can’t wait to see where we’ll be at 1000 …
1000? Oh, my friend. It’ll be long over by then! I’ll hopefully have moved on to my next project (or two!) by then!
The number of pages to the end of the chapter is… yes!
Can Tim see that it is his own pair of scissors from that point of view?
That… would depend on where the brand is, but at the moment, he seems more concerned with the fact that Marcy was attacked, as opposed to seeing if there is a brand. (Not everyone brands their scissors, after all.)
Like he’s going to recognise a pair of generic blue scissors you buy at the news agent.
Gotta point out the engraving first, lady.
I must respectfully disagree. An old adage I learned in my Creative Writing classes states, “‘The truth’ is never an excuse for ‘bad drama’.” Devoting the next page or two into a dumb-as-bricks episode of CSI for the sole purpose of determining the origin of Tim’s scissors would be a waste of our, not to mention Brandon’s, time. Personally, I’m much more interested in Marcy’s riposte to Tim’s feint (re: genuine heartfelt concern). Better to assume Tim knows they’re his scissors and let the drama unfold without needless distractions.
Cant these pages go up faster.
Congrats on reaching this milestone, Brandon! Cheers to you and whatever you have in store for the future!!
Hopefully this will get Marcy out of the picture sooner than later.
Actually, I would like to see more of Marcy.
Not a fan, I actually just see her as a road block setup for tim and shadows relationship and hopefully it’s not a long one.
Yes, I, too would like to see Marcy naked.
VERY MUCH THIS! I’ve seen too many hentai, and especially K hentai series, by this point to be able to enjoy even potential “the other girl” scenarios! >_<