#21 “Double Trouble”
Sorry for the slight (it’s still Sunday!) lateness on this one, I had a bit of a town-wide power outage to contend with most of yesterday which pretty much put a damper on completing the page. Act of God and all that.
Anyway! Back to our regularly scheduled comic!
Because nothing says love at first sight more than “I thought you ate my socks”.
They say that love is blind.
I think a trifle such as a love of digesting socks can be overlooked in the long run… besides, she’s innocent! ;3
Next Page will have our monster girl facepalming.
Quite possibly!
Dang look at her blush X3 oh i get so excited about the story with every new page XD
question, do you regularly update on certain days or is it random?
Sundays, like it says in the banner. Lol
woops sorry i didnt see that XD i kinda skimmed over it hehehe thanks for being cool about it XD
Typical monster girls, forgetting the importance of socks to humans.
Yup! Just because she goes around barefoot, she thinks everyone does!
And now there’s no Nintendo!
At last! Finally we will learn the secrets of the socks.
HA! That’s funny! XD
…i was gonna be first…DAMN YOU GOD!!!!!!!!!!
Your a little late! By nearly a whole day!
POTDAD!!!!! I have returned
The deadly duo is back!
MY SON!!!!!!!!
nex time young warrior, next time :l
I will train my master
Hey you had it once be happy with that if not then here *hands you napalm and a match* have fun *a insane grin carves into my face*
*one eye drifts to the side while the other looks at the napalm* I’m having one of my kill things ideas
*punch Darcklouds and Potdad with a stick*Bad students if you wana go first in the next posty u need practice more, now cleean this mess or else you guys will clean the ears of this 562 years of this sexy old Bunny
*Catches your attack* never attack me this is a warning those that attack me I put in the hospital I don’t take kindly to those that attack me got it *kicks RosyTheSexyBunny into a wall then punches the wall n it shatters to a million tiny shards*
*sits you both down in separate corners facing the wall*
There will be no fighting in my comments section please!
Thank you.
Stumbled across this by accident…bookmarked it as soon as I realized it was an ongoing webcomic. A promising start; looking forward to seeing more.
Heh, well, I’m glad to see you accidentally stumbled in here! Good to have you!
I found this comic in a hentai Site, so i try to find the original site.
i love it. Sorry for my bad english T_T
Yeah, I admit, that’s where I found it, too. Actually there’s a lot of good stuff in among the dregs.
Hi there just found this web comic through surfing the web. Have to say it awesome, would love to see it continue, you have me hooked on the story line
Keep up the good work
Have just registered with the site to keep and eye on the comic.
Welcome! Glad to see new people stopping by! I’m very happy you’ll be following along with my story!
XD omg Amo este Comic buen trabajo lo vere todos los sabados.
Salutations From Panamá
Thank you and Greetings from Canada!
Great comic so far keep up the good work.
Thank you! I shall try!
RoryBunny why u speak no english man no one here understands
but, Brandon cause he probably has weird translate thingy
He said, and this is a rough translation, but:
‘OMG! Love the comic, good job, see you again on Saturday!’
Near as I can figure.
Actually he said that he will watch it every Saturday, and pdsryers2250, I do understand.
Creo que encontré mi nueva Víctima. XD you were rely close Brandon good Job. Ok PDS i Will try yust imagine me as a antropomorfic Bunny with Abcent y todos seremos amigos
She seems pretty easy to flatter… Couldn’t be more cute.
Heh, well, she’s just not used to it. Especially from a human.
The socks. She … gahh I was asked not to spoil stuff. But I so want to! Like when “she”, you know “her”! Like when she … and then that other time! And he did all that! And then SHE did that!
Ok thats enough of me being goofy ^_^.
Hey Brandon you gonna do an april fools page?
Hmmm… I wasn’t really thinking about it, but maybe if I get the time!
Maybe is currency in the other universe. The little girl kust wana buy some Snaks with the soks
Lol That would be amusing.
My question is who’s in more trouble?
Definitely her.