No worries, I’ve got some tough leather instead of skin. A few scratches from a lovely noxian girl would just be welcome, for as long as I can also bite her bigger cheeks…
Well, I already saw a jump in time and it seems that I already imagine what could happen in the following pages, the next one a talk from Ruth and Thomas, then Tim and company waiting for Shadow but apparently I would not go that night, or such Once very late, then to a funeral and then some scenes in Nox and finally the reunion of Tim and Shadow and the scene that everyone, absolutely everyone who knows this comic waits, well if what I say is true there would only be time, the approximate time for this to happen will be about 6 months or more so wait. postscript: brandon you knew the comic is on YouTube and with voices.
Omfg , I just love reading these Comments! I’m new to this comic and this, community and the artist who brought them all together seems so wholesome and humble AHG i love it <3 , please continue your hard work and know your appreciated man.
As a hybrid, Tim likely has hybrid vigour, meaning he may actually be MORE powerful than any human or Noxian . . . okay, possibly he’s had a limiter placed on him . . .
His mum is Ruth (Lady Blackheart) and she’s downstairs in the living room (no other proof needed) but if you meant Shadow, then as far as Tim knows, she’s GONE and all he has is an old torn-up photo, which could have been faked anyway.
After all, Tom is a professional photographer with his own studio, so nobody has better skills or equipment to fake up a photo.
But since Shadow’s now back in Nox and she’s broken it off with Tim (or Tim’s broken it off with Shadow) how’s she going to find out just WHO’S in Tim’s bedroom at any particular time?
I know that you’re in charge, Brandon, but that fight had ALL the markings (“…you’re not even”… [human] …..then sobbing, isolation) of a permanent break-up.
I just find it amazing that after such a dust-up you could conceive that any relationship COULD continue. let alone resume on more-than-friendly terms (as we all know is in their future).
And then Shadow immediately proceeds to try and win Tim back in a(n) (admittedly twisted) act of jealousy by “attacking” her rival, that BITCH Marcy for putting her spell on Tim! That Shrew!
I had a dust-up on the same scale with somebody once. Long ago. Celebrating our anniversary this weekend. You underestimate the stubborness of the heart.
So… speaking from my own experience with relationships. That kind of dust up isn’t the end all be all when it comes to actual friends. Some time to cool heads does wonders and it just takes one side to re-initiate contact to get the friend train rolling again. Now personally in my experience that side is usually me but thats because I prefer brutal honesty and being blunt about how i feel than petty grudges. This has also worked in intimate relationships as well to some varying degrees.
When I read this comic again at 100500th time (I like do it), I had a question at page 132 – what is the voice range of the Noxians? Girls from Reavers can use all voices, from bass to soprano, or not?)
uhmmmm, maybe some of us wonder how these spells work, well that I will try to see as logical as possible, well theorizing how it works, I say that it is like a code that is memorized, that is, I give you an example, those who used the codes of the GTA San Andreas they looked for them in Google and they used the codes in the game there, well I see it but the question is, how does Ruth manage to do this if she does not have a magic book or artifacts that help with that? well that is from the same example as before only that she the way I see it, she memorizes the spell and when she says it or makes strange signs that are part of the spell and all that related she achieves it successfully, although there will be others like invisibility.
sometimes the point comes where this really happens or else all logic begins to no longer be logical, I saw it a long time ago and there were many deaths and losses, but well aside I had a question that he still asked me and it is about a deleted answer But what is still in my mind, what I mean is that I do not know if it was my translator who had been confused or it was something that I really do not believe yet, but what I could read said, I do not have time to play that game , and the question was a reference to Tim’s character, but there it is, it was an error in the translator or is it that you are ….. I mean it is impossible for this to be real, here my logic has already got weird.
TBH, I would really enjoy if Midnight showed up in my room, ya know, considering noxians do not wear underwear, it would be a yummy surprise…
They don’t wear underwear and have no specific taboos about their genitals either. To them, their junk is no more important than their finger or ears.
It’s just a thing.
Midnight prefers girls, so you might have a struggle and she seems willing to use those ckaws of hers, too.
Keep some antiseptic and bandages handy.
No worries, I’ve got some tough leather instead of skin. A few scratches from a lovely noxian girl would just be welcome, for as long as I can also bite her bigger cheeks…
You’re a little out of luck since Midnight is just into girls.
“Alright, well we’re going to my bedroom. Just a perfectly normal study session. Definitely not a threesome.”
I can kind of understand Tim trying to let the girl see Shadow, but why the prick who will instantly run his mouth?
Well, I already saw a jump in time and it seems that I already imagine what could happen in the following pages, the next one a talk from Ruth and Thomas, then Tim and company waiting for Shadow but apparently I would not go that night, or such Once very late, then to a funeral and then some scenes in Nox and finally the reunion of Tim and Shadow and the scene that everyone, absolutely everyone who knows this comic waits, well if what I say is true there would only be time, the approximate time for this to happen will be about 6 months or more so wait. postscript: brandon you knew the comic is on YouTube and with voices.
“Everything’s fine here, situation normal. Uh, how are you?”
Omfg , I just love reading these Comments! I’m new to this comic and this, community and the artist who brought them all together seems so wholesome and humble AHG i love it <3 , please continue your hard work and know your appreciated man.
Brandon what is Tim exactly is he a monster or human. Does he have powers or no I mean give me ahint plz
Since his dad is human and his mom is Noxian, …
He just doesn’t know it yet.
Until we meet another hybrid, we won’t know the rules re appearance.
He’s a Hybrid. I thought I already explained this! Haha.
indeed you did and multiple times to be precise.
As a hybrid, Tim likely has hybrid vigour, meaning he may actually be MORE powerful than any human or Noxian . . . okay, possibly he’s had a limiter placed on him . . .
If Tim does have “hybrid vigour” this could cause chafing. Use extra lubricant, Shadow (and.or Marcy).
So that what she choosed but will he have proof of her huh brandon
Lavelle wondered …..”proof of her”
Her who?
His mum? or Shadow?
His mum is Ruth (Lady Blackheart) and she’s downstairs in the living room (no other proof needed) but if you meant Shadow, then as far as Tim knows, she’s GONE and all he has is an old torn-up photo, which could have been faked anyway.
After all, Tom is a professional photographer with his own studio, so nobody has better skills or equipment to fake up a photo.
I’m predicting that Shadow’s going to freak out when she sees Marcy.
But since Shadow’s now back in Nox and she’s broken it off with Tim (or Tim’s broken it off with Shadow) how’s she going to find out just WHO’S in Tim’s bedroom at any particular time?
Lol I don’t know why you keep assuming they have broken it off. They got in a fight. That’s no reason to never see each other again.
I know that you’re in charge, Brandon, but that fight had ALL the markings (“…you’re not even”… [human] …..then sobbing, isolation) of a permanent break-up.
I just find it amazing that after such a dust-up you could conceive that any relationship COULD continue. let alone resume on more-than-friendly terms (as we all know is in their future).
And then Shadow immediately proceeds to try and win Tim back in a(n) (admittedly twisted) act of jealousy by “attacking” her rival, that BITCH Marcy for putting her spell on Tim! That Shrew!
An “act of jealousy” is purely from personal internal emotions and need not have any intent to reclaim “her property” Tim.
The train of thought goes “How dare she! That (ie Tim) was MINE! I’ll rip your guts out( or maybe cut your hair off) and HIM!
Editor’s note: Tim’s already de-personalised to a possession, no longer a person.
“He was willing to THINK of cheating on me, so I’ll get him too!
(“Something lingering, involving boiling oil” quote – Gilbert & Sullivan ,The Mikado)
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. {Proverb is based on lived experience of so many, many other men.}
I expect it also applies to Nox girls.
Haha, believe whatever you want; but in this case you’re just wrong.
Just stay tuned.
Brandon responded,…..”in this case you’re just wrong.”
And that’s CANON!
I had a dust-up on the same scale with somebody once. Long ago. Celebrating our anniversary this weekend. You underestimate the stubborness of the heart.
So… speaking from my own experience with relationships. That kind of dust up isn’t the end all be all when it comes to actual friends. Some time to cool heads does wonders and it just takes one side to re-initiate contact to get the friend train rolling again. Now personally in my experience that side is usually me but thats because I prefer brutal honesty and being blunt about how i feel than petty grudges. This has also worked in intimate relationships as well to some varying degrees.
The presence of the boy should prevent that, unless she over estimates Tim’s kinkiness.
When I read this comic again at 100500th time (I like do it), I had a question at page 132 – what is the voice range of the Noxians? Girls from Reavers can use all voices, from bass to soprano, or not?)
They can do all the ranges we can, plus they growl and purr. haha
Ahaha, and when we will see Shadow’s purr?)))
Ohhhh, sometime soon.
I wonder if a Noxian’s accent has a cat-like vibe to them?(Meaning they add purrs or growls when they say certain words or sounds?)
I guess bad acting runs in the family.
All embarrassed parents are like that.
Some hide it better, but sure lol.
Yep. they’re the ones who can tell you that your old dog has “gone to the farm” to live and make you believe it.
(or they’ll thrash you until you DO)
Good parenting, not great people.
cant believe this great comic has gone on for so long
Thanks? I think!
uhmmmm, maybe some of us wonder how these spells work, well that I will try to see as logical as possible, well theorizing how it works, I say that it is like a code that is memorized, that is, I give you an example, those who used the codes of the GTA San Andreas they looked for them in Google and they used the codes in the game there, well I see it but the question is, how does Ruth manage to do this if she does not have a magic book or artifacts that help with that? well that is from the same example as before only that she the way I see it, she memorizes the spell and when she says it or makes strange signs that are part of the spell and all that related she achieves it successfully, although there will be others like invisibility.
Magic and Logic don’t really mix. It just works.
And how she is doing it will be explained.
sometimes the point comes where this really happens or else all logic begins to no longer be logical, I saw it a long time ago and there were many deaths and losses, but well aside I had a question that he still asked me and it is about a deleted answer But what is still in my mind, what I mean is that I do not know if it was my translator who had been confused or it was something that I really do not believe yet, but what I could read said, I do not have time to play that game , and the question was a reference to Tim’s character, but there it is, it was an error in the translator or is it that you are ….. I mean it is impossible for this to be real, here my logic has already got weird.
this is the thirded time i seen artist used the layout style is it very common
also very cool comic it gives me insparation to do my own i like your style of mythical creaters that may or may not exsist in this world