She is smelling the rotting corpses of all the brain cells that had to die to make Tim think this was a smart move.
…Either that or Craigs cologne, or the combined fear of the blanket pair. But the former would have to be stronger in this scenario.
Wouldn’t she associate fear as something she’s supposed to go for, considering her monster under the bed job is to gather it or something with that fancy little clasp
Holy Marde, she is going to…. (variables to numerous to count.) Brandon, I truly look forward to seeing how you write Brandon out of the coming chit storm.
You didn’t realise that the whole story was autobiographical? The author is always the central character in any story, whether they realise and admit or not.
Tim just get up and say: GUYS! Its Ok She doesn’t need a blanket. then quickly Introduce everyone to Shadow then Shadow to everyone, and let Marcie apologize to Shadow for the “Whole Kiss thing”. Then let Tim say how they wanted to meet Shadow and nothing weird is going on n’at. (Sorry, the last parts a ‘Burgh Thing.)
Oh no
An encounter of historic proportions about to take place: so naturally you start wondering “what’s that stink?”

She is smelling the rotting corpses of all the brain cells that had to die to make Tim think this was a smart move.
…Either that or Craigs cologne, or the combined fear of the blanket pair. But the former would have to be stronger in this scenario.
Wouldn’t she associate fear as something she’s supposed to go for, considering her monster under the bed job is to gather it or something with that fancy little clasp
I suspect that her sense of smell is better than Tim’s. Since human smell is almost rudimentary, easy to imagine.
Some speculation omitted. Soon I would think.
I think this would be a good time for one of those “when the DOOM music kicks in” memes…
This is a call back to Page 49 Nipped in the Bud.
When Shadow warned Craig that she now knew his scent(smell/stench) and could track him down as necessary.
PLEASE tell me they’re not thinking of trying to catch her like she’s a bat trapped in a kitchen?
Some things never change.
This one of those cases where ~ “Y’know.. this plan sounded better in my head…”
Just love how you can see Shadow going from anxiety, to happy, to “this is gonna suck”.
She’s going to have mixed feelings. One reaction to Craig, quite another to Marcy.
I have a bad feeling about this.
Tim, this isn’t going to end well for you.
Holy Marde, she is going to…. (variables to numerous to count.) Brandon, I truly look forward to seeing how you write Brandon out of the coming chit storm.
Pardon, …write Tim out of the chit storm. I got a little too invested in the authors predicament.
You didn’t realise that the whole story was autobiographical? The author is always the central character in any story, whether they realise and admit or not.
OK, I’ll buy that.
I DO use elements of things I know in the story, as most authors do… but this is hardly a self-insert story. Yuck.
Yuck? For self inserts, sure, but as a forever alone person a hot monster girl is better than nothing if this was based on real events.
Pssstt! Don’t judge!
Everybody has their kink – it’s not just Brandon.
Tim just get up and say: GUYS! Its Ok She doesn’t need a blanket. then quickly Introduce everyone to Shadow then Shadow to everyone, and let Marcie apologize to Shadow for the “Whole Kiss thing”. Then let Tim say how they wanted to meet Shadow and nothing weird is going on n’at. (Sorry, the last parts a ‘Burgh Thing.)
“Smells like ‘Bitch’ in here.”
“Smells like that weak, inferior kid who tried to steal my candy.”