It’s Friday, not long now I’ve already begun to count down that hours. OK not really but I still can’t wait for the next page. Is every one else as excited as I am?
It’s Saturday and there’s only a few more hours left before we get to read the next page. C’mon Saturday, I’ve had enough of your turtle dragging ass get a move on. =^.^=
I wonder if Tim will tell his parents about Shadow?
I thought I’d try creating comics digitally, I’m used to using a pencil and eraser so this all new to me. If you want you can take a look at it on my site. It’s not very good since I used what the app provided, I just modified the one character that came with it.
Well where else would the portal be concerning Monsters under beds?
This has literally almost nothing to do with Little Monsters, except that they both have monsters in them. I barely even remember that movie it’s been probably 20 years since I’ve watched it as a child. XD
To be honest, this whole exchange has come across as rather… contrived.
Both on the “unrealistic behaviour for children” front and on the “unrealistically friendly” front.
Disbelief is still suspended… but it is a tad precarious. There is some reason why they’re behaving this way OTHER than just railroading the plot, right?
It’s Friday, not long now I’ve already begun to count down that hours. OK not really but I still can’t wait for the next page. Is every one else as excited as I am?
ugh busy week, but yay get to read comic now!
ooh and now the girl leaves… cue the Sun?
Yeah. It’ll be morning on the next page.
And Tim will most likely get an ear full for barging in to his parents room unannounced, right. Or do maybe they forgot about that incident. =^.^=
I’m thinking it will be conveniently forgotten by all involved… mostly.
So an uneventful breakfast. You must get really tired of all the questions we keep asking you?
Only when they are about socks! Haha! XD
By all means keep asking questions!
So about the socks. LOL!
They go on your feet!
On the feet?! Dang it! Now I know what I’m doing wrong… and why typing is so difficult…..
Haha, yes! They go on your feet!
Everyone knows Handerpants go on the hands!
It’s Saturday and there’s only a few more hours left before we get to read the next page. C’mon Saturday, I’ve had enough of your turtle dragging ass get a move on. =^.^=
I wonder if Tim will tell his parents about Shadow?
I posted a little preview on the Facebook fanpage
I might start doing that more regularly.
I’ll have a look at it later when the my connection is less congested.
I thought I’d try creating comics digitally, I’m used to using a pencil and eraser so this all new to me. If you want you can take a look at it on my site. It’s not very good since I used what the app provided, I just modified the one character that came with it.
I can’t find any local comic on your site! XD Is there something I’m missing?
There’s a drop down menu just above the Cool Comics menu. You’ ll find it there.
It pass midnight in South Africa but I have to wait about 9 hours before I get to see the new page. Man I hate time zones. =^.^=
Won’t be long now.
It took a little while, but I got there.
I was experimenting with colours, as I wasn’t the biggest fan of the last daytime colour palette. This should work better.
lol, Portal to the monster-world, under the bed? yup, totally confirms my Little Monsters suspicions. ;p
Love where this is going!
Well where else would the portal be concerning Monsters under beds?
This has literally almost nothing to do with Little Monsters, except that they both have monsters in them. I barely even remember that movie it’s been probably 20 years since I’ve watched it as a child. XD
To be honest, this whole exchange has come across as rather… contrived.
Both on the “unrealistic behaviour for children” front and on the “unrealistically friendly” front.
Disbelief is still suspended… but it is a tad precarious. There is some reason why they’re behaving this way OTHER than just railroading the plot, right?
Let me just say love the comic and can’t wait for the next update to it already.