I’m a bit irritated that no one has asked yet: Are Noxian females sexually compatible with human males (in terms of intercourse, not reproduction)? I really hope so. If not, this becomes a frustrating and short experience.
There’s also a pretty clear shot of moonlight’s anatomy on one of the pages and the fact that terminus regularly has sex with human females and got one of them pregnant.
Unexpected bonus for shadow. Tim does not yet know his mom’s little secret, therefore, this means that he really is in love with her. If he knew, that would have made his decision easier.
There is an established end, but there is a lot of plot between now and than. At least 2 or 3 major stories. The Terminus story, the Family ties story, the wrap up story. Plus any I forgot or he invents.
J wouldn’t be against seeing the following of the scene we saw a couple of months ago which is not a flash back and which is with Tim’s parents, Tim and Shadow. If it would be their wedding, that would be great, especially for a conclusion of this story whien it will happen.
I’m a bit irritated that no one has asked yet: Are Noxian females sexually compatible with human males (in terms of intercourse, not reproduction)? I really hope so. If not, this becomes a frustrating and short experience.
hasn’t it already been confirmed that tim’s mom is ruthless (aka a noxian?)
that means that not only are humans and noxians sexually compatible for intercourse, but for reproduction as well.
No one has to ask that because it is already confirmed in the third page of the first chapter.
There’s also a pretty clear shot of moonlight’s anatomy on one of the pages and the fact that terminus regularly has sex with human females and got one of them pregnant.
We are sure that he is trying, but have seen no evidence of success so far.
Oh God! Why does it have pincers?
Haha. They have sharp teeth! Om nom nom!
And here’s where we originally came in at the very beginning of this webcomic all those years ago…
Nope! Not even close!
The first page is after everything with terminus and Tim’s parents is dealt with.
Unexpected bonus for shadow. Tim does not yet know his mom’s little secret, therefore, this means that he really is in love with her. If he knew, that would have made his decision easier.
Wait till we meet her family!!!
I cant believe ill be 23 years old when this ends
I’ll be 70 when this ends. Unless-Brandon draws something that might stop my heart.
I’m already 75 and HOPING that I’ll read the final page.
Who said it’s ending?!
There is an established end, but there is a lot of plot between now and than. At least 2 or 3 major stories. The Terminus story, the Family ties story, the wrap up story. Plus any I forgot or he invents.
…. and, based on the history, there will be at LEAST 50-75 pages in each of those threads.
… Death by snu snu!
… De@th by snu snu!
Wow Shadow really does have a great….. smiles! Lucky Tim.
I like where this is heading and the speed of it all… nice and slow.
Also.. She let her hair down…. IT’S ON!
“I bet you say that to *all* the girls that crawl out from under your bed!”
…to be fair, we’ve yet to see a Noxian female who *isn’t* gorgeous…
To be fair, we’ve yet to see a Noxian who isn’t gorgeous
That’s the style… but yes.
So far only two of them crawled out from under Tim’s bed, however. And he didn’t compliment Midnight.
He did not come on to Midnight. Remember she came by once without Shadow. Tim was not afraid of her.
ummm… didn’t midnight crawl out from under the bed. Haha
Yes, she DID but does Shadow know that?
She was there (the first time).
Don’t shout!
Fade to black would have been better or better yet a stop an ” we need to slow down with kiss closing her top.
Characters st least human us a minor.
We need a crossover with Alfie. Shadow meets the halflings.
yup hair down is way better in this case.
J wouldn’t be against seeing the following of the scene we saw a couple of months ago which is not a flash back and which is with Tim’s parents, Tim and Shadow. If it would be their wedding, that would be great, especially for a conclusion of this story whien it will happen.
You will see the events that happen after the scene at the beginning… but not yet!