He has a couple of stories, one of them has an image. Hint – his given name is NOT the same as here. Also, the web comic version (here) has in the recent past not been particularly close to the text version.
There is a major revelation yet to come. A lot actually, the story has a way to go.
If Tim got Shadow pregnant what would the resulting offspring be like?
I’m sure we’ll find that out when it happens
Like all the others – – -NOISY!
He has a couple of stories, one of them has an image. Hint – his given name is NOT the same as here. Also, the web comic version (here) has in the recent past not been particularly close to the text version.
There is a major revelation yet to come. A lot actually, the story has a way to go.
A quarter nox. Similar to pan from dbz
Not teeth, but maybe another tongue?
Tim and Shadow are having nude time together.
Is there an update tonight?
Looking forward to the next page