Maybe! I honestly haven’t thought about it TOO much. For me, it just is what it is, and it works.
I actually do know one thing and that is how the logistics of of the offspring of such couples work. The kids always take after the Father genetically.
Well before the next page comes. I have to say this, Brandan. I and many others will be very upset if you decide to go all troll face with two middle fingers on us and stopping this from happening.
Quick question: From a biological standpoint, when it comes to male and female “attributes” do noxians’ “attributes” look different from humans’ “attributes,” or are they fairly similar?
I will just leave this little thing here.
fucker, you beat me to it
Damn, now I’m jealous of a comic character! XD
LEt’s play “how long can Brandon string this out…”
Well… did you see any Ecchi comedy?
You want stung out? I could make it last a lot longer if you’d like.
I’m working really hard and I get no respect, I tell ya.
How about having Tim and Shadow watch the Exorcist tv series together.
Quick/Unrelated Question: Would you consider the Noxian species to be Reptomammals? (Star Wars reference)
Ummm… no, not really. The thought didn’t really cross my mind.
When you consider that they can breed with humans, and the hybrid offspring are fertile, they are quite closely related to humans.
Maybe! I honestly haven’t thought about it TOO much. For me, it just is what it is, and it works.
I actually do know one thing and that is how the logistics of of the offspring of such couples work. The kids always take after the Father genetically.
Well, now we know why Tim takes after his father in the looks department.
Magic is involved here, so real-world logic can go right out the window.
Hopefully Shadow knows how to protect herself.
Well before the next page comes. I have to say this, Brandan. I and many others will be very upset if you decide to go all troll face with two middle fingers on us and stopping this from happening.
I not gonna stop or pull the rug out from under you guys.
I’m also trying to find the right balance of what I can show and not show. haha
Can you tell us the legal constraints, in your jurisdiction, that you have to meet?
Don’t worry about any external, more censorius regimes.
Not legal, just what I actually want to show IN this comic. Personal constraints.
Personal choices – a delicate balance between “what the fans want” and your personal ethical & moral base.
Waiting is.
I just realized that the lighting is a lot harsher (is that the right word?) in this panel than the last one
Thanks for the page.
Fun fact: Tim dong is around 8 inches i( did the bad math and Google search some dongs also created the acc for this comment and yes I’m impatient)
Her hoo-ha’s hungry for his ding-dong.
Will Tim and Shadow watch the Exorcist tv series together?
I think they would really enjoy it.
I’m getting worried for our boy and how long between posts this comic has- is it safe to have an erection that lasts more than four months?
Will Nightmare get a human boyfriend sonetime in the future. I think she would like dating humans better than noxians.
Quick question: From a biological standpoint, when it comes to male and female “attributes” do noxians’ “attributes” look different from humans’ “attributes,” or are they fairly similar?