Happy Earth day to all humans and Noxians.
Side Note: Is Midnight being serious or joking?(Humans and Noxians are pretty similar, biologically speaking.)
Lol, this conversation reminds me how notoriously bad Ensign Harry Kim’s luck with women was in ST: Voyager because one of the times he hit it off with beautiful girl that looked very human, but then they didn’t have compatible genitals – too alien, no combine-y
I guess this waiting is normal for “hardcore” readers, but damn, it was so long but so worth it. Keep it up, Brandon. Gonna bet you will surprise us more in the future!
that was close
Happy Earth day to all humans and Noxians.
Side Note: Is Midnight being serious or joking?(Humans and Noxians are pretty similar, biologically speaking.)
Probably joking as a pretext for the main question?
But then, humans have no tails and claws, so she cannot be entirely sure…
I’m happy to be able to read this earlier. Besides I’m surprised how little she knows about human anatomy having in mind that they prey on their fear
Wonder how Midnight will respond to Shadow’s statement?
Unrelated Note: How many Noxians inhabit Nox?(Hundreds, Thousands, Millions)
If they did, we know she could keep *one* secret…
Hey wait… when did Shadow get that cookie?
Girl’s gotta do what she can to get her cookies…
Lol, this conversation reminds me how notoriously bad Ensign Harry Kim’s luck with women was in ST: Voyager because one of the times he hit it off with beautiful girl that looked very human, but then they didn’t have compatible genitals – too alien, no combine-y
Your sex life must be pretty boring if you can’t think of a way to do it with “incompatible” genitals
Where did Shadow get that cookie from? I don’t remember Tim giving her any cookies before she left.
She just HAS cookies! In her pockets. Like Pocket Sand.
Shadow has POCKETS???!!!
The secret pockets. Perfect for hiding cookies… and scissors!
Yes exactly. She has access to hammerspace. It’s a Nox thing.
I always figured the pockets were either in the folds of the skirt or the inner lining of the cloak.
Pocket Sand? Is that a Nox thing?
YOU HAD SEX WITH A HUMAN! give me a cookie and ill be quiet. (ah blackmail at its finest)
I am here for the smug
Shadow has POCKETS???!!!
Inside her cloak!
Now that’s an idea… MN is taking this pretty well and even asking questions… Potential 3way still on the table!
Also Shadow’s face is so cute and happy in that last part!
Thanks for the new one Brandon.
I guess this waiting is normal for “hardcore” readers, but damn, it was so long but so worth it. Keep it up, Brandon. Gonna bet you will surprise us more in the future!
I will, and I’m sorry for the long wait between pages. It is what it is, I’m afraid.
What does Midnight think humans are built like cats down their?
It’s not unlike some of the speculation on here regarding Shadow’s undercarriage.
Tim thought Shadow had teeth, it’s only fair play.
To be fair to Tim, it’s a common myth (vagina dentata) usually shared between ‘inexperienced’ boys.
They (we) grow out of it eventually.