#29 “Full Circle”
And so we return to just about where we came in…
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And so we return to just about where we came in…
Like the comic on Facebook and get bonus stuff every once in a while! CLICKY!
Shadows boobs yay! And she’s at an okay age so I don’t feel like a creep now woohoo~!
Lol That’s the spirit!
I have that in droves XD
weird question now uhh…we gonna see her in her fully glory birthday suit? See if she’s naturally that colour? /D
Doesn’t this page pretty much confirm that she IS that colour for real? XD
Oh. You’re talking about her hair! Well, sorry to disappoint but she doesn’t actually grow hair down there. Just more spots. XD
Aww darn that’s my dreams crushed XD
Oh well…can’t stop me if I get another artist to draw her heuheuehhehe >D
YAY! hehehe i just love your comic! XD
Well, thank you! XD
Judging from some of the comments, it seems like nobody has read your original story( the one this comic is based on). Either that, or they don’t even know it exists.
A little from column A, a little from Column B, I’d say.
Some of us HAVE read the story, but respect Brandon’s desire to not ruin the surprises for those who haven’t. As an example, I KNEW Midnight was a monster girl from (redacted by poster), but I only used Brandon’s statements that she was female, oddly named for a human, and a friend of Shadow’s to ‘guess’ who Midnight was.
Whoa, did I miss something?
About 10 years! XD
Hey, at least I got what I wanted.
I really like this comic.
Speculation: what emerges from under the bed is not Shadow, but midnight!
Nah! We’ll see her soon though. Well, soon; as in a few weeks. XD
Well, she’ll no doubt make Midnight worried with her constant absences.
Heh, something like that.
Am I the only person who did not masturbate to this, Besides Brandon and Creeper……maybe not creeper….WAIT WHERE IS HE. DID CREEPER DIE!!!!
Creeper, I believe, is still creeping around from time to time; but he’s gone dark for awhile. Someday I hope he feels he can join in on the conversation again.
. . . We came in?
Isn’t this where . . .
Huh? XD
Sorry. Thought the description of this page was making a Pink Floyd reference. In their album “The Wall” (one of the finest things to come out of the 80s, in my opinion), the first track begins with “. . . We came in?”, and the last track ends with “Isn’t this where . . .”, which makes it very interesting to listen to the entire album on a loop.
Ahh, I should have picked up on that. XD
Is it just me or is there bold lettering for midnight and time why is that?
There’s bold lettering on a lot of words, it’s just there to add inflection to the voices.
Also can I please remind everyone of a saying we all learned as kids
You get what you get and you don’t throw a fit (:
It certanly grew much better in quality since page 1 if i compare the first 3 pages with this current (outside of the flashback)
Rock On!
Hi Brandon! Your comix are amazing)
Say please, can i make translation (on russian) and post it on other site? with all references, links and copyrights of course
Hmmm…. no, I don’t think so. Not right now at least.
Ok, thanks for reply)
It’s no problem. I just like to keep my own hand on my project for now. Maybe someday I’ll look into translating it myself.
Can’t wait for more
This comic reminds me of Pawn, which ilike, because Pawn stopped updating and I don’t think it’s coming back any time soon. Looking forward to seeing where this relationship goes, Tim seems sweet and I can tell Shadow feels conflicted about having a human friend :3