#300 “The Fall”
Page 300 marks the fall of Shadow’s care-free days of sneaking around. Now she must face the consequences of her actions…
Page 300 marks the fall of Shadow’s care-free days of sneaking around. Now she must face the consequences of her actions…
I like, Brandon, that you had Shadow bursting the frame in Panel 2.
Yes! I was trying to be a bit more dynamic with this page. I got tired of doing just talking back and forth for pages and needed to shake something up.
Does Nox have a jail?
Brandon just asking but how many chapters will on the story overall
Eight Chapters!
1. A Thief in the Night
2. The Learning Curve
3. Many Doors
4. Different Strings
5. Stand Inside Your Love
6. H
7. T.H.O.T.M
8. B.S
Wonder what the future chapter’s acronyms stand for?
7. the hottie of the month
8. babymaking sex
Hahaha good guesses, but no.
Not sure why it formatted that way… I’ve been trying to fix it so it’s all in a list.
My best guess for Chapter 7’s acronym is The Heart of the Matter.
I’d read the shit out of a 100 page chapter that has Tim and Shadow trying to make a baby night after night. I’d even forgive the slow updates.
and other euphemisms.
Chap 6 will be pure H? Bold move, but wont complain…
Yes, in fact!
Is it a good gaol, with “stuff” oozing down the stone walls, rats and spiders who live in the corners?
A gaol you really WOULD want to stay out of? (The BESTEST kind!)
And an overweight gaoler in black leather tights who doesn’t wear shirts & enjoys his career choices – “Hello little girl.”
Congratulations to you on 300 pages of this webcomic. Such a simple action that this page ends up on. Sometimes it is the simplest acts that can lead to bigger things whether good or bad.
Is this about to turn into A Clockwork Orange? Because if it is I’m leaving.
“I’m singin’ in the rain…. just SINGIN’ in the RAIIIN!”
Like Tom Holland in Lip Sync Battle ? ;p
thank you by advence fo the next chapter, it go out the date of my birthday, you’re story help me a lot trouugh my high scool year to not end my life, so thank you
I didn’t expect Nightmare to come up… down like that… You know guys, I wouldn’t be surprised if we do not forget one character here: Midnight who will slip outside and I hope trigger her hero play! Look for Tim to help and, maybe, tumbing up to Lady Blackheart too…
> Midnight who will slip outside and I hope trigger her hero play
Or rather go hiss at Tim and threaten to kill him again? See #54 and #93.
Brandon! We were so looking forward to the great escape! Bummer…
Heh. Perhaps there’s an even greater escape to come!
Timmy as Indiana Jones to save the day?
CONGRATULATIONS, LADY MOONLIGHT! You just lost another family member because of your actions!
She’s not very good at this, but maybe she’ll learn.
Minor “foreShadowing” there…
I can get why the character is trying to stop this. She sees Shadow as her own. She doesn’t want to lose her like her sister. All I can think is the second she learns who Tim really is, that will change that. But who pulls the trigger on that? Ruth? Midnight?
Can’t wait to see.
Shr’ll have to be taught!
Insights like that just don’t happen spontaneously very often.
I’m guessing that the penalty for associating (and sleeping) with humans is either death, imprisonment or enslavement. Because Moonlight always had a soft spot for Shadow, I’m also guessing she will either just imprison her or force her to marry Terminus so she won’t be with Tim again (I find the latter, execution and enslavement worse).
Death, Banishment, Imprisonment. Depending on the severity of the exposure.
Now that you mentioning the legal system you Never told us about told the geopolitical situation of nox like how many faction there are the domains there in charge of and assuming nox is the earth underworld do we have different regional difference like different facial features sizes and i assume wings similarly to africains having dark skin in order to be safe from the high amount of uv radiation
Shadow is QUITE exposed at the moment!
Nah the real one in danger is Tim remember terminus knows hes a hybrid and he needs one for his plan to open the door he will most likely use shadow to force him to do so
Not that it would change the outcome here, but at this point Shadow punching Nightmare in the face would be quite satisfying. I find it hard to believe that, with her supposed ‘nose’ for trouble, Mother hasn’t twigged to what Nightmare’s been up to as well.
That’d be funny, perhaps there’ll be some words at least!
Leaving this just in case it happens
Moonlight: Rules Ha!
Midnight: You arrogant asshole, she has backup
Shadow: Consequences *proceeds to be rescued by Ruth*
Oh, Mama Lion is going to make another appearance.
This chapter? Oh yes. It will hopefully be a glorious reveal!
And here I was looking forward to a good old-fashioned Naked Mile…
I thought about it, but the story needs to move along.
Love the fact that Shadow breaks the panel border when she falls.
But now to cut to elsewhere for the 6 months! :p
Nope! We stick with it!
By the lord, someone needs to animate that jiggle.
Hahaha, yeah.
While I hate Nightmare with a burning passion, I also want to see her naked at some point in the story. So conflicted!
What about seeing her spanked on bare butt?