I don’t think so. When Spencer mentioned something happening (#289), he was aware that Tim was with Marcy the previous evening. Whatever it was, Spencer certainly looks worn out, if the bags under his eyes are anything to go by… something’s keeping him awake at night!
Right, I forgot about that. The comic updates so slowly that it’s difficult to remember older pages not directly related to the story. Also they didn’t show up in the archive either and the site takes so long to load each page one by one.
Something tells me that Nightmare is not the “sharing” kind… as in no way would she ‘share’ herself with a “surface-dweller” (for lack of a better term, as I’m not sure just what the relationship between Nox and the ‘surface’ reality actually is).
From what we know of politics in the real world, those who are constantly saying “Don’t do this! This is wrong!” are exactly the kind of people doing that sort of stuff. As such it’s it’s possible Nightmare is the one seducing Spencer.
Or that group is sneaking around, while someone else (either another mad scientist faction, or someone who can detect otherworldly arcanotech in their pockets and thought it’s mighty suspicious) is spying on THEM in turn.
And so on.
Nah if you look at the shadows it most likely is a noxian maybe shadows parents who were exiled for some reason plus we dont even if nox is connected to just the northern american continent or the whole world so time will tell
Oh god, he does have a monster under his bed too… And they also spent the night having wild sex! lol
It would be hilarious if it turned out to be the case. But i’m betting it’s something else/normal.
I can’t wait for him to get home and find out the truth, and for all of them to find out what happened to Shadow! I wonder if MN already alerted Ruth by going to his room looking for him? I also can’t wait to see Moon and Ruth meet again, as well as Tim and Moon. So much i can’t wait for! >_< His friends news better be big!
Hmmm…. Most rulers (or persons in positions of authority)have ‘information services” (spies, sneaks, tip-offs) to keep themselves informed about persons of interest.
Moonie’s sister Ruth (Lady Blackheart) was a potential candidate for High Mother before she abdicated and emigrated to the Earthly realm to be with Tom.
Is High Mother Moon so inept as a ruler that she hasn’t kept an eye on her sister and potential rival (a claimant in exile) and doesn’t know that she has had a son (a “prince” in exile)?
She may DESERVE to be usurped and her rule ended! Vive la revolucion!!!
Whether she knows the significance of a human-Noxian hybrid is another matter and not known yet.
Certainly Terminus the Creeper and therefore Nightmare the Vile know the significance and the fact of Tim.
No, but… Moonie knows why Ruth had to depart in haste. She also has an open question of which exactly activity of Shadow attracted Ruth’s interest.
Tim is a possible link. While such a coincidence is improbable, it’s still at least a reasonable hypothesis for her.
Random note, the archive is out of order for a couple pages? Currently goes 217, 219, 218, 220. Which isn’t a big deal really, though it did cause me a little confusion when I was clicking through them. Since it goes from Tim saying want to meet her? to, her? Her who? XD Like he had a really bad elder moment.
I’m more concerned with the timeline of these events.
Shadow & Midnight left in the early hours (beore dawn?) certainly before breakfast. Assume 0600 hours.
They had their conversation and then a bath (assume 30-45 minutes) then the confrontation with Mother Moon and Shadow’s capture (another 15 minutes).
Midnight has her shouty moment “Tim!” Time now 0700 hours.
Meanwhile Tim has breakfast and revelatory discussion as his father Tom reveals their knowledge of the state of affairs. Tim goes to school (Time 0830?)
Shadow is still in captivity or is being tried for “associating with a human” {How quick does Nox’s legal system work?}
Skip to after Tim’s schhoolday and conversation with Spencer (Time 1530-1600 hours)
Had her hair done? a mani-pedi?, some shopping? another date with Eclipse? but NOTHING to help Shadow OR punish Tim (if that was her plan).
First! Also what are the odds two monsters under the bed have become monsters on the bed?
So far there are 3, Ruth Shadow and Terminus, 4th one if Spencer gets to meet one
Brandon can you please give the dates and location where the dtory is happening
Marcy probably went for the 2nd best and spent the entire night humping this poor guy.
I don’t think so. When Spencer mentioned something happening (#289), he was aware that Tim was with Marcy the previous evening. Whatever it was, Spencer certainly looks worn out, if the bags under his eyes are anything to go by… something’s keeping him awake at night!
Right, I forgot about that. The comic updates so slowly that it’s difficult to remember older pages not directly related to the story. Also they didn’t show up in the archive either and the site takes so long to load each page one by one.
Rut Roh! Spencer is doing it with Nightmare. Terminus is going to kill him when he finds out.
Something tells me that Nightmare is not the “sharing” kind… as in no way would she ‘share’ herself with a “surface-dweller” (for lack of a better term, as I’m not sure just what the relationship between Nox and the ‘surface’ reality actually is).
From what we know of politics in the real world, those who are constantly saying “Don’t do this! This is wrong!” are exactly the kind of people doing that sort of stuff. As such it’s it’s possible Nightmare is the one seducing Spencer.
It sounds like religion, rather than politics.
Or MN took Shadow’s suggestion and got a “pet” human tow of her own.. For “scientific” reasons and to know what a human “one” was like.
MN is getting it one with Marci?
or Craig!
or BOTH?
There are so many people in terrible trouble in their lives, that it’s hard to figure out just *one* thing that would make someone think they’re nuts.
i can only imagine the cause; will they have bro time?
Someone else who wants to get into Tim’s bed?
Or possibly working for those MiB guys who kidnapped the Red Jerkass’ human girlfriend?
Or that group is sneaking around, while someone else (either another mad scientist faction, or someone who can detect otherworldly arcanotech in their pockets and thought it’s mighty suspicious) is spying on THEM in turn.
And so on.
Nah if you look at the shadows it most likely is a noxian maybe shadows parents who were exiled for some reason plus we dont even if nox is connected to just the northern american continent or the whole world so time will tell
Oh god, he does have a monster under his bed too… And they also spent the night having wild sex! lol
It would be hilarious if it turned out to be the case. But i’m betting it’s something else/normal.
I can’t wait for him to get home and find out the truth, and for all of them to find out what happened to Shadow! I wonder if MN already alerted Ruth by going to his room looking for him? I also can’t wait to see Moon and Ruth meet again, as well as Tim and Moon. So much i can’t wait for! >_< His friends news better be big!
Thanks for the page Brandon.
Ruth and Moonie, had a conversation when she borrowed the spell book so that Shadow could hang out with Tim during Halloween
Yeah, I remember but it wasn’t explicitly clear if she knew about Tim or even the possibilities of hybrids. Let alone that Tim is Ruth’s son.
Hmmm…. Most rulers (or persons in positions of authority)have ‘information services” (spies, sneaks, tip-offs) to keep themselves informed about persons of interest.
Moonie’s sister Ruth (Lady Blackheart) was a potential candidate for High Mother before she abdicated and emigrated to the Earthly realm to be with Tom.
Is High Mother Moon so inept as a ruler that she hasn’t kept an eye on her sister and potential rival (a claimant in exile) and doesn’t know that she has had a son (a “prince” in exile)?
She may DESERVE to be usurped and her rule ended! Vive la revolucion!!!
Whether she knows the significance of a human-Noxian hybrid is another matter and not known yet.
Certainly Terminus the Creeper and therefore Nightmare the Vile know the significance and the fact of Tim.
No, but… Moonie knows why Ruth had to depart in haste. She also has an open question of which exactly activity of Shadow attracted Ruth’s interest.
Tim is a possible link. While such a coincidence is improbable, it’s still at least a reasonable hypothesis for her.
Unlikely to be Midnight. The mother would notice, just as she did with Shadow.
Random note, the archive is out of order for a couple pages? Currently goes 217, 219, 218, 220. Which isn’t a big deal really, though it did cause me a little confusion when I was clicking through them. Since it goes from Tim saying want to meet her? to, her? Her who? XD Like he had a really bad elder moment.
Who is this, Tim as an old man who traveled back in time?
Frankly, I do not see exactly what is going on with this page. Is that due to Tim’s parents wanting a big chitchat with their son about Shadow?
I’m more concerned with the timeline of these events.
Shadow & Midnight left in the early hours (beore dawn?) certainly before breakfast. Assume 0600 hours.
They had their conversation and then a bath (assume 30-45 minutes) then the confrontation with Mother Moon and Shadow’s capture (another 15 minutes).
Midnight has her shouty moment “Tim!” Time now 0700 hours.
Meanwhile Tim has breakfast and revelatory discussion as his father Tom reveals their knowledge of the state of affairs. Tim goes to school (Time 0830?)
Shadow is still in captivity or is being tried for “associating with a human” {How quick does Nox’s legal system work?}
Skip to after Tim’s schhoolday and conversation with Spencer (Time 1530-1600 hours)
Had her hair done? a mani-pedi?, some shopping? another date with Eclipse? but NOTHING to help Shadow OR punish Tim (if that was her plan).
Certainly Tim is worried that they do.
It would be interesting if Midnight was coming out from under Marcy’s bed.
Why? She was able to find his room on her own.
For extracurricular activities?
We need some kind of video format of this soo bad.