Few Questions
1). How long has Mrs. Dobbs known Ruth(& Thomas?)?
2). Will we learn more about those people who abducted Anna?
3). What is Thom’s big secret?
4). Will we ever physically see Highmother Nightshade?
5). Would you say Terminus is the Big Bad?(Personally, he seems kinda narcissistic.)
6). Will we learn more about the so-called “Makers” in the future?
7). Will we see more sex and nude scenes?
8). Considering Marcy is a cheerleader, you think we’ll ever see her with her fellow cheerleaders… maybe in or out of the change room?
1. I dunno, man.
2. Yes, absolutely.
3. He’s an alien. (Just kidding!)
4. Nope. Probably not.
5. Absolutely Terminus is the main antagonist!
6. Yes! A little.
7. Yeah, most definitely!
8. Maybe, but probably not.
Not all women are automatically backstabbers and my reading of Nightmare’s character is that she’s more likely to stab Terminus from in front so that he can see who did it (and because a gut-stab is reputed to be more painful and not immediately fatal.)
The victim can linger in agony for days (if you know how and where to stab.)
The question of Nightmare’s personality (good or evil) is disputed. I’ve seen enough to have made my decision.
For those who’ve served, for those lost, and for those who’ve lost loved ones:
“In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie,
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.”
Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend.. And this is a great way to start it.
LOL…nope, escape attempt denied. Time to have the Noxian version of the ‘birds and bees’ talk. And while it would be cool to see Mrs. Dobbs as a Lara Bancroft ‘stand in’, I personally think she thinks it’s hilarious (not to mention a bit of an ego boost) that she can make Tim’s brain short circuit.
Finally! No getting out of this now. You are about to learn a LOT more than you ever expected here bud. Not just about how they know and why they are so cool with it. Then you get to find out about your waifu’s capture.
She should have answered the door in monster form for extra wow factor. Like ripping off a band-aid.
Escape attempt: Terminated.
They had a feeling this’d happen! Haha
Well it was kind of obvious. This reaction is – I would say – normal…
Few Questions
1). How long has Mrs. Dobbs known Ruth(& Thomas?)?
2). Will we learn more about those people who abducted Anna?
3). What is Thom’s big secret?
4). Will we ever physically see Highmother Nightshade?
5). Would you say Terminus is the Big Bad?(Personally, he seems kinda narcissistic.)
6). Will we learn more about the so-called “Makers” in the future?
7). Will we see more sex and nude scenes?
8). Considering Marcy is a cheerleader, you think we’ll ever see her with her fellow cheerleaders… maybe in or out of the change room?
1. I dunno, man.
2. Yes, absolutely.
3. He’s an alien. (Just kidding!)
4. Nope. Probably not.
5. Absolutely Terminus is the main antagonist!
6. Yes! A little.
7. Yeah, most definitely!
8. Maybe, but probably not.
terminus… for latin terminare… finish…
Yes, he really is the end!
Next, I hope that Nightmare stabs him in the gut.
More likely in the back. I suspect that her feelings for him are legit, she’s really not that bad of a person.
When he betrays her, as he does everybody, she’s going to be mad.
He already DID (page 239) and she is.
Not all women are automatically backstabbers and my reading of Nightmare’s character is that she’s more likely to stab Terminus from in front so that he can see who did it (and because a gut-stab is reputed to be more painful and not immediately fatal.)
The victim can linger in agony for days (if you know how and where to stab.)
The question of Nightmare’s personality (good or evil) is disputed. I’ve seen enough to have made my decision.
The truth will out.
Yes, it will out.
Have you seen “The Graduate” (1967)? Because Mrs. Dobbs makes me think of Mrs. Robinson from that movie. She isn’t like that character, is she?
No, she’s just joking.
When you know your kid too well.
+1 XD
For those who’ve served, for those lost, and for those who’ve lost loved ones:
“In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie,
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.”
Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend.. And this is a great way to start it.
Thank you for the early update, Brandon.
LOL…nope, escape attempt denied. Time to have the Noxian version of the ‘birds and bees’ talk.
And while it would be cool to see Mrs. Dobbs as a Lara Bancroft ‘stand in’, I personally think she thinks it’s hilarious (not to mention a bit of an ego boost) that she can make Tim’s brain short circuit. 
Tom does his duty as paterfamilias (at last).
Will this actually result in a Home Improvement?
First they need to rescue Shadow. Only then can Tim have some more Tool Time.
*Tim Allen grunt*
*Tim Allen grunt*
Now he will fine about his mother and himself , I hope
The moment you know they know what you know they know, and they know you know so you royally fucked up XD
You know?
Well, I DON’T know (but I have my suspicions) y’know.
And now the police show up
Ah shit hereewe go!
Finally! No getting out of this now. You are about to learn a LOT more than you ever expected here bud. Not just about how they know and why they are so cool with it. Then you get to find out about your waifu’s capture.
She should have answered the door in monster form for extra wow factor. Like ripping off a band-aid.
I can’t wait for the next few pages!
Thanks for the new page Brandon.
They got him in a pincer attack
Hmmm…. i’d actually call it an encirclement or an envelopement, to be technical.