#31 “Away She Goes”
… And here’s the rest of what I couldn’t fit on last week’s page.
That’s a wrap on Chapter 1!
I’d just like to thank you all for sticking with me throughout this project, and for somehow getting this site to 1 Million views already! (Which officially passed yesterday while I was at work!) It’s hard to believe; since I’ve been a presence, haunting various galleries across the internet for over 10 years now, but I’ve never touched so many people out there like this before.
Thank you.
Now… onward and upward (and backwards once again) as we begin the next chapter of The Monster Under the Bed.
Facebook fan page: HERE
The same metal clasp used to clip Shadow’s cloak (and used in ‘A friend of a friend’ portrait) is Tim’s belt clasp. Foreshadowing? A gift… but from whom?
Also, I want to know what that poster is in the background. can you post the original picture used for the poster on your DA?
*Ding ding* We have a winner! You’re the first person to mention the belt-buckle. Indeed, it is foreshadowing, like his back scars before this.
As for the poster on the wall, it’s just a movie poster from ‘A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors’. No, his parents don’t have a problem with him watching that stuff, they have a very different parenting style.
Yeah, it’s great you’re getting that much attention. It’s rare I’ve seen a webcomic that just totally drew me in from the start. Normally I end up catching up a few years in! Looking forward to seeing that learning curve
Thank you! It’ll be an interesting ride, that learning curve…
O_O over a million pageviews? Awesome~!
I love the comic and I’m eager for chapter 2 ^_~.
Shadow’s just too cute looking so happy.
Thank you! Yes, it’s over a million now. I can hardly believe it myself!
First update since I found your comic here :3 Yes I’m that new. Really enjoying it so far and looking forward to seeing where it goes.
Thanks! It goes… up!
Sorry, Ghostbusters humour. XD
I’m working with the assumption that right now they’re not still living with Tim’s parents. But I have no evidence to that effect—besides, there might be a portal to the netherworld under that bed, which would pretty much tie both of ’em down there.
No, he’s still in the same old room he had when he was a kid… though he may be outgrowing it soon.
One million veiwers?! WOW congrats to you Brandon
Thank you! XD
I really love the way your using the present as a framing device for the actual story in the past. My one critique, which your already aware of, is that the characters don’t always look older in these segments. In the last panel Tim looks appropriately aged but in the second he seems a little on the young side. Also, while Shadows figure is normally enough, her face doesn’t appear to be any different which becomes more obvious when its the only part visible. (although for some reason I feel like its less of an issue with her…)
Honestly, it’s mostly all in the jaw line that makes the difference, and it’s something I’m working on.
Brandon halp me plz I need my weekly fix of this and you posted it yesterday! What do I do! *starts to laugh uncontrolably hard in insanity* also do you plan on revealing kids if they have or will have any in the near future say chapter 3?
They don’t have any children during the ‘present’ storyline, and certainly not during the flashback sequences… but I’m sure you’ll know it when/if I make that happen. XD
There’s so many things I want to ask like is this the only way to contact you Brandon and are you looking into making this into a real paper comic series”please do that I would totally support you if you did that”. Do you have a patron, how long are you planing on making this series last, p.s. I am totally addicted to this comic I love it
You can contact me on my Facebook fan page if you want, there’s a link in the blurb under the comic page.
As of now there’s no plans to make this into a printed comic, but perhaps someday, once I have a pretty decent backlog built up I could put out a few volumes.
I don’t have a Patreon, but I’m thinking about it. It’s a lot of work.
The comic will run for a few years, I think.
And thank you! I’m glad you’re enjoying!
I kind of thought one of them would say I love you
I think it’s implied! At this point in the story they’ve already been through quite an ordeal. It doesn’t need to be said.
Just realized that his belt buckle and the clasp on her cloak are the same design.
Indeed they are!
“…pick you up…”/”..Say ‘Good luck, today’ for me…”
Something tells me that he’s meeting her parents tonight.
Heh, no, not exactly. It has to do more with the mysterious Midnight character that hasn’t been properly introduced yet.
The song monster keeps playing in my head when I read this
… which one? There are tons of songs called ‘Monster’! XD
There’s something abuout Tim’s buckle…
It’s shiny.
I saw Tim with a belt just like shadow