Yes, yes he probably was in too deep last night but i don’t see…. oh OHHHHH NM
Shadow with the truth bombs of a more fundamental nature. I mean Moon can’t be THAT surprised, she had to know what was up back then, especially after her sister Ruth had a talk with her.
Oh so she does know the father and from the sound of it, quite a few “details” relevant to this/what her father warned her about. Interesting if she knows.
It sounds like this was shock/fear anger, but she is going to understand better, or at least quicker, then we imagined. It’s just a question of what she thinks he safest move (for Shadow) is here i think.
The only question is whether she knows just who Shadow’s little human friend actually is. It doesn’t seem like NM would have told her everything. (about the hybrid) So she likely has no reason to suspect it’s a hybrid.
The next part of this conversation is going to be interesting. Can’t wait for the next page.
Thanks for the new page Brandon!
Also an early Happy Thanksgiving to all fellow Americans.. Hope everyone (not just Americans) have a great day.
I was referring to the long drawn out “FATHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER!” In the original movie with Kyle McLaughlin as Paul. As snes4life said, the next line was “The sleeper has awakened!”
He has to get out of whatever pit Terminus threw him in first. Let’s just say Termite’s in for a world of hurt from just about everyone who knows him, including possibly his own human lover. (We need an update with Anna soon, methinks…)
On the subject of Shadow’s parentage, I have a question regarding the Noxian species. I’ve noticed that Noxian’s come in a wide variety of appearances(different skin tones, eyes, hair, etc.), even those who are explicitly said to be related to one another(Ex. Moonlight and Ruthless are sisters, and while they share a similar blue eye color, their skin and hair colours are very different(Moonlight has white hair and skin while Ruthless has golden yellow skin with blond hair)) Are a Noxian’s physical traits similar to a racial trait(skin, eyes, tails) and passed down from parent to child or are all Noxian’s simply born with randomized appearances like a genetic condition? Please elaborate.
I just hope we learn how Noxian genetic heritage works.(Meaning if a Noxian’s appearance(skin, eyes, hair, etc.) are passed down from parent to child or simply random?)
I think that most of the action to look forward to, is going to originate from Shadow’s family-in-law-to-be, the Newtons.
I reckon that Tim,Tom and Ruth are going to kick the props out from under thw whole of Nox society, ONCE THEY GET MOVING, BRANDON!
Hey, give him time to set up the scenario before the PCs Protagonist and his family blow it all to smithereens. Do you know how hard it is to get a steamroller under the bed? :laugh:
Brandon had confirmed (in a forum post some time ago) that Noxian hybrid’s phenotypes (skin colour, etc {LOOK IT UP !}) tend to follow the paternal line.
When i first read the page’s tittle i was expecting Shadow to say some kind of sex joke against Moonie
I’m reminded of “The Producers” (the movie of the musical of the movie):
Max: Remember when I told you I’d tell you when we’re in too deep?
Leo: Yeah…?
Max: We’re in too deep.
Your comment reminded me of Ratchet and Clank 2016 which is a game based on a movie based on a game
Mortis: “I am your father’s brother’s nephew’s cousin’s former roommate.”
Shadow tries not to laugh, while Termite looks seriously confused.
lol Classic quote and movie.
so how long till madam moon here is also stabbed by our resident tyrant wannabe?
Why «tyrant wannabe»?
Yes, yes he probably was in too deep last night but i don’t see…. oh OHHHHH NM
Shadow with the truth bombs of a more fundamental nature. I mean Moon can’t be THAT surprised, she had to know what was up back then, especially after her sister Ruth had a talk with her.
Oh so she does know the father and from the sound of it, quite a few “details” relevant to this/what her father warned her about. Interesting if she knows.
It sounds like this was shock/fear anger, but she is going to understand better, or at least quicker, then we imagined. It’s just a question of what she thinks he safest move (for Shadow) is here i think.
The only question is whether she knows just who Shadow’s little human friend actually is. It doesn’t seem like NM would have told her everything. (about the hybrid) So she likely has no reason to suspect it’s a hybrid.
The next part of this conversation is going to be interesting. Can’t wait for the next page.
Thanks for the new page Brandon!
Also an early Happy Thanksgiving to all fellow Americans.. Hope everyone (not just Americans) have a great day.
“FATHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER!” I know that line from somewhere but I can’t remember where I heard it.
Ooh! I think I remember where I heard it. I seem to recall seeing it in one of the “Dune” movies.
Matt Berry from the IT Crowd is the best answer, when he crashes his father’s funeral
It was nagging at the back of my head before I settled on Star Fox 64. “Don’t ever give up, my son.” “Father!?”
I was referring to the long drawn out “FATHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER!” In the original movie with Kyle McLaughlin as Paul. As snes4life said, the next line was “The sleeper has awakened!”
system of a down chop suey
I’m with Shadow on this one.
You seriously gonna drop that nuke NOW of all times?
Are we going to get some of Shadow’s backstory now!? Sign me up!
I think Shadow,s father will raise hell about this.
He has to get out of whatever pit Terminus threw him in first. Let’s just say Termite’s in for a world of hurt from just about everyone who knows him, including possibly his own human lover. (We need an update with Anna soon, methinks…)
I suspect more of the opposite. She is “unfinished business”, this will somehow turn around so that Terminus will have to find and rescue her.
we’re gonna lerne about shadow’s parents ? cooooooooooooooool
On the subject of Shadow’s parentage, I have a question regarding the Noxian species. I’ve noticed that Noxian’s come in a wide variety of appearances(different skin tones, eyes, hair, etc.), even those who are explicitly said to be related to one another(Ex. Moonlight and Ruthless are sisters, and while they share a similar blue eye color, their skin and hair colours are very different(Moonlight has white hair and skin while Ruthless has golden yellow skin with blond hair)) Are a Noxian’s physical traits similar to a racial trait(skin, eyes, tails) and passed down from parent to child or are all Noxian’s simply born with randomized appearances like a genetic condition? Please elaborate.
Oooooooo, her father, now it got interesting, especially if we get to learn more about Nox society and their family units.
I just hope we learn how Noxian genetic heritage works.(Meaning if a Noxian’s appearance(skin, eyes, hair, etc.) are passed down from parent to child or simply random?)
This is about to be interesting…. family of Shadow time.
I think that most of the action to look forward to, is going to originate from Shadow’s family-in-law-to-be, the Newtons.
I reckon that Tim,Tom and Ruth are going to kick the props out from under thw whole of Nox society, ONCE THEY GET MOVING, BRANDON!
Hey, give him time to set up the scenario before the
PCsProtagonist and his family blow it all to smithereens. Do you know how hard it is to get a steamroller under the bed? :laugh:I find that a chainsaw in each hand is more manoeuverable and JUST as effective. (More carbon-neutral, too!)
No, John. You are the demons.
wait, are shadow and tim cousins?
Why cousins?
… and why would such a relationship matter anyway?
Tim’s mom is the sister of Shadow’s mom, but i don’t know if sister here is used biologically or clan-like
Thought so. See, this does not always literally mean sibling. Such as in this case. In fact, Brandon clarified this one back in comments to #62.
To illustrate the idea further with some horror comedy —
is Shadow a hybrid?
Doubtful. Most likely she’s full blooded monster
This seems to be implied (in the last panel).
Brandon had confirmed (in a forum post some time ago) that Noxian hybrid’s phenotypes (skin colour, etc {LOOK IT UP !}) tend to follow the paternal line.
When will we learn the story of how Timothy’s parents met?