Few questions regarding Dr. Campbell:
1). How old is she?
2). What ethnicity is she?(Just out of curiosity)
3). Will we be seeing her in “less” later on?😉
4). Would you consider her to be good, bad, or neutral?
5). Will we learn more about this secret organization she’s clearly a part of?(Will they have a large impact to the main story?)
The answers to these and maybe more (or maybe none) may be found in future pages – or maybe not, as Brandon decides you can be trusted with the information.
1). A Noxian’s accent is similar to a cat, since I remember Brandon comparing them to cats at one point.(Think something like The Cat from Coraline’s voice.)
2). The population of Nox/the Axis is around 66,600-99,900.(Get it?😈👍)
3). Noxian’s remain sterile and/or infertile unless they go through a “Bonding Rite,” which allows them to procreate, but only with those who they are bonded with.(Explains why they have so much casual sex without apparent fear they’ll end up conceiving children.)
4). The Noxian’s have 9 different races/phenotypes(Shades of Black, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, White, and Grey), which is passed down from parent to child(Though there may be some slight differences from their parents skin color, ex: A darker/lighter/different shade of red). However, there is a small chance of them being born a different race/phenotype based on family heritage, similar to a genetic mutation like albinism.(Ex. Red + Green = Red/Green Child, Yellow + Blue = White)
5). Noxian’s aren’t a supernatural/magical species, but an alien race who’s ship(Nox/the Axis) is trapped somewhere(Earth’s moon or Mars) and their “magical” abilities are just a form of science they can naturally do with practice or with advanced technology.
My best guess is either 3 or 4.(I’m hoping both.)
Even if 1 isn’t correct, I’m still considering it canon(since there is no way to know what Noxian’s actually sound like).
Question: Ever think about making a page that lists info on Noxian’s and Nox?(Biology, history, culture, etc.) Just a thought?
Either way, keep up the great work.👍👍
Nmmmmm…. Dr. Campbell seems to be carrying extra weight around the lower abdomen.
Does she have a Noxian boyfriend? Or one locked up and “milked” regularly?
Is she perhaps consciously TRYING to acheive a “hybrid”
Does she (or The Organisation) know how important that would be to Nox?
Cute girl in purple.. (do the colors have meaning Brandon?) and cute doctor lady again too. (Of course Anna too)
Unless the doctor is one of those types of unserious types, and combined with how Anna wasn’t locked up. I’m guessing this isn’t a hardcore government org chasing things they don’t really understand or something. Could this be the human side of the equation? I mean wasn’t the current state of things described like some kind of “agreement” in the past? We’ve only ever seen the monster side. Could this be a human organization watching over monster related things?
They’re ALL wearimg uniforms of similar (but unusual) design,- puffed “princess” shoulders over a long-sleeved top. Lower garments seem to be optional, skrt/dress (Dr Campbell) trousers (unnamed male) knickerbockers (unknown female) or might be job-related.
Lab coats or trench coats are lined with the duvusuin or directorate colour.
They’re all sporting a roundel for organisation identity.
Colours might be significant. Green could be Life sciences, Purple Psychic Division, Grey or black, Security
Hmm… what in the world is our dear Anna gotten herself into? Also, who is that smoking hot doctor?(Who I assume we’ll be seeing more of this chapter?)
I’ll give you a slight spoiler, but her name is Dr. Naomi Campbell. Doctor of what? I’ll leave that up to your imagination!
Few questions regarding Dr. Campbell:
1). How old is she?
2). What ethnicity is she?(Just out of curiosity)
3). Will we be seeing her in “less” later on?😉
4). Would you consider her to be good, bad, or neutral?
5). Will we learn more about this secret organization she’s clearly a part of?(Will they have a large impact to the main story?)
The answers to these and maybe more (or maybe none) may be found in future pages – or maybe not, as Brandon decides you can be trusted with the information.
damn bitch we just fucking met her for one tile
1). A Noxian’s accent is similar to a cat, since I remember Brandon comparing them to cats at one point.(Think something like The Cat from Coraline’s voice.)
2). The population of Nox/the Axis is around 66,600-99,900.(Get it?😈👍)
3). Noxian’s remain sterile and/or infertile unless they go through a “Bonding Rite,” which allows them to procreate, but only with those who they are bonded with.(Explains why they have so much casual sex without apparent fear they’ll end up conceiving children.)
4). The Noxian’s have 9 different races/phenotypes(Shades of Black, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, White, and Grey), which is passed down from parent to child(Though there may be some slight differences from their parents skin color, ex: A darker/lighter/different shade of red). However, there is a small chance of them being born a different race/phenotype based on family heritage, similar to a genetic mutation like albinism.(Ex. Red + Green = Red/Green Child, Yellow + Blue = White)
5). Noxian’s aren’t a supernatural/magical species, but an alien race who’s ship(Nox/the Axis) is trapped somewhere(Earth’s moon or Mars) and their “magical” abilities are just a form of science they can naturally do with practice or with advanced technology.
👆Meant to say these were my headcanons.😅
Well, one of those is actually correct, but I won’t tell you which one. MWHAHAHA!!
My best guess is either 3 or 4.(I’m hoping both.)
Even if 1 isn’t correct, I’m still considering it canon(since there is no way to know what Noxian’s actually sound like).
Well, we can be reasonably sure that Ruth did not get officially bonded to Tim’s dad. Ditto our heroine above.
I’m thinking of number 3 😉
Talk about getting caught in the moment.
Yeah, I know! There is a reason though. Hah
Seems funny, definitely funny… I do not know what to expect, but feel good about this page.
Haha, maybe! Maybe!
Hmmm… was that man in panel 2 the same one we saw in page 216?
Off Topic: That lady he’s with is HOT.🥵
Thanks for the reminder. Yes, Dr Campbell is the one on page 216. Not sure about the man in panel 2, though.
Hard to tell, as lighting was worse. But he’s tall and has the same mighty beak nose.
Question: Ever think about making a page that lists info on Noxian’s and Nox?(Biology, history, culture, etc.) Just a thought?
Either way, keep up the great work.👍👍
Possibly after the whole tale is told (to avoid spoilers).
I think I need a refresher on this turn of events.
Here’s a little refresher:
That’s what the archive is for!!
Isn’t it good of Brandon to keep that going?
Here’s a little refresher:
👆Hey, Brandon? Could you delete this post? I posted it accidentally while trying to reply to someone. Appreciate it.👍
I’m thinking somebody, somewhere, wants to know more about what goes on with Nox.
Nmmmmm…. Dr. Campbell seems to be carrying extra weight around the lower abdomen.
Does she have a Noxian boyfriend? Or one locked up and “milked” regularly?
Is she perhaps consciously TRYING to acheive a “hybrid”
Does she (or The Organisation) know how important that would be to Nox?
Yeah, it does seem a little big their. Could be the angle but.. it might make sense depending on this organization’s mission/goal.
We always joke about everybody fucking monster already… is it no joke? I kind of hope actually. lol
Cute girl in purple.. (do the colors have meaning Brandon?) and cute doctor lady again too. (Of course Anna too)
Unless the doctor is one of those types of unserious types, and combined with how Anna wasn’t locked up. I’m guessing this isn’t a hardcore government org chasing things they don’t really understand or something. Could this be the human side of the equation? I mean wasn’t the current state of things described like some kind of “agreement” in the past? We’ve only ever seen the monster side. Could this be a human organization watching over monster related things?
Very interesting.. Can’t wait for next page!
Thanks for the new page Brandon. 🙂
We need a better… “angle”on Dr. Naomi with that skirt dress. 😀
Hope we get to see a LOT more of her and the girl in purple. Anne too! 😉
These folks look far too cheery to be a regular evil group.
So they’re either not so bad, or REALLY bad.
Plus something about their clothing and colors is making me think Power Ranges Super Sentai…
They’re ALL wearimg uniforms of similar (but unusual) design,- puffed “princess” shoulders over a long-sleeved top. Lower garments seem to be optional, skrt/dress (Dr Campbell) trousers (unnamed male) knickerbockers (unknown female) or might be job-related.
Lab coats or trench coats are lined with the duvusuin or directorate colour.
They’re all sporting a roundel for organisation identity.
Colours might be significant. Green could be Life sciences, Purple Psychic Division, Grey or black, Security
They do seem to like their capes.
Who are those guys that Naomi has encountered?
So, she’s in something like a comic convention?