#39 “Field Trip”
Shadow steps out of bounds and into the world beyond the bedroom for the first time… but not for the last.
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Shadow steps out of bounds and into the world beyond the bedroom for the first time… but not for the last.
Vote for The Monster Under the Bed at Top Web Comics! Yay! —->
Back when I used to draw, I would put in various “cultural” references. It made it fun, and kept the creative juices flowing….Like how to get “so close to the top”, yet not go over it.
McGuffins are good. 
Well…. At least it will be fun too see how Tim will deal with a Sugar Rushed monster cat around the neighborhood.
Tommy pickles, purple stuff, maybe the cake? Those are very good way to insert a final panel punchline in a comic. I’ve been waiting for that for a while. Hey, now you’re getting it!
They aren’t really punch lines, so much as random references…
“Purple Stuff” is from the old Sunny D ads, right? XD
That’s right.
well i’m just wondering here, but the are still 10 here, right? cause i remember (and of course i know this is fiction) that when i was 10 i had difficulty reaching the sink, and the cabinets where, without a kitchen chair, out of the question. (i’m now 6,6 feet tall so no problems here anymore, accept for the occasional headache when hitting my head!)
but he’s reaching them easy, so did we make a age jump or something from 10 to 16?
i’m dutch, so i’m sorry in advance for my grammar.
I never had much trouble reaching anything in my house, because all the countertops were built quite low. (It was an older house I grew up in, and everyone seemed to be shorter…) so…. meh? XD
Gekke Nederlander xD
Je Engels is helemaal niet slecht hoor!
For everyone who doesn’t speak Dutch: just talking about weed and hookers with a fellow dutchman
I climbed on everything when I was a kid from age 7 and up so I always got the food I wanted. Crazy question time does shadow have problem with moonlight from a full moon also I love her eyes glowing in the dark.
No, she’s not light sensitive, although she’s not inhibited by the dark either; in which she can see perfectly fine.
No I mean act like a monster going werewolf crazy because of the moon.
Oh… then that’s a big nope as well.
Hey dose any body like anime
I love how creepy you made Shadow look in the second panel. Nice effects!
Thank you!
Those eyes they long for cookies, I know them well. Well hunger aside awesome page I love her eyes in that panel and I especially like her idea of a field trip. I personally go on that field trip a lot.
Me too. XD
Heh, heh. Well, when you got leftover meat in the fridge, I guess it technically is a “giant coffin”, amirite? *shot*
Hah! Well, I suppose you’ve got me there!
Was simply cruisin’ through ol’ E-H’s front page, and I find this here. A pleasant surprise, for sure. I’m keeping an eye on this place. My interest knows no peak for these things!
Thanks for the comment! Glad to have you!
next I show you the freezer were we keep the ice cream and ice lollypops
Haha, oh god. Well, they might not have time. XD
there always time 4 ice cream
Is that a water mill painting hanging on the wall? L
Yeah… it’s not like I know anyone who has a bunch of those hanging in their house or anything… XD
I want that purple stuff. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uu7bv7Ce8-Q
Yeah, pretty much! XD
Tommy Pickles………