#40 “Midnight Snack”
Maybe she should try stealing something else after this. She seems to be missing something (we consider) very important.
Also, hey! I made it to 40 pages! Woo-hoo!
Maybe she should try stealing something else after this. She seems to be missing something (we consider) very important.
Also, hey! I made it to 40 pages! Woo-hoo!
Called it, boobietrapped cake, just wondering who is / was on the side of the alarm and is now entering the kitchen. DAMN YOU SUSPENCE!!
40 pages already!! Only feels like last month i found ya at page 4.
It doesn’t FEEL like I’ve put 40 weekends in a row to this comic. XD But, I have.
Dude! You do all this just on the weekend? Now you have earned not only my deep appreciation, but also my undying respect!
Well, Friday night and Saturday. But yes, that’s when I work on everything comic related.
Oh, lights coming on… I wonder what their reaction will be to the new arrival !
“Oh. Hey. S’up?”
Well that would be…. underwelming. But I guess if Tim’s parents are open minded, logical.
Huh, that’s not good… Quick shove her in the fridge!
That being said, so many interesting implications if his parent(s) meet Shadow now.
Tim will probably appreciate this lack of human type modesty soon ;D . and of course so will we.
But she’ll knock over the Purple Stuff and get all sticky! XD
And yes, I envision a montage of Tim valiantly attempting to not look up her dress anytime she does anything now.
Well… At least this confirms that she’s almoslt like a normal girl. Nothing we didn’t knew, but Tim will be happy in a few years.
Now, I wonder, is dad going to get his cake now?
No, not unless he wants to stick his hand into Shadow’s maw. *clacks teeth together*
No, I mean, is he going to get the cake now. In the fridge, that’s why he woke up. Like that….
You’ll have to wait and see I guess.
Yeah, what was I hoping to get anyway?
Who ever said it was Thomas Just because it’s his piece of cake… maybe it’s his other piece of ca- I mean, Ruth.
ROFL, that expression!! It’s a keeper, and contagious!
On a side note, nope.. don’t think anything is missing.
Everything is as it should be, otherwise we wouldn’t have these awesome moments
Heh, she’s got everything she needs, at least according to how things work where she’s from.
Shadows in panties? Nonsense! Who really saw such thing?
Not me, that’s for sure. XD
So it begins… *slow claps*
Maybe, let’s not jump to conclusions. They might have a ghost or something!
Well, with how fast children grow up and discover profanity and sex and all that nowadays, 9 years old isn’t too young to figure out what girls have anymore, heh.
Interesting way to showcase a difference of cultures to say the least, ha.
When I was 9 or so I already had the basic gender logistics concerning sex worked out on my own just from watching TV… so it’s not exactly a surprise. I’m fairly certain I didn’t understand everything on a biological level (such as how things actually worked) I just knew that they did.
Tim will be going into grade 5 when school starts. Because his birthday falls near the end of the year he’s actually technically younger than his fellow peers. It’s a problem I shared all throughout school myself. When I was in grade 5, I absolutely understood what sex was.
It’s a big day for Tim. I think it’s his first time seeing one of those
Okay. This is a good one XD. Busted eating cake. I can’t wait to see how this plays out.
Maybe not how everyone thinks it will!
All the more reason I can’t wait.
The last panel. It finally dawns on her what she did, I don’t think she realizes that she flashed him, at least not yet. I think it’s as mush a shock for him as it is or her.
What follows is an awkward silence, very awkward. lol
Actually, the kitchen light just flicked on and they’re both shocked.
Yeah, I noticed that way too late. But still she flashed him, now the only questions is will she realize that she did. And how will she make her self scares too whom ever turned on the kitchen light.
She knows what she did, but she doesn’t care either… there is no taboo about that particular part of the body in her world. It’s just another part.
A cruel and effective war tactic. LOL. Lets just hope that neither human or monster declare war on each other. That would be an unmitigated disaster on both ends. Magic VS Science, both equally powerful. But it would be one hell of a firework show.
Damn, OK, her world sounds like an awkward place to visit. Given all of Humanities strict moral and ethical views. But it would be interesting to get just a glimpse of her world.
And speaking of morals and ethics some are just down right ridiculous and unnecessary and some are a godsend.
True dat.
And her world isn’t so bad, they just don’t get offended by each other’s bodies unduly, and they don’t understand why humans do either… but if it produces fear or unease, they might be able to use it to their advantage!
Ever since we saw Shadow put on her hoodie-cloak and nothing else back on page 30, I kinda wondered if she wears any underwear. I thought maybe she just didn’t bother after she and Tim started sleeping together, but apparently it’s just a monster thing.
Well, her dress can be slipped on and off easily enough… it just ties around the neck.
Might be kinda hard finding underwear able to fit the tail through…I mean, guy underwear always has holes, but probably not in the right spot.
True. It’d probably chafe pretty bad under the tail.
This is going to be an odd question – probably inappropriate to ask on a page where they’re nine, but it’s when I thought of it – but given how her tail reacts to her emotions and what not, any chance it’s…sensitive?
Or, in a less pervy sense, any chance it works like a sayian tail in that regard (Dragon Ball)? Or a Deviluke tail (To Love-ru)? …although perhaps that second one [i]isn’t[/i] less pervy after all…
No, it’s not sensitive like that… I mean, rub it long enough and I’m sure it’ll feel great…
Well, in humans anyway, all parts of the body are basically erogenous zones to one degree or another. So some part that is normally “Meh, I can feel it” like say, your back or shoulder blades, under the right conditions can quickly turn into “OH MY GAWD!!!!”. You just never know…
Yeah, we’ll see! XD