just become a fan of your comic, think its a good way to build a relation between 2 species, is Shadow build on Midna from Legend of Zelda? cause she look like her abit :3
OMG! Brandon you melded adorableness with smexy, it is Unholy and I love it. Also looks like our buddy may be learning about the birds and bees earlier than I did. Also I agree with manbat, his parents seem to go at it every night even with birth control seems fishy. Are we sure Tim’s mom isn’t a monster as well? :3
Keep in mind, it’s only been technically 4 days since events have been depicted so far. All we know is that Tim’s parents have had busy nights twice in that time.
All I can say is that Ruth is a serious monster milf.
Birds and bees aren’t necessarily arriving yet, it’s only a diagnosis from a fearologist in training. XD
huh bit of a phobophage succubus vibe here. If we didn’t know they just kids and that she is not (right?) a succubus one would suspect a seduction attempt here.
kind of curious to see if she can still pull that off when a bit older. ooh perhaps a callback/reference/etc will occur.
Very nice strip, Brandon. Like others have said, you managed to fit a lot of intensity into 3 panels. Little touches, like Shadow tugging on the hem of her dress where the frosting stain is.
I really like how, even though Shadow has befriended a human, she still has the whole predatory monster thing going on.
I can honestly say, if human fear makes them feel good… why not just outright pretend to be succubi and make guys think their life is about to be drained away in a most erotic fashion?
That ticks all the boxes, including a non-lethal end.
hummm?? kinda like “monster inc.” but food, not energy ( pop in scare (( ahh )) pop out.. done no interaction ..
sense he took the picture , she had to interact ( an liked it ) (( You Smell Nice )) sssoooo got to know humans.
but we know she dont scare him,, now shes trying to git a rise..( er reaction ) out of tim
^ had to leave it there^
ohhh could you give a hint to the ?feeding? (satisfaction) times ;; like once a week or two…or something ??
Is She going to Flash him again because she think that make him fear her?
She might try from time to time! Inadvertently, of course. ;-P
Human fear makes her feel good wonder how that will play into things later
We shall see!
Interesting… what makes her feel bad?
I don’t think it works that way! XD
Satisfied now.
You, or her? XD
uhhh… well…
just become a fan of your comic, think its a good way to build a relation between 2 species, is Shadow build on Midna from Legend of Zelda? cause she look like her abit :3
No, not intentionally. I did notice the similarity myself after it was already far too late, though.
I never actually got very far in that game, actually.
i dont mind to give her a big hug, even though shes’s a “dirty” little monster ;D
She’s not dirty! She bathes at least once a week! Haha. Kidding.
got the joke ;D and perhapse theres monster with beaks in her world?
No, they all look like her where she comes from. Just like humans all look human.
Lol, Shadow’s too cute XD
It really goes to show that you kept her monstrousness despite endowing her with cuteness. And sexiness later on. =)
She has a gamut of emotions. You should see her when she’s really pissed off. XD
Waiting with bated breath…
I cannot tell with such a tiny avatar thumbnail, but is she riding a giant… you know what? Suction cup type?
no,, no its her arm,, her hand is turned to where her fingers are pointing at you
OMG! Brandon you melded adorableness with smexy, it is Unholy and I love it. Also looks like our buddy may be learning about the birds and bees earlier than I did. Also I agree with manbat, his parents seem to go at it every night even with birth control seems fishy. Are we sure Tim’s mom isn’t a monster as well? :3
Keep in mind, it’s only been technically 4 days since events have been depicted so far. All we know is that Tim’s parents have had busy nights twice in that time.
All I can say is that Ruth is a serious monster milf.
Birds and bees aren’t necessarily arriving yet, it’s only a diagnosis from a fearologist in training. XD
Uh oh. I get the feeling Tim’s going to have one of those “I need an adult” moments pretty soon
He can handle it. He’s a big boy! XD
oh yeah, i bet he is a “big-boy” now ;P
Human energy *IS* tasty to certain beings. From slightly “sexual” to downright fear.
i love fear, its so…yummy :3
huh bit of a phobophage succubus vibe here. If we didn’t know they just kids and that she is not (right?) a succubus one would suspect a seduction attempt here.
kind of curious to see if she can still pull that off when a bit older. ooh perhaps a callback/reference/etc will occur.
Another really good page here.
Ohhhhhhhhh my
You said it!
Very nice strip, Brandon. Like others have said, you managed to fit a lot of intensity into 3 panels. Little touches, like Shadow tugging on the hem of her dress where the frosting stain is.
I really like how, even though Shadow has befriended a human, she still has the whole predatory monster thing going on.
Oh that never goes away, really.
And thank you!
Looks like he’s about to shock her with his response.
Hmmm, maybe!
Oh my~ she’s giving him the sexy eyes.
Maybe a little.
oh Jesus look at her
she’s going into sexual predator mode
is she being aroused by the fear smell…looks like it
Prediction of next comic.
Tim admits that their friendship is the most wonderful thing to ever happen to him, and he’s terrified of screwing it up.
She laughs in his face, then calls him adorable.
A good idea! XD
I can honestly say, if human fear makes them feel good… why not just outright pretend to be succubi and make guys think their life is about to be drained away in a most erotic fashion?
That ticks all the boxes, including a non-lethal end.
They aren’t really into humans in that way… Shadow is the exception, and at that because they spend years getting to know each other.
hummm?? kinda like “monster inc.” but food, not energy ( pop in scare (( ahh )) pop out.. done no interaction ..
sense he took the picture , she had to interact ( an liked it ) (( You Smell Nice )) sssoooo got to know humans.
but we know she dont scare him,, now shes trying to git a rise..( er reaction ) out of tim
^ had to leave it there^
ohhh could you give a hint to the ?feeding? (satisfaction) times ;; like once a week or two…or something ??
She’s not feeding on his fear, she’s just getting a bit of a rush. She eats food to get energy.