#44 “Truth Be Told”
And now for a trip into Tim’s brain!
What’s this?! A mid-week update? Well, this page was simple enough, I figured I could give you guys a bonus this week!
And now for a trip into Tim’s brain!
What’s this?! A mid-week update? Well, this page was simple enough, I figured I could give you guys a bonus this week!
oh snap
Am I first?
Nope, sorry!
If Shadow discovered her sex appeal in the last page… Tim discovers love in this one. That’s just adorable
“Be afraid. The world needs fraids.”
I suppose it does? XD
I not sure if I’m happy about the extra page (giving sunday still has something for us) of because I was bored and came to re-read the last one. Because I woulda lost this page like it was one of my socks. Anyways, I’m happy.
Tim, I don’t blame you. I’m 18 and still don’t get those kinds of feelings.
I’m sure you would have found it… eventually.
Found out from the Facebook page that you did a mid-week update.
Not bad my friend. Nice to see that Tim isn’t afraid of ALL girls.
Nope, not all girls. Just the non humans! XD
I think, “Afraid of human girls. Non-afraid of non-human girls. Afraid of being non-afraid of non-human girls.” Yup, he’s just a normal young guy!
Absolutely! He’s actually afraid that he’s a freak or something… but well, we all know where he lands.
If you are worries about missing an update, piperka.net is your friend.
Tim is pretty deep for a ten year old.
He is huh? Unless its his older self telling us what was going through his mind at that time like he’s narrating.
That’s the impression I got.
It is his older self, as evidenced by when I’ve done this sort of thing before, also the line: ‘Feelings I still don’t fully understand.’ implying much time has passed.
Ahh… It’s just that there hasn’t been much narration by Tim’s older self.
There’s been enough. Any time you see a yellow box with writing in it, that’s Future Tim narrating it. He is the narrator. This page is kinda different, because it’s supposed to be a meta-moment taking place outside of time.
Woohoo bonus page, don’t be afraid Tim its going to be a very good feeling.
Tim almost look TOO mature on this page
That’s what happens when you look pensive.
“In the middle of the weekdays
In the middle of a notion
She and he beneath the starlight
Without a background or a stage set.
In the middle of the story
Will they start to do some kissin’
Are they ready for some lovin’
And hand in hand from this point on?
Though there’s no story I’ve seen
Just a picture on my screen
But how I wish they could be
(How I wish they could be)
In the middle of the weekdays
In the middle of the story
Tim and Shadow all together
In a closet built for two
(In a closet built for two).”
—and this time I won’t make you guess. From “In the Middle of an Island,” Tony Bennett.
You always crack me up! I wonder what you’ll do next? XD
You always crack me up! I wonder what you’ll do next? XD
Depends on what pops in my head next time I see it.
Thanks for the wonderful treat ..
You’re welcome!
Wonder how long it’s going to take the rest of the fans to notice this update. I only did because I came to reread the previous strip. Are Tim’s feelings anything like the unexpected-webcomic-update feeling that I’ve got going right now?
Also, I’m trying to figure out Tim’s outfit. He’s wearing the same lightning bolt t-shirt he had back in chapter 1 and appears to have simply put a hoodie on under it. Except that the hood appears to be on the outside, instead of sticking out of the collar of his T. So is he wearing a short-sleeve hoodie over a long-sleeve shirt or is his hood utilizing the same teleportation magic as Shadow’s under-the-bed?
Huh? No, it’s just the opposite. He’s wearing his lightning bolt T-shirt underneath a black and grey (and blue, his signature colour) hoodie.
Yes, but the t-shirt’s short sleeves are clearly on the outside, over the hoodie’s longer sleeves.
No, the hoodie has short black sleeves with blue trim, and longer grey sleeves coming out of it, but it’s all one piece. I had a shirt that was very similar.
Imagine a grey hoodie with a black t-shirt over top of it, basically. But it’s open at the front and you can see his normal lightning bolt shirt underneath.
Ah, okay. Never seen a hoodie like that before.
S’no problem!
Ah, young love. When you still have no idea what’s going on.
Yeeeessss… XD
Wut? You mean you guys figured it out? Damn, I’m *coug*ty-one and still got no friggin’ clue!
Oh yeah, a mid week update. I hope we get more of these in the future. BTW, this would make a great poster. Why not make it one? I’m sure there’s a lot of readers here that would love that. I would download it and print it. =^.^=
It’d be easy enough, I suppose.
You can put up a download area with all kinds of goodies for your fans. If you feel like it. =^.^=
I’ll make the suggestion again, that Brandon can maybe make a few bucks by selling a poster (or other merchandise) through his DA account, and link to it here. I’ve bought a couple of things from there and they were very good quality, and not overly expensive.
That’s a great idea.
(just to cute)