#56 “Cards on the Table”
“Well, it seems like we have a done deal! Just sign your soul… I mean your signature right here.”
Just kidding. It’s no Faustian deal.
“Well, it seems like we have a done deal! Just sign your soul… I mean your signature right here.”
Just kidding. It’s no Faustian deal.
Keep up the great story! =P
Thanks! Will do!
Cool. and cute. Since children often have a habit of asking random questions, I can’t wait to see what kind of odd things we learn. Personally, first thing I’d ask is “why the socks?” Because if it’s just Shadow having a fascination with human stuff surely she’d only take one or two pairs. It sounds like she’s taken a lot more than that.
Haha, I’m sure it’ll come up. XD
This comic feels like it’s only going to get better. I know you post it on FunnyJunk, but I come here as well just to see it in all it’s glory.
Here is where the real monster party is at!
getting better cant wait for next weeks comic
Thanks! Yes, now things really get rolling.
I like where this is going. Right here is the basis of why those two are so in love when they get older. I know I know its going to be a bumpy ride and there is more story to tell but these last two comics is laying the foundation.
Yes, this entire chapter is almost nothing but building a nice foundation… because they won’t be children after this chapter so I’ll need something to build off of after the time skip.
Are you planning on going back and forth in time with this story?
Not TOO much, no. I might if it serves the story.
Bout time you posted, just quit your day job so you can entertain me with your comic everyday.But seriosly good job and this week was a long one I needed this.
“no more secretes” she says while crossing her claws behind her back.
Every DAY? Oi… XD
Field trip? Or long winded explanation? Either way this will be a great experience… Also the hand holding, does the heart good.
Uh oh
Someone is getting bold… I like it !
Also, Tim, you are asking a girl to tell you her secrets. That’s like asking the ocean to dry up.
Maybe not personal secrets exactly, but stuff she’s been clamming up about concerning her side of the bed.
I see what you did there, “her side of the bed” indeed.
;-P It’s an apt statement.
Oh man i feel this comic is just getting started towards a great story. Can’t wait and I love the hand holding. It seems that they are both starting to like each other a lot
Indeed, this will be going to much bigger places once things really start chugging along.
Hand holding, hugs — looks like they like each other more than they think.
Oh certainly, but each of them is content to be ‘just fiends’ as obviously anything more is out of the question. That’d just be ridiculous!
Given that Tim and Shadow seems to warm up so much to each other, i would guess that the comic will be going into overdrive in the near future.
Soon enough, yeah.
Daaaaawwww, adorable hugs are adorable. Even when they’re between human children and ash-skinned monsters from an alternate dimension with very sharp teeth and yellow slit-pupil eyes and talon fingers and tails.
Such adorbs. Much fun.
Oh, also bat-wing-shaped ears. Let’s not forget those.
Thanks! XD
“First question: In about ten years, threesome with Midnight?”
What is with these people and wanting a threesome with Midnight? Can’t they just have a happy, normal two-person human/monster relationship without bringing in another chick? XD
What’s wrong with friends sharing things?
It’s what all true paladins strive for.
Yeah, if I were them, I wouldn’t get my hopes up too much! XD Canonically, anyway.
“What’s a threesome?”
Damit brandon where is all my cookies
You ate them all already?!