#56 “Cards on the Table”
“Well, it seems like we have a done deal! Just sign your soul… I mean your signature right here.”
Just kidding. It’s no Faustian deal.
“Well, it seems like we have a done deal! Just sign your soul… I mean your signature right here.”
Just kidding. It’s no Faustian deal.
Now it’s Shade’s turn to look nervous. “No more secrets? Agreed… but I really don’t know where to start. I mean, what’s that big yellow thing up on that high ceiling outside your room?”
Hahaha, yeah! XD I’ve always been curious!
Probably wouldn’t be a good idea for Shadow to go out in the sun. Who knows what effect it might have on her?
I don’t think it’ll affect her too badly, but we shall see!
A good application of sunscreen and a sunhat or something similar would probably make things easier on her.
Wow this is early its not even Sunday in Australia yet
Ooooo Tim in the monster world, is he gonna dress up as a monster to try and fit in or will Midnight provide lookout as Shadow is showing him around so many possibilities cant wait
If/when it ever happens he’ll certainly need a disguise. For certain!
I have the perfect costume for you to use if he does http://i1107.photobucket.com/albums/h393/Ceiroh/FMSTFIB07.png
Har har! XD
Could be a good easter egg if its in the background
By the makers its getting better every week
Thank you! XD
I’m still surprised the parental units have not burst in on them yet. Oh well, now to wait and see if Tim ever manages to cross over like the girls do.
Oh, I’m sure I’ll explain them away eventually.
If they don’t keep something back, they’ll have nothing left to share when they get married.
It’s more secrets about her world and culture, not really her personal skeletons. *Bonetrousle plays*
Brandon! Stop plaguing this comment thread with incidental music!
*Record scratch* Huh? Whaaaaaa? XD
what happened to you posting these on FJ man?
I did post it on FJ. It’s not exactly my home base or anything. This site is.
Extremely cute page.
Finally! No more secrets.
I noticed something. If the story takes place in present day, 2015 or 2014, when there older, around 18 or 19? And they are around nine or 10 at this point. Then the young phase takes place at 2006 or 2007- – the internet existed. That also means they were born around 2008 or 2009.
Also. I totally see him owning a sugar bear as a pet. It bonds easily with anything (except snakes), it sleeps during the day and fits in pockets and will sleep in your pocket while you take it anywhere, it’s nocturnal during the night. So Shadow could play with it. Its cheap to take care of but just expensive to get your hands on one at first.
I’m purposely avoiding a specific date, except for it could be happening any time after the 1980’s.
Woops, born around 1998 / 1999*
But if you say 1980+ then thats also understandable, hmmmmm around the time Nightmare on Elm street came out..
for sure after.
Well, I’m using my life time as a reference point for stuff, and I’m in my early 30’s now. I’m not really concerned ‘when’ this story is taking place, and plan on keeping it that way. Kinda like Batman the Animated series’ approach. It’s designed to be timeless.
Ever since the last weekend I’ve been thinking of how one might explain this world to a complete outsider. Of course being 50 something and having a LOT broader experience than Tim, and a little professorial, I was thinking in terms of explaining things and then answering questions.
I would probably start with something basic like economics. Nothing too complicated just explaining what money is, telling her that people work for it and can use it to obtain the things they need. Then go on to other stuff.
I know, that’s a little too systematic for someone Tim’s age to say. I guess that kind of thinking comes from being an engineer.
Awww. Nice 3rd panel!
Thank you!
One could also argue that knowing something about Shadow’s world would make it easier for Tim to teach her about his. It probably didn’t occur to him that monsters didn’t have refrigerators until she asked about his.
Love is beginning th sprout between them.
Quite possibly!
Heuh that hug<3
Yeeeeah! XD
I want to see him introduce her to his human friends.
Well, we may see something similar someday.
I’m late
Why are you always saying that every week, no matter what time it is? XD I don’t really know how to respond anymore.
Oops I’m still half a sleep
This is super romance because there sharing information about there world