#56 “Cards on the Table”
“Well, it seems like we have a done deal! Just sign your soul… I mean your signature right here.”
Just kidding. It’s no Faustian deal.
“Well, it seems like we have a done deal! Just sign your soul… I mean your signature right here.”
Just kidding. It’s no Faustian deal.
I’m really curious about her world… and this page was so adorable! <3 I love how both insist they are just best friend, I wonder how much until they are officially more. x3
Give it about three to five years their time, when puberty hits. Remember, they’re only just nine years old, give or take a few months (she’s six months older, IIRC), so when they hit that 12 to 15 age bracket is probably when they’ll realize they’re in love.
… and while I was composing something in my head about “marrying your best friend”, I just had to wonder if interspecies marriages are known in her world.
remember Shadow, not talking about something is not keeping a secret XD
also, i fell that they really like each other way more than they think. Probably most of it is alot of curiosity~
you play to eventually make character sheets? (with back/front and color palettes)
soon people will start making more ‘monsters under the bed’ (temporary name till real species name apears) =P
Very good page, my friend. Maybe why Tim’s parents haven’t peeked in is Tim’s father aka “Cookie Thief” is being disciplined by Tim’s mother aka “Vice Admiral Ruthless”.
Remember Timmy, if she wants you to sign in blood, that is bad news.
Too cute, but definitely worth the wait, no? Best not to dwell on Tim’s parents, they’ll be busy for a while. =P But Huro’s suggestion has merit, not in the sense that we need it NOW, but it would be a welcome addition in the future.
like i said, eventually =p
Very cute! So, are we going to see the start of their romantic relationship at some point? When they actually admit their feelings for each other or first kiss or whatever.
Also, is Tim ever going to try to disguise Shadow as a human so he can show her the human world outside his house?
Aww, they are so adorable together. I would love to see the different ways they learn about each other. I just wish that the comic updated more often, the curiousity is killing me.
Still the best web comic I’ve read. By the way, do you have back ups of these pages?
D’aaaaw. Buddy hugs. Next comes the snuggles
Stage 1 reached : Cute hugs
Next one : Cheek kisses
long time fan of the comic, i enjoy this site. and im happy with the updates. but this message is for the site owner. some sicko on rule 34 phael net put up a picture of shadow, pre-teen shadow, naked. now im not a prude, but this was one of the few webcomics not hit with the “if it exists there is porn of it” rule of the internet. i urge the site owner/comic maker to take action if they feel it is neccesary. i will not say how to find the pic, i will not share a link.
trust is given and taken, lovely!!!!!
look at his sly face, he is a sly one, I can smell it
That smile of her’s…
I would love to see a Montage of the kids between ages 9 and present day young adults.. it just seems to make more sense. Kind of like when midnight was asking shadow what she was doing. A well done montage. That is unless you,want to do the J.J. Abrams route and show missing gaps through flashbacks.
I was thinking if I ever needed to, I could briefly touch on their childhood again later on if it was important enough.