#56 “Cards on the Table”
“Well, it seems like we have a done deal! Just sign your soul… I mean your signature right here.”
Just kidding. It’s no Faustian deal.
“Well, it seems like we have a done deal! Just sign your soul… I mean your signature right here.”
Just kidding. It’s no Faustian deal.
What about the claw marks on his back i gotta know its killing me
It almost kills Tim too!
Oh you dastardly fiend, you cliffhanging monster
What? Shadow ends up hanging off a ledge and Tim is there to rescue her? Shadow uses his back to climb up – almost pulling them both over?
Aww hugs and promises, just a little bit more of the warm and fuzzies and you’ll start giving folks diabetes
Emergency Insulin for everybody!
That third panel is THE cutest shot in the entire webcomic. And that’s saying something with the way you illustrate your story, dude.
It only gets better! XD
Hmm… But some secrets are meant to be hidden. In some cases, to protect that person they care, right?
It’s more so secrets about her world and culture, not about the skeletons in her closet.
“By which I mean I am going to keep a very big secret from you in order to move the plot along!”
its all whether or not its understandable or something that only a youngin would hide
Please note I am only joking. ;P
With THAT gravatar? Are you sure?
VERY sure.
oh god i seriously read the yes on jiraya’s voice like screaming with that face
its hard to take what you say seriously now =p
Hm, so far have been liking the comic tone.
I admit I dislike nudity/sex in comics, as few comics can avoid being defined by those parts.
But this ones keeping quite a adorable tone despite the sex scenes, playing them off as jokes or ‘this is life’ setters then anything else.
Awesome work.
I’ve come across a few that make it work – if the author starts with character and plot, and let things flow naturally, then it works.
I have yet to find a comic that couldn’t be improved by the liberal application of nudity and sex.
I’ve seen to many works where the nudity and sex have ruined the story.
Exactly, while it can work, it rarely does.
This is happily a exception.
Have you ever discovered a webcomic, read it all in one sitting, then gone to comment and discovered that everything you ever wanted to say has already been said? Yeah, that just happened to me. Still gonna say it though. I love the comic: The art is neat, the characters are cute and the relationships are healthy for once. Thumbs up! Also appreciate that everyone has different personalities. More importantly, it has already inspired me to write something of this kind myself. I don’t exactly want to call it fanfiction since I tried to change everything I could from the rules of the Demon Dimension to names, personalities, pasts and powers, but it could also be called one…. I hope you don’t mind. I’ll probably come up with 100% fanfiction ideas as well, though I would never fiddle with the relationships you’ve established — they’re too cute!
If you ever put it up anywhere I’d love to read it! XD
Of course I find this the night of the most recent post… I DON’T WANT TO WAIT A WEEK
Heh, it’s a common problem! Welcome to the club!
Making a deal with a monster! >=D
I would be happy to make the documents for the contract. All I would need is a drop of Tim’s Blood, and with that cut on his hand that shouldn’t be hard to get. *Demonic Chuckle*
Until next week!! HA!HA!HA!HA!
I like that the main character’s name is Tim, and he has blue eyes.
We’re pretty much the same, except for the monster thing.
I have one thing to say about this update…
Where can I read the original story?
It’s on my deviantart account, though it’s spoiler city. If that doesn’t bother you, then have at it. Just don’t start blurting spoilers out here.
That’s assuming that you stick to that story as written, though.
I’ll be using it as a general guideline. The brushstrokes of how things occur are all there, they just might get there in a more roundabout, expanded, hopefully more fulfilling way. Not to mention I’ll be adding/changing a few things along the way that hadn’t occurred to me at the time I was originally writing the story, but will be taking steps to retroactively include here.
Is there a Tumblr page to this comic???
I have a Tumblr, but it’s not dedicated specifically to the comic. So… I guess not.
Also, do yoI have any objections to me doing some fan-art? I will send them to you so you can use them. I just love this series so much!
Fan art is fine! By all means!
Yay! I know why I’m losing sleep tonight!