So that’s Freddy down, I wonder about her reactions to Jason, Michael, Lecter, and the nameless zombie hordes (brain eating and non)
I love the fact as it goes on, she gets closer and closer and the lighting on her changes! Great job!
I just love the colouring of the 2nd and 3rd image !
Also, I admit I haven’t seen the Freddy movies, but aren’t they slasher movies ? Did Shadow just admit she wished she could kill people as easily as him ?
Yeah, they are slasher movies, but he does a lot of scary stuff to mess with people first. Shadow obviously wouldn’t kill anyone. I like to think that they were discussing stuff while watching, and generally having a good time.
I always thought that slasher movies were ones where it’s just a maniac (or maniacs) going around killing people (with no supernatural explanation). Am I wrong?
Hmmm… no, not really. When I think slasher movie I almost always jump to the big 3: A Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th and Halloween all of which have a supernatural element in them to varying degrees centering on an unstoppable killer.
Hmmm… no, not really. When I think slasher movie I almost always jump to the big 3: A Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th and Halloween all of which have a supernatural element in them to varying degrees centering on an unstoppable killer.
Not exactly. The premise behind them is that Freddie you in your dreams. If, for instance, you dream that he ran you over, your body is found on a road. But dream logic applies so even if something woudl be physically impossible in the real world, it would happen. It just means that, when they find your body, investigators would probably be confused at how you came ot be in that position.
I can relate to Tim here- when you show someone one of your favourite movies/songs/shows etc. and you end up watching them more than the movie to see whether they like it/ how they react.
Human eyes work by catching light that reflects off things, thus why looking into the sun is unwise. Staring at a screen is like a weaker version of doing that, and will eventually hurt your eyes, more so if your in a dark place where your eyes are trying to catch even more light. However her eyes glow so work some other way. She’s probably fine.
wished my girlfriend got that excited for scary movies :), at least I can always dream….. till freddy comes
Just wake up before the little girls reach “9, 10!”
So that’s Freddy down, I wonder about her reactions to Jason, Michael, Lecter, and the nameless zombie hordes (brain eating and non)
I love the fact as it goes on, she gets closer and closer and the lighting on her changes! Great job!
We may never know! I’m not stopping the story now so they can watch a bunch of movies. Gotta get things rolling again! XD
Just assume they watch lots of movies now.
Are there any horror movies that genuinely frighten her, or give her chills?
There’s a difference between Freddy/Jason style horror, and other more psychological horror films.
Hmmm… not too sure. She has a fairly tight control over her own fear. I’m sure it’d be something weird, or unexpected that sets her off.
Clowns? Hamsters? Simon Pegg?
Well, we’ve already seen she’s afraid of closets…
Not really afraid, it just rubs her the wrong way being shoved into somebody else’s territory.
Yeah, just wait till she starts watching Hellraiser.
I wish my gf would get scare of scary movies
And so Shadow finds out that a good way to learn about human fear is to see what we come up with to scare ourselves.
I just love the colouring of the 2nd and 3rd image !
Also, I admit I haven’t seen the Freddy movies, but aren’t they slasher movies ? Did Shadow just admit she wished she could kill people as easily as him ?
Oh, and Tim, don’t be so smug !
Yeah, they are slasher movies, but he does a lot of scary stuff to mess with people first. Shadow obviously wouldn’t kill anyone. I like to think that they were discussing stuff while watching, and generally having a good time.
I always thought that slasher movies were ones where it’s just a maniac (or maniacs) going around killing people (with no supernatural explanation). Am I wrong?
Hmmm… no, not really. When I think slasher movie I almost always jump to the big 3: A Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th and Halloween all of which have a supernatural element in them to varying degrees centering on an unstoppable killer.
Hmmm… no, not really. When I think slasher movie I almost always jump to the big 3: A Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th and Halloween all of which have a supernatural element in them to varying degrees centering on an unstoppable killer.
Not exactly. The premise behind them is that Freddie you in your dreams. If, for instance, you dream that he ran you over, your body is found on a road. But dream logic applies so even if something woudl be physically impossible in the real world, it would happen. It just means that, when they find your body, investigators would probably be confused at how you came ot be in that position.
I’ve only seen III.
I think that she wishes that she could make someone afraid of falling asleep.
And just like that, Shadow is a Robert England fangirl
This is very true!
He creates a monster… wait!
Ha… HAH!
I can relate to Tim here- when you show someone one of your favourite movies/songs/shows etc. and you end up watching them more than the movie to see whether they like it/ how they react.
Oh yeah, I get that!
well done
Ha. She can learn new scaring techniques from all those horror films
Don’t sit so close to the TV, Shadow. You’ll hurt your eyes.
Actually, I think THAT is a myth. XD
Human eyes work by catching light that reflects off things, thus why looking into the sun is unwise. Staring at a screen is like a weaker version of doing that, and will eventually hurt your eyes, more so if your in a dark place where your eyes are trying to catch even more light. However her eyes glow so work some other way. She’s probably fine.
Well, this explains the Halloween pic.
Retroactively, perhaps!
They are 10 watching movies i can´t watch with my 36…
Is that a good or a bad sign?
What’s your 36?
How is Tim not shattered and dead every morning if they have these long late night meet ups? XD
She doesn’t stay too long. This movie night might be her longest visit yet, just over 2 hours.