1 Spooky 2 me
2 Spooky 4 me
4 Spooky 8 me
8 Spooky 16 me
16 Spooky 32 me
32 Spooky 64 me
64 Spooky 128 me
128 Spooky 256 me
256 Spooky 512 me
512 Spooky 1024 me
1024 Spooky 2048 me
2048 Spooky 4096 me
4096 Spooky 8192 me
It all depends on how you view the equation, there are no definite directions on what the problem, so the possible solutions are infinite. I could say 2spooky420me and i’m still 100% correct, because i didn’t list what my formula was. Deriving an answer to an unanswerable question is just a directive of how you approach the question at hand.
As much as I adore the Nightmare series I will admit it isn’t the scariest, and have to wonder how Shadow will react to some of the really scary stuff…
Now if we were to introduce Shadow to the original Grudge, good old SLenderman via Marble Hornets, and some other stuff, Tim would probably need Midnight and a crowbar to detach Shadow.
She’ll have to be careful applying techniques from the movies. If she duplicates the words or actin too closely and the other person has seen the movie in question…
…Good Makers, Tim, what have you done?! This won’t end well for anybody, especially Tim once she gets to see some others… Xenomorph, Saw… Hell, even some of the creepypasta like Bong Chon Dong. It’s a big, scary world that’s just opened up for her.
On the other side, that kinda explains why Tim wasn’t so scared of seeing Midnight when they first met. If he’s a horror buff, she’d be Child’s Play for him. (Geddit?)
Also, since this is my first comment, I must say I’m incredibly impressed by the community you foster, Brandon. You’re a rare breed in this day and age, and I must commend you for that. Keep up the good work, and congratulations for top 10!
Thank you very much! I try to give everyone their dues.
Yeah, we’ll be seeing them watch a few movies now and then, so perhaps we’ll get some commentary. For now though, it’s about time to start the plot moving forward again!
Timmy seems to having a lot if fun watching her, and she looks like a kid on a candy store XD
loved the 3rd frame, she looks so adorable~
something says to me that in the future shadow will became “fear instructor” on Nox XDD
or at last will become some of the best on scaring humans over there ;P
It’s amazing what you can get online these day. Most people don’t even know what they have is real or just a replica. Most of what you can find may be real. He just hast to search the net to get it. =^.^=
love it…! (( the comic ))
@ Dr. Raven0 : dream control = dream magic.. sooo yes there’s books on controlling dreams ( it can be considered magic )
like everyone else ..: would love more art or comic release, BUT please do it at your own pace!! don’t burn yourself out ..
p.s. yours it the only comic i vote for,, i read bout 30 daily…
I… have no idea!
1 Spooky 2 me
2 Spooky 4 me
4 Spooky 8 me
8 Spooky 16 me
16 Spooky 32 me
32 Spooky 64 me
64 Spooky 128 me
128 Spooky 256 me
256 Spooky 512 me
512 Spooky 1024 me
1024 Spooky 2048 me
2048 Spooky 4096 me
4096 Spooky 8192 me
n spooky n+2 me… so you are terribly wrong
3spooky5me is 2spooky4me turned up to 11.
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? Nigel Tufnel
It all depends on how you view the equation, there are no definite directions on what the problem, so the possible solutions are infinite. I could say 2spooky420me and i’m still 100% correct, because i didn’t list what my formula was. Deriving an answer to an unanswerable question is just a directive of how you approach the question at hand.
Yep, definitely the first proper date!
Heh. Does that really count as a date?
yes, yes it does
Kinda feel disappointed that for two weeks I’ve seen short content.
Short content? Just cause they aren’t talking as much doesn’t mean things aren’t going on.
Hahaha, too cute, especially the close-up to the tv with the one fang sticking out. =D
And methinks Tim sleeps in school for a wee bit.
Hrmmm, Brandon, you might have some extra time around the holidays… The perfect time for some extra art. XD
Yeah, maybe…
Is it trouble that i can smell?
New human scaring methods vs old school methods…?
Quite possibly!
Well looks like Shadow found new inspiration source for scare tactics, also I think she will end up addicted towards TV.
Hmmm, yes and no.
And thus a Fangirl is born.
As much as I adore the Nightmare series I will admit it isn’t the scariest, and have to wonder how Shadow will react to some of the really scary stuff…
True, while it is rather over the top violent, it enters into a sort of nebulous goofy zone.
All the good series do. And thats why we love em.
Now if we were to introduce Shadow to the original Grudge, good old SLenderman via Marble Hornets, and some other stuff, Tim would probably need Midnight and a crowbar to detach Shadow.
Heh! Wouldn’t that be a sight?
Or better yet, introduce her to the original version of Ring. The quintessential in horror and scary… Oh god, I can see well-girl Shadow now…
That would be so awesome and downright horrifying! Can we get something like that to happen, it would be so awesome!
She’ll have to be careful applying techniques from the movies. If she duplicates the words or actin too closely and the other person has seen the movie in question…
Haha, yeah. This is true!
Super cute work man, super cute indeed!
Thanks man!
…Good Makers, Tim, what have you done?! This won’t end well for anybody, especially Tim once she gets to see some others… Xenomorph, Saw… Hell, even some of the creepypasta like Bong Chon Dong. It’s a big, scary world that’s just opened up for her.
On the other side, that kinda explains why Tim wasn’t so scared of seeing Midnight when they first met. If he’s a horror buff, she’d be Child’s Play for him. (Geddit?)
Also, since this is my first comment, I must say I’m incredibly impressed by the community you foster, Brandon. You’re a rare breed in this day and age, and I must commend you for that. Keep up the good work, and congratulations for top 10!
Thank you very much! I try to give everyone their dues.
Yeah, we’ll be seeing them watch a few movies now and then, so perhaps we’ll get some commentary. For now though, it’s about time to start the plot moving forward again!
Timmy seems to having a lot if fun watching her, and she looks like a kid on a candy store XD
loved the 3rd frame, she looks so adorable~
something says to me that in the future shadow will became “fear instructor” on Nox XDD
or at last will become some of the best on scaring humans over there ;P
NAILED IT! I knew she would love the movie
How could Tim forget the popcorn? You need a bowl of popcorn when you watch a movie.
Heh, it’s the middle of the night! XD That’d probably raise more questions.
Tim should give her a book on dream magic, that will make her day. =^.^=
That might be hard for a kid to get his hands on… if it was legit, anyway. XD
It’s amazing what you can get online these day. Most people don’t even know what they have is real or just a replica. Most of what you can find may be real. He just hast to search the net to get it. =^.^=
love it…! (( the comic ))
@ Dr. Raven0 : dream control = dream magic.. sooo yes there’s books on controlling dreams ( it can be considered magic )
like everyone else ..: would love more art or comic release, BUT please do it at your own pace!! don’t burn yourself out ..
p.s. yours it the only comic i vote for,, i read bout 30 daily…
I don’t care if 1000 people already said it. THIS IS HOW YOU IMPRESS A GIRL! ^_^
No surprise she eventually fell in love with him.