Question for you, Brandon. I assume that Shadow has been to other places in the human world during her work for the Bed Bugs besides just Tim’s house, but has she ever been outside?
Ok, hate to nit-pick, but the line is,”I’m your boyfriend now, Nancy.” What can I say, I’m a kruegergeek. And apparently, so is Shadow now. I’m picturing her inching closer and closer to the screen as the movie went on.
Considering my upbringing and generation, I’ve never really seen the movies that have been listed in these comments. I also now finally understand that South Park episode where there are a bunch of guys going into somebody’s dream and then Freddy shows up there.
As a side note Brandon, I reaaalllly love this webcomic already. I’ve always been a huge fan of developing love stories and I’m looking forward to some of the friction that is bound to happen between these two. Not only that but Shadow’s character design is very appealling. Her curiosity and naivety in the beginning and then her confidence and charm in the present time makes me very excited to read about the flashback plot.
I discovered this today and I am hooked! It’s such a perfect mix! Romance, drama, comedy, fantasy, and a hint of porn. I’ll keep close tabs on this. Nicely done!
Sweet, another new member to the horror club, and this one’s a monster. Just make sure Tim keeps her away from the SAW series. I say give her a few more classic before give her the tricky stuff. Nice page and reaction. Can’t wait for next week.
Woah, I just realized that she has “wings” in her hair. That must have taken some sculpting. Is her hair meant to look like plumes of flame, or wings or anything, or was that just a coincidence of creative design?
I’m still amazed that the parental units have not walked in yet. With all the ruckus coming from that bedroom, from fights to horror movies, I’m kinda curious as to how they have not come snooping yet.
A thought occurred when I was at work. What if Tim showed Shadow a wonderful sci-fi flick. That flick? E.T. the extra-terrestrial. I wonder how she will react, will she shed tears? So if Tim does show her that movie, on the safe side I have a feeling he will ask that Midnight see the movie at the same time. That way if Shadow does cry, Midnight shouldn’t be inclined to rip Tim’s spine out for making Shadow cry.
She’ll see lots of types of movies. She’s interested in all parts of human culture. Easing her into other genres, I believe the next film is Ghostbusters.
I love your comic, but I’m wondering if you are eventually going to have a NSFW section, because I would love to share this with others who may be sensitive to such content, and other web comics I enjoy, like Peter is the Wolf, have a separate thread where sexy (and explicit) scenes are replaced with alternates. Although if what has been shown so far is as heavy as it gets, it shouldn’t be a big deal.
I wasn’t planning on having a separate NSFW section… not even sure how that would work exactly. Whatever nudity is coming up won’t be much more explicit than what’s already been shown.
Question for you, Brandon. I assume that Shadow has been to other places in the human world during her work for the Bed Bugs besides just Tim’s house, but has she ever been outside?
No, she’s never been outside, yet.
Should be interesting the first time she does then, maybe she’ll get freaked out by the sky.
Maaaybe! ;-P
Ok, hate to nit-pick, but the line is,”I’m your boyfriend now, Nancy.” What can I say, I’m a kruegergeek. And apparently, so is Shadow now. I’m picturing her inching closer and closer to the screen as the movie went on.
Yes, yes it is. Fixed now.
Gah, it’s been a little while since I’ve watched it.
Considering my upbringing and generation, I’ve never really seen the movies that have been listed in these comments. I also now finally understand that South Park episode where there are a bunch of guys going into somebody’s dream and then Freddy shows up there.
As a side note Brandon, I reaaalllly love this webcomic already. I’ve always been a huge fan of developing love stories and I’m looking forward to some of the friction that is bound to happen between these two. Not only that but Shadow’s character design is very appealling. Her curiosity and naivety in the beginning and then her confidence and charm in the present time makes me very excited to read about the flashback plot.
I discovered this today and I am hooked! It’s such a perfect mix! Romance, drama, comedy, fantasy, and a hint of porn. I’ll keep close tabs on this. Nicely done!
Thank you! Glad you like it!
VCR what’s that?? Nah just kidding…..
I know what VCR is. And Laserdiss…like my original star wars trilogy laserdisc
Ahhh, nice. Before they ruined it by adding in all the extra crap.
I love how excited she is, getting closer to the T.V. and that massive smile at the end love it
Sweet, another new member to the horror club, and this one’s a monster. Just make sure Tim keeps her away from the SAW series. I say give her a few more classic before give her the tricky stuff. Nice page and reaction. Can’t wait for next week.
You probably get asked this a lot, buuuuut, any chance of moving to two comics a week? =D
Yes, I do. Not anytime soon, I’m afraid.
I wonder how Shadow would react to “Little Monsters” or “Monsters Inc.” Appalling perversions of her culture?
A fun prospect, but I’ll probably avoid it in order to not draw any comparisons. I get enough as it is. XD
maybe you should take it head on to let people know you’re aware of the comparison… people who don’t read the comments…
Just a thought.
We’ll see. There’s more important stuff coming up next anyhow.
I love her smile when she got close to the tv. It’s so cute!
Hehe, thanks!
Woah, I just realized that she has “wings” in her hair. That must have taken some sculpting. Is her hair meant to look like plumes of flame, or wings or anything, or was that just a coincidence of creative design?
They are supposed to look like horns so she can have a more imposing shadow in the dark… but it doesn’t really work once you actually see her.
I’m still amazed that the parental units have not walked in yet. With all the ruckus coming from that bedroom, from fights to horror movies, I’m kinda curious as to how they have not come snooping yet.
Maybe we’ll find out sometime!
A thought occurred when I was at work. What if Tim showed Shadow a wonderful sci-fi flick. That flick? E.T. the extra-terrestrial. I wonder how she will react, will she shed tears? So if Tim does show her that movie, on the safe side I have a feeling he will ask that Midnight see the movie at the same time. That way if Shadow does cry, Midnight shouldn’t be inclined to rip Tim’s spine out for making Shadow cry.
She’ll see lots of types of movies. She’s interested in all parts of human culture. Easing her into other genres, I believe the next film is Ghostbusters.
Maybe it’s a stretch but wouldn’t that be like pornographic for her
Eh? No… movies don’t have pheromones.
I love your comic, but I’m wondering if you are eventually going to have a NSFW section, because I would love to share this with others who may be sensitive to such content, and other web comics I enjoy, like Peter is the Wolf, have a separate thread where sexy (and explicit) scenes are replaced with alternates. Although if what has been shown so far is as heavy as it gets, it shouldn’t be a big deal.
I wasn’t planning on having a separate NSFW section… not even sure how that would work exactly. Whatever nudity is coming up won’t be much more explicit than what’s already been shown.
basically this is how it works on PitW:
one link for NSFW, and one that is.
Ahh… well, I’m not really planning on doing that. What you see is what you get I’m afraid.
That’s perfectly fine, I just didn’t want to have to start any shared link with a trigger warning